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Muneshwers employees charged with embezzling over $50M


Muneshwers employees charged with embezzling over $50M


0 comments, 17/01/2014, by , in Crime, Other Stories


Bibi Twahida Ali. [iNews' Photo]

Bibi Twahida Ali. [iNews' Photo]

Three employees of Muneshwers Limited appeared before Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry today facing separate charges of embezzlement.

Subrina Rahamat of Well Road North Ruimveldt, pleaded not guilty to three counts of embezzlement, particulars of which alleged that being employed as a Clerk at Muneshwers Limited, she embezzled the sum total of $223,972, cash taking into possession by her in the name of her employer between January 13 and July 1, 2013 at Georgetown.



Bibi Twahida Ali also denied the allegations, which stated that between April 1 and 28, 2013, at Georgetown, being employed as a Clerk, she embezzled the sum of $218,700 cash.


The third defendant, Bibi Shiroon Ali, also pleaded not guilty to the charges which alleged that between April 22 and October 4, 2013 at Georgetown, being employed as a Clerk, she embezzled the sum of $188, 126 from the company.


Subrina Rahamat. [iNews' Photo]

Subrina Rahamat. [iNews' Photo]


The trio was represented by Attorney – at – Law, Nigel Hughes who requested that his clients be granted bail. He told the court that Rahamat has been employed with the Muneshwers for almost seven years with an unblemished record.


As it relates to the other two accused, Hughes told the Court that they are sisters residing at Industry, East Coast Demerara and that they were placed on $100,000 each station bail since October and has been reporting at the Eve Leary Police Station.



Police Prosecutor, Bharat Mangru objected to bail stating that investigations are ongoing and the defendants are expected to receive more charges, informing the court that in excess of $50M was embezzled by the women.


Bibi Shiroon Ali. [iNews' Photo]

Bibi Shiroon Ali. [iNews' Photo]

However, the objection was overruled the defendants were granted $150,000 bail each. The case will call again on February 21.


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Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Them girl must be underpaid to do a thing like that. Ask Nehru what he think.

ask me what nehru is.a bareface thief he is probably thinking how he can get a cut

I does thief  a Lil bit here and there but it gat nothing to do with money.

Ok, we will discuss all about thieving when we reach up next weekend. Make sure you bring some of that thieving money to buy beers.


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