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@Rochelle:  The RO has the direction to restart or continue the tabulation but GECOM has the ultimate discretion on who can be in the room during the count. 

Does the above mean that the PNC ROs can bully the other parties and not allow any opposition members to witness the count? Are you again advocating fraud and crookedness on the side of YOUR PNC?



LIVE: Chief Justice rules declaration for Region Four was unlawful

Acting Chief Justice Roxane George-Wiltshire today ruled that there had been substantial non-compliance by the Returning Officer for Region Four Clairmont Mingo in his purported declaration of of results for Region Four and the results are therefore null and void and vacated.


Listen below.




She also ordered that the Guyana Elections Commission cannot declare a final result until the declaration for Region Four is properly done.


She ruled that the process required for the declaration should begin by tomorrow at 11 am.

The CJ’s ruling would be seen as a major victory for the opposition but questions still remain as to what process will now be followed by Mingo to satisfy concerns about an accurate declaration for Region Four . Region Four is pivotal to the final outcome of the elections.

Acting Chief Justice Roxane George-Wiltshire delivers her ruling on the case seeking full verification of the vote count for Region Four at last Monday’s general and regional elections.

Responses Following the Chief Justice’s Ruling:




@kp: Bai, I would not have this old imbecile Neil Boston represent me in a traffic court. Just imagine the magistrate sentences someone to 3 months in jail and Boston shouts, "no your honor, give him 9 mos". If someone is assigned Boston as a public defender, he or she should tell the judge/magistrate that he or she does not want a trial. Send him/her to jail. Eliminate the stress, cruel and inhumane punishment.


Watch Singh disappear again tomorrow. Mingo will complain that he goadie hurting he tomorrow and Lowenfield will call in the police again. Lots of fireworks tomorrow at Gecom. 
Ray will be busy again parting big big fights tomorrow. 
Thank God that we don’t have DJ around tomorrow to delete PPP members posts.

Last edited by Former Member

Chief Justice nullifies Region 4 votes declaration

In one of several court orders delivered this afternoon, Chief Justice Roxane George has nullified the declaration made by Region Four Returning Officer, Clairmont Mingo in respect to votes obtained by political parties in that electoral district for the March 02 General and Region Elections.

In making the declaration, the Chief Justice held that Mingo fell into β€œserious non compliance” with Section 84 of the Representation of the People Act. The declaration was hereby set aside and vacated by the court.

The Chief Justice also held that any acts done pursuant to that declaration is null, void and of no legal effect.


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