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Former Member


…with social cohesion

Ever since the new Government threw out its “social cohesion” bait, it seems to’ve confused most Guyanese – including its putative partners in the AFC. Part of the problem is the Government’s not sure at what level it should make its pitch. The “social” level? Meaning that should just get together and hang? And maybe sway with upraised arms to some smarmy music?

But Guyanese do that all the time, don’t they? And they used to do it “till morning come” until some party-pooper Minister issued a Royal proclamation that henceforth no partying can go beyond 2 am. That’s been the biggest setback to “social cohesion” since bad breath. Adhesion precedes “cohesion” no? And by 2 am you’re barely getting into your groove to adhere to the object of your attention, since you entered the club at midnight, HOW THE HECK ARE YOU GOING TO INCREASE social cohesion this way?

Economics is a part of the “social”, right? So maybe the Government’s hoping to increase economic cohesion? Well the Ministers in general – and the Minister of Amerindian Affairs in particular – sure picked a funny way (NOT “ha ha” funny) to increase social cohesion with their mass firings. So Amerindians are supposed to “cohere” by comforting the 10% of their workforce fired by their Minister?

Political cohesion? Was it reverse psychology to take back control of the Committees so the present Opposition can’t enjoy what the Government did when they were the Opposition? Or to appoint Nagamootoo to head the negotiations with the PPP on “national unity”. That’s like appointing the Klu Klux Klan to negotiate with the British Government for Reparations for Africans?

Nagamootoo HATES the fellas in the PPP! He’s convinced they did him wrong! Deprived him from running this country and having that fat pension (and benefits, let’s not forget the benefits!) that President Granger’s going to be collecting soon. And then again, how do you have “political cohesion” when the fella telling you to sign on the dotted line has been banished so far from the centre of power that he might’ve just as well be in…Well…Berbice! With Ramaya?

And just when this Eyewitness thought the confusion over “social confusion” couldn’t get worse, up comes the President himself – who must’ve coined the term, no? – to tell the PPP not to worry about Nagamootoo with his call for “national unity”. The President implied this was too wide ranging and proposed that the PPP shouldn’t bother burdening themselves with “power sharing”.

They should just help the Government with crime, sugar and rice. Areas they’re doing so well with.

Ain’t this “social cohesion” thing a blast


…on schools and postal codes

This Eyewitness wonders what’s happened to the old PNC. This present lot seems to have jettisoned its institutional memory when they ditched Robert Corbin. OK. He knows that Granger was there back in the day…but then he was probably marching up and down in the sun that he missed all the goings on back at the Belfield Residence.

When Burnham named the new Secondary School on East Coast “Presidents College” (after the Queens Board turned him down cold) he didn’t append his name on it for a very good reason. Through his 1980 Constitution and the rigging of elections, Burnham had made himself President FOR LIFE. Adding his name would’ve been redundant!

Then there’s this call for the Post Office to introduce postal zip codes. Say what??!! Burnham did all of that back in the day. The Regional Codes was the preface to a seven digit code.

Didn’t Dereck Bernard leave his notes with someone?


…on venom

The Health Ministry says it’s out of anti-venom. They should check with Nagamootoo. To counteract the venom for Jagdeo and the PPP that consumes his entire being, his body’s full of the stuff.

Problem is, he’s also full of the other stuff. Nasty!!

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