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Jagdeo new PPP General Secretary.

January 7,2017 Source

Former President Bharrat Jagdeo was today elected General Secretary (GS) of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) positioning him to determine the path of the party and opening the way for him to run again as President.

No statement has been issued as yet by the party but Stabroek News was told that Jagdeo, the Leader of the Opposition, won election for GS by a comfortable majority.

The constitution contains a two-term limit but a court ruling by former Chief Justice Ian Chang appears to have cleared the way for a third term run.  This decision is to be challenged.

This is the first time that Jagdeo has held the post of GS of the PPP, the leader of the party. Observers also see his decision to contest for the post as an attempt to further secure himself in the face of a number of investigations that the APNU+AFC government has launched including the one pertaining to the Pradoville housing scheme.

On December 21, Jagdeo had not ruled out contesting for the position of General Secretary of the party.Responding to a question at a press conference, Jagdeo said: “Those are issues that we will discuss at the party level. Whenever the time comes, you will know about it.”Jagdeo secured the most votes (718) for the party’s Central Committee (CC), in which 35 members were elected. The elections were conducted during the party’s 31st Congress held at the Cotton Field Secondary School, Essequibo Coast from December 17 to 19.

Jagdeo came out 98 votes ahead of the second placed Frank Anthony (620), giving him a mandate to take the reins of the party if he wanted it. Long-serving executive member and current opposition Chief Whip, Gail Teixeira (583) emerged third in the voting.The theme for the Congress was: ‘Strengthen the Party, Defend Democracy, Onward to Victory.’With the PPP having lost power following the 2015 general elections, the three-day congress at Cotton Field, Essequibo was seen as not only vital to repositioning the party to challenge the governing APNU+AFC coalition but also to deciding which of its leaders would steer the campaign.At the last Congress held in 2013 at Port Mourant, Berbice, former GS of the PPP, Donald Ramotar had earned the top spot (886 votes) and was followed closely by Jagdeo (851 votes).
It came as no surprise that Jagdeo won the most votes this time around and observers said that since he remained interested in a third term as president, the GS post would be a perfect platform for him.

The former GS is Clement Rohee who secured the position in 2013 after Ramotar, who was then president, declined to serve another term.Anil Nandlall (548) dropped from the fourth spot he gained three years ago to fifth with Ramotar (570) placing fourth.Rohee (522) who had placed tenth at the last congress moved to sixth; Ganga Persaud (512), who had placed twelfth, made it to the seventh spot and Irfaan Ali (511) who placed fifteenth in 2013 came at number eight at this election.When asked if he would like to retain the post as GS, Rohee told Stabroek News on December 21, “of course.” But he too said that it was “for the party to decide” whether or not that would be the case.Voting at this year’s congress would have been pivotal to the contenders for the GS post as they would have had to get as many of their supporters as possible on the CC to influence the vote for GS when it is held sometime in the New Year. Observers saif