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Cobra posted:
kp posted:
Gilbakka posted:

APNU+AFC is a democratically elected government that got the votes of more than 50 percent of the electorate in free, fair and credible elections according to the reputable Carter Center and other international observers. 

The ABC countries organized a regime change, why gecom did not do a recount as requested, that election was not fair and credible. Why did Carter left before the ballots counted, he claimed he was sick, yet the next day he addressed a meeting in Atlanta. Carter works for the CIA.

The election was rigged:

The election was rigged. The Guyanese voters were disenfranchised. The ABC countries are good for installing dictators in country's that they want to influenced and maintain their third world status. They knew that Granger would suck up to them and run the country down. Granger was trying to get advance money for the oil under the ocean, but he failed because they don't trust him.

Poor fella. Who installed dictator Jagdeo?

Brian Teekah posted:
Gilbakka posted:

APNU+AFC is a democratically elected government that got the votes of more than 50 percent of the electorate in free, fair and credible elections according to the reputable Carter Center and other international observers. 

Well you are right, they got 50.3% of the votes and they want to operate like they own 100% of the voters. What a Joke Uncle Gil.

And when the PPP won 49% of the votes and wanted to rule as if they won 100%, what did you say?

NOTHING!  Payback is a bytch!

Kari posted:

. The good thing is that it's only been a year, but by bejeezus, wake up Coalition!!

That is why people are saying that they voted for Change and not Exchange.

I am not surprised, given how we saw how Granger ran the PNC.  He surrounds himself with a narrow cadre of associates, picked not for competence, but for loyalty, and he shuts every one else out.

This will come back to bite him, as those who voted for them aren't docile as are those who vote for the PPP.

Cobra posted:
kp posted:
Gilbakka posted:

APNU+AFC is a democratically elected government that got the votes of more than 50 percent of the electorate in free, fair and credible elections according to the reputable Carter Center and other international observers. 

The ABC countries organized a regime change, why gecom did not do a recount as requested, that election was not fair and credible. Why did Carter left before the ballots counted, he claimed he was sick, yet the next day he addressed a meeting in Atlanta. Carter works for the CIA.

The election was rigged:

The election was rigged. The Guyanese voters were disenfranchised. The ABC countries are good for installing dictators in country's that they want to influenced and maintain their third world status. They knew that Granger would suck up to them and run the country down. Granger was trying to get advance money for the oil under the ocean, but he failed because they don't trust him.

Even as the coalition gov't disappoints many, idiots like you ensure that they might well win again in 2020.

Accept the will of the people in 2011, and in 2015 when the majority votes AGAINST the PPP.

When the PNC was crying about rigged elections you all told them to accept the facts. 

The SAME people who certified that the 2001 and 2006 elections were free and fair said the same thing about the 2011, and the 2015 results.

caribny posted:
Kari posted:

. The good thing is that it's only been a year, but by bejeezus, wake up Coalition!!

That is why people are saying that they voted for Change and not Exchange.

I am not surprised, given how we saw how Granger ran the PNC.  He surrounds himself with a narrow cadre of associates, picked not for competence, but for loyalty, and he shuts every one else out.

This will come back to bite him, as those who voted for them aren't docile as are those who vote for the PPP.

I agree with you.  Granger has to pivot from running the campaign to get elected to running the nation.  I understand the need for political payback, but he must ensure he has the right decision-makers, not just cronies!!

caribny posted:
Brian Teekah posted:
Gilbakka posted:

APNU+AFC is a democratically elected government that got the votes of more than 50 percent of the electorate in free, fair and credible elections according to the reputable Carter Center and other international observers. 

Well you are right, they got 50.3% of the votes and they want to operate like they own 100% of the voters. What a Joke Uncle Gil.

And when the PPP won 49% of the votes and wanted to rule as if they won 100%, what did you say?

NOTHING!  Payback is a bytch!

And therein lies the core of the Guyana for 50 years.  Let's celebrate 50 years of "payback is a bytch"!!  At least we are being honest!!

ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
Kari posted:

. The good thing is that it's only been a year, but by bejeezus, wake up Coalition!!

That is why people are saying that they voted for Change and not Exchange.

I am not surprised, given how we saw how Granger ran the PNC.  He surrounds himself with a narrow cadre of associates, picked not for competence, but for loyalty, and he shuts every one else out.

