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May 16th 2015

His Excellency President Brigadier David Granger,
President of the Republic of Guyana,
President's Office,
Shiv Chanderpaul Drive,

Dear Mr. President,

The Central Islamic Organisation of Guyana (CIOG), its President, Deputy President and Executives wish to express our sincere congratulations to you on the assumption of the Presidency of the Republic of Guyana. We send our warm congratulations to the members of the APNU-AFC coalition on the victory at the 2015 polls.

As you embark upon your new and challenging responsibilities, we wish to assure you and your administration of our continued friendship, and our support for all humanitarian causes, the sick, elderly, poor, homeless, disabled, the orphans and all other causes that demand our sympathetic interest to which we subscribe. It is our considered opinion that you are blessed by the Almighty at a critical time in Guyana’s history to be given the mantle of leadership that augers well for the unification of our nation and the healing of the divisions that engrossed our political landscape.

We look forward Sir, with the Help of God in working with you and your administration to developing a close relationship that will concert our efforts in the cause of peace, the eradication of poverty, and the achievement of brotherhood for all the citizenry of Guyana.


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