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March 6 2020


Dear Editor,

Our party The Cooperative Republicans of Guyana (CRG) would like to congratulate the new government on its success at the polls and we look forward to working with them over the years ahead as the opportunities to do so arise.

May the motto of our great Nation “One People, One Nation, One Destiny” lead them and the new Parliament in its daily actions. Guiding their decision making for the benefit of all Guyanese independent of race, gender or political party affiliation. May they also be guided by their integrity & honesty so that they may avoid the pitfalls of corruption and greed. Thus allowing them to focus first and foremost on the best interest of Guyana and all of its people.

Yours faithfully,

 Jamil Changlee


The Cooperative Republicans of Guyana

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Is Jamil Paglee really paglee? Where is the new government? When did GECOM announce that a political party had won the election? Did this moron hit his head on the penis of CUFFY's statute? Obviously he is one of the PNC can do no wrong followers, the likes of what you see on social media praising Lowenfield and Mingo and vulgarizing any Indian posting a rebuke or correcting the facts.


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