This will come back to bite him, as those who voted for them aren't docile as are those who vote for the PPP.

I agree with you.  Granger has to pivot from running the campaign to get elected to running the nation.  I understand the need for political payback, but he must ensure he has the right decision-makers, not just cronies!!

Remember this next time you wail that I am a PNC supporter.

ba$eman posted:

And therein lies the core of the Guyana for 50 years.  Let's celebrate 50 years of "payback is a bytch"!!  At least we are being honest!!

Why not lets us find out what is good among Guyanese, and celebrate that? Like our rich and diverse culture, and the fact that most of us are decent, and hard working people, who have survived despite the disaster that we have endured under the PPP and the PNC for 60 years.

I know Jamaicans who are rabid PPP, and others who are rabid Laborites.  BOTH celebrated their 50th, and it mattered not who was in power because they are JAMAICANS.

Guyanese, as a fractured people, need to celebrate ourselves.  Bajans, who aren't, have less need to.


The coalition find it difficult to cope with national disunity on its first year in government. Granger took the opportunity to blame his regime failure on national development. Did he missed something? Well, this is what the Guyanese people will have to expect for the next four years. Excuses and blaming the PPP/Indians for not participating. You make you bed, sleep on it. 

Gilbakka posted:

Today marks one year since general elections in Guyana resulted in victory for the coalition. It has been a year of ups and downs. Coalition supporters are disappointed that some election promises remain unfulfilled to date but are glad the PPP is out of power. It is hoped that the coalition will make good on its promises during the next 4 years in office.

Today has been declared a National Day of Reflection in Guyana under the theme "Reflect, Celebrate, Inspire". This indicates that the government is willing to reflect on its performance during the past 12 months and to inspire confidence among the population. 

Unfortunately the DOWNS have been more than the UPS.  Coalition supporters have to be really dumb to believe that that it is better to have the PPP out of power than have a new government who does not deliver on election promises.  They will spend the rest of their term reflecting and nothing will get done!!

alena06 posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Today marks one year since general elections in Guyana resulted in victory for the coalition. It has been a year of ups and downs. Coalition supporters are disappointed that some election promises remain unfulfilled to date but are glad the PPP is out of power. It is hoped that the coalition will make good on its promises during the next 4 years in office.

Today has been declared a National Day of Reflection in Guyana under the theme "Reflect, Celebrate, Inspire". This indicates that the government is willing to reflect on its performance during the past 12 months and to inspire confidence among the population. 

Unfortunately the DOWNS have been more than the UPS.  Coalition supporters have to be really dumb to believe that that it is better to have the PPP out of power than have a new government who does not deliver on election promises.  They will spend the rest of their term reflecting and nothing will get done!!

Thank you for your contribution, alena06. 


The coalition has just completed 20% of their term, one would asked, what was achieved, what had changed. Well I noticed the coalition supporters already sounding as though the elected term has changed to 4 years, because the slate is blank.The PNC has insulted the intelligence of the electorate, they over promised and never deliver, they said the PPP thief and rob the treasury, yet they find money in abundance to take[thief] 50% raise, they brought doom and gloom to Thousands of Sugar and Rice workers, who are these workers, INDIANS. Can somebody tell me  what have they done to create employment in the past 365 days???

alena06 posted:
.  Coalition supporters have to be really dumb to believe that that it is better to have the PPP out of power than have a new government who does not deliver on election promises.  They will spend the rest of their term reflecting and nothing will get done!!

The problem is that the coalition supporters think that the coalition gov't is AS BAD as, instead of better than.  They say they voted for CHANGE and NOT EXCHANGE1

If APNU AFC are the same as the PPP, rest assured, they aren't voting PPP.

kp posted:

.. Can somebody tell me  what have they done to create employment in the past 365 days???

Can you tell me what the PPP did to create employment in 8,395 days?

The PPP was so embarrassed that they refused to disclose what the unemployment rate was.

We know it must have been bad, giving the thousands of Guyanese swarming all over the Caribbean, doing work that the locals refused to do, at pay rates that the locals found hilarious. 

A Bajan woman told a PPP supporter, who tried to chat her up, that he needs to haul his ass until he begins to earn "big man" pay.  She told him that he should be embarrassed to let people know the little peanuts he was getting paid.  Poor man, knowing what he was paid in Guyana, was so proud to disclose a salary that was 5X higher.


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