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Former Member

For standing up toe to toe against a PNC cabal. Bharat played his card 100 percent when he told his supporters and all Guyanese NOT to attack Claudette. Freddie mentioned this in KN. Smart political move, that paves the way for her out of this mess.

Time for celebration without attacking anyone who supported the PNC or other parties. PPP will become a government for all Guyanese.

Granger will be scorned by historians for leading a cabal which was hellbent on rigging. Thanks to Jagdeo and the legal minds in PPP who demonstrated that you can defeat the PPP without a punch thrown !

It's important for the PPP to reassure PNC supporters that there will be no witch hunt except for fraudsters like Mingo and a few others. Justice must be swift and heavy. No person must be allowed to pull this off again in Guyanese History.

Lets take it one day at a time and celebrate with humility.

Long Live Dr. Ali and Dr. Jagdeo. Long live Democracy !


Lesson: Cheddi Jagan would have rolled over and let PNC rig but Indos of today are Jagdeo type Indos. They don't roll over.

Sorry, Rochelle, I admire your faith in PNC bu they lost and their behaviour will keep them in opposition for another 15 years. Guyana has changed and a section of Afros and Mixed are the new swing voters. They lost because they ran a purely race based campaign.

Thank you Caricom, ABCE, Trump administration, Carter Centre, Commonwealth and the smaller parties.

Sean the Man ! We won !!!!

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Ms. Bibi Shadick fought along side Sase and Benn for the votes to be counted.  These three people bare the brunt of the harassment from the APNU/AFC thugs at GECOM.  Let's never forget what these three people endured at the GECOM Headquarter to protect the votes of the Guyanese people.  Ms. Shadick as an elderly woman did what most people would dare not doing - facing down the worst of the worst of APNU/AFC lawless intimidators .

Billy Ram Balgobin
@Former Member posted:

The world was watching her. She had all her ducks in a row to confront the PNC GECOM commissioners. Granger must be really disappointed he chose her.

You heard what Cousin Hammie said in Linden.  The only good Indian is a dead one.   They don't need people like Tota and Tola and the rest of the anglosaxon coolies who wants to be black.


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