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Teen of Guyanese parentage accepted to 30 US colleges


– offered $1M in scholarships

Getting accepted into 30 colleges across the United States with a US$1M in scholarships is no easy feat.

Saniya Gajadhar was accepted by thirty colleges across the United States

For 17-year-old Saniya Gajadhar, a New Yorker born to Guyanese parents, it took dedication, drive, consistency and of course, a solid support system at home and school.
The High School for Community Leadership senior is the proud daughter of Christina Ramrattan and Roopnarine Gajadhar.
She said, however, that it was her grandparents, Rajindrah and Vadewattie Ramrattan, who were the first to achieve the American dream.
“My maternal grandfather was born in Fyrish Village (Corentyne, Berbice) and came to this country with just little to his name. Together with my grandmother, he worked to establish a successful electrical contracting company,” Gajadhar explained.
And though, her family left Guyana so long ago, they remain close-knitted.
Gajadhar shares a home with her parents and maternal grandparents. “I think, it’s a cultural thing because most kids at school only live with their parents. As a kid, I never understood this but I wouldn’t have it any other way,” she said.
Speaking about her achievement, Gajadhar said though she has never been to her parents’ homeland, she hopes to visit Guyana someday soon.
She recalled the joy, opening all those acceptance letters brought to her family. She said it brought her immense satisfaction knowing her grandparents were there to witness.
“We were all so happy. My mom and my grandmother cried a bit when we saw how many schools wanted me.”
The teen was accepted by several top schools in the United States including University of Michigan, University of Kansas, Michigan State University, Arizona State University, Pennsylvania University and Syracuse University, and St. John’s University.

Saniya Gajadhar and members of the boys’ basketball team

Still not quite over the excitement of completing High School, Gajadhar is already committed to studying at St. John’s University.
She explained that the school is not just closer to her family, it also offers courses in sports management and business—two subjects for which she aims to have a career.
“My dream is to become a sports lawyer or agent but I definitely want a career in sport management and I also want a law degree so that’s what I am aiming for,” she said.
She explained that sports management has been close to her heart ever since she fell in love with doing in it in High School.
“I was always good at school but I didn’t play sport because of my asthma…then my high school coach Mr. Robert Jones encouraged me to get involved. He offered to let me manage the boys’ basketball team, I took up the challenge, researched as much as could about it and I have loved it ever since.”
Gajadhar noted that her work with the boys’ basketball team boosted her confidence and helped her decide on a career path early on.
“It‘s something I never knew I wanted to do until I tried it.”
She also sees the need for more female representation in the sports industry.
“I think that’s part of why I want to be in sports management because it is a very male-dominated field so there is definitely need for more females to break the glass ceiling.”
In the meantime, Gajadhar who is expected to graduate from St. John’s in 2025, hopes that other girls would follow her footsteps and aim for careers that they are most passionate about.
“I would advise other little girls, to follow their dreams no matter how big or small.”(Rehanna Ramsay)

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Good for her. My eldest just graduated College, she went on a full merit scholarship. My 17 year old starts this year with a 50 percent merit scholarship.

Ray your son graduated this year, right?

@alena06 posted:

Good for her. My eldest just graduated College, she went on a full merit scholarship. My 17 year old starts this year with a 50 percent merit scholarship.

Ray your son graduated this year, right?

yep...he is going for a second more year

@kp posted:

Teen of Guyanese parentage accepted to 30 US colleges


– offered $1M in scholarships

Getting accepted into 30 colleges across the United States with a US$1M in scholarships is no easy feat.

Saniya Gajadhar was accepted by thirty colleges across the United States

er footsteps and aim for careers that they are most passionate about.
“I would advise other little girls, to follow their dreams no matter how big or small.”(Rehanna Ramsay)

What is so impressive about this story.? 

I congratulate her on her academic and basketball skills, but anyone can get in to as many colleges as they applied for. Its not like she got into Ivy League Universities. And, incidentally, those scholorship money are the results of adding up all the offer she got. Much of it is in college tuition.

Impressive would be if a person gets into 7 Ivy League that would be a story...and wants to study some difficult subject matter like nano-technology or neuroscience...

So you knuckleheads need to stop with this nonsense.


@Prashad posted:

Nice to see this. The only thing Prashad got from the military college was a rifle and an order to guard the buildings  at night in the cold and snow.

Did they retrain you to live in society again?


VishMohabir wrote:

Impressive would be if a person gets into 7 Ivy League that would be a story...and wants to study some difficult subject matter like nano-technology or neuroscience...

So you knuckleheads need to stop with this nonsense.

I don't believe you are dissing the girl like that.

Last edited by Django
@Ramakant-P posted:

VishMohabir wrote:

Impressive would be if a person gets into 7 Ivy League that would be a story...and wants to study some difficult subject matter like nano-technology or neuroscience...

So you knuckleheads need to stop with this nonsense.

I don't believe you are dissing the girl like that.

Rama can't pee do you have the money to go to any of the Universities that offered this girl free scholarships ?

Last edited by Django

This would never happen to a black person in Canada.

She never excelled in any sport but received sports scholarships because of her Leadership qualities  and her  passionate enthusiasm to succeed.


This would never happen to a black person in Canada.

Canadian universities don't give scholarships like these. They give only partial scholarships especially for athletes. Canadian universities are on the hold much cheaper than American universities.

@Prashad posted:

Rama can't pee do you have the money to go to any of the Universities that offered this girl free scholarships ?

You are an idiot. Your writing tells it all.   You can't speak and write   grammatically correct English.

@Ramakant-P posted:

You are an idiot. Your writing tells it all.   You can't speak and write   grammatically correct English.

Ease up on Prashad. He will have one of those fair-skinned Arabs declare a fatwah on you. Be careful now.

@cain posted:

What derass Canadà did to you for you to come up with such nonsense?

Cain in many ways Canada is way more racist than the States. The racism is hidden there.

Last edited by Prashad
@Prashad posted:

Cain in many ways Canada is way more racist than the States. The racism is hidden there.

Racism is never good. But ayoooo should stop overplaying white racism.  We escaped Black racism and was offered sanctuary by the Whites.  There will be racism, backlash etc. but when you bring value, you are valued. 

In a Black Country, chances you will be plundered, exploited, looted, then kicked in the teeth. 

My first encounter with racism in America was with two Blacks when I started working at a tax company on Main Street, East Orange.

A Black guy told me we are taking their jobs away. I told him why not apply as there were openings.  Then he admitted he didn’t graduate high school.

Another was an older black woman who said she don’t want to deal with accent. 

I must say though, when I told the other staff, they were livid.


Oh skites, Dictator Ray is gone, power went to his head.   We have Knucklehead VishMahabir to entertain us. Hahaha           

Last edited by Former Member

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