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Former Member

APNU-AFC too busy sorting out themselves- Granger admits they’re yet to agree on common programme





A Partnership of National Unity(APNU) leader David Granger recently reminded us of what we had always known - the APNU/AFC “coalition” is all a lie and a farce! Granger recently acknowledged that after months of “negotiations” and another month of “campaigning” all APNU and AFC were able to “agree” on was how to split a hypothetical result from the upcoming elections. The coalition, according to its leader is yet to agree on a common programme!


You’d think they’d win the elections because of their programme, no? No! Instead Nagamootoo will bring his 11 per cent Indians and Granger his 40 per cent Africans/Mixed and they win.


extracted from

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Originally Posted by Conscience:

APNU-AFC too busy sorting out themselves- Granger admits they’re yet to agree on common programme





A Partnership of National Unity(APNU) leader David Granger recently reminded us of what we had always known - the APNU/AFC “coalition” is all a lie and a farce! Granger recently acknowledged that after months of “negotiations” and another month of “campaigning” all APNU and AFC were able to “agree” on was how to split a hypothetical result from the upcoming elections. The coalition, according to its leader is yet to agree on a common programme!


You’d think they’d win the elections because of their programme, no? No! Instead Nagamootoo will bring his 11 per cent Indians and Granger his 40 per cent Africans/Mixed and they win.


extracted from

They are campaigning to kick your ass and still you aim to pass on the lie that the combined opposition is a farce! Let them worry about the composition of their leadership as they have already met the legal criteria.


Nobody believes PPP propaganda website newguymedia anyway. Evidenced by the amount of people who showed up to listen to the head of newguymedia in Berbice.




Last edited by Mars
Originally Posted by Mars:

Nobody believes PPP propaganda website newguymedia anyway. Evidenced by the amount of people who showed up to listen to the head of newguymedia in Berbice.





Massive turnout for PPP public meeting

in Stanleytown with featured speaker Kwame McCoy.






With this Crowd

it is up to

67 percent

Or More...

DE Hydro Seed Engineer

 talking about

the Load of Shit in His Pampers


Originally Posted by RiffRaff: need to chill with posting the same thing on multiple threads

Ow Buddy. Leave Kindergarten Pickney nah. Dem Picha nice, nice.  Ghee the Child a Star


The thing is temporary like the UF an means to an end. It is what it is. Past performance is all the guide you need. It ain't the stock market. So you only need system 1 of the brain to figure i out.

Originally Posted by RiffRaff: need to chill with posting the same thing on multiple threads


Councie claims....Confusion in AFC/APNU Camp

What I have posted on this thread shows where the confusion is.

Is that now a GNI Federal Crime?

If you need Guidance ask Amral....


Councie is just Complaining because

I am exposing the PPP mistake

to put Kwame on their Election Platform.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff: need to chill with posting the same thing on multiple threads


Councie claims....Confusion in AFC/APNU Camp

What I have posted on this thread shows where the confusion is.

Is that now a GNI Federal Crime?

If you need Guidance ask Amral....


Councie is just Complaining because

I am exposing the PPP mistake

to put Kwame on their Election Platform.

Why would I ask Amral? 

I am asking nicely you not to post the same picture over and over and over again on multiple topics...I ask the same of everyone else

Nothing wrong with posting pictures, but after the first 5 times, i think most of us get the idea

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff: need to chill with posting the same thing on multiple threads


Councie claims....Confusion in AFC/APNU Camp

What I have posted on this thread shows where the confusion is.

Is that now a GNI Federal Crime?

If you need Guidance ask Amral....


Councie is just Complaining because

I am exposing the PPP mistake

to put Kwame on their Election Platform.

Why would I ask Amral? 

I am asking nicely you not to post the same picture over and over and over again on multiple topics...I ask the same of everyone else

Nothing wrong with posting pictures, but after the first 5 times, i think most of us get the idea


And I explain More...Nicely....

I am sure the Boss think so....

So Nothing wrong....

If you feel insulted by asking the Boss....

Ask me I will explain further for you.....


The Boss is mature and understand these things...

He Understand why it is Important to keep

Guyana History as Documented by our Ambassador

featured prominently on GNI....


I know you do not like it.....

But what can you do....


Erase what the Ambassador wrote

about a Certain Period in Guyana's History?


So do not get Confused or Carried away

like DEm PPP Top Boys Councie & Kwame. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Conscience:

APNU-AFC too busy sorting out themselves- Granger admits they’re yet to agree on common programme





A Partnership of National Unity(APNU) leader David Granger recently reminded us of what we had always known - the APNU/AFC “coalition” is all a lie and a farce! Granger recently acknowledged that after months of “negotiations” and another month of “campaigning” all APNU and AFC were able to “agree” on was how to split a hypothetical result from the upcoming elections. The coalition, according to its leader is yet to agree on a common programme!


You’d think they’d win the elections because of their programme, no? No! Instead Nagamootoo will bring his 11 per cent Indians and Granger his 40 per cent Africans/Mixed and they win.


extracted from

The AFC has been disorganized and fighting among themselves from day one. 

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Conscience, it is time the PPP stop copying and pasting ideas metaphorically and physically.

It is time the crooks and thieves in Freedom House stop stealing ideas from APNU+AFC. Stealing taxpayer's money and national resources is bad enough. Don't steal ideas too.


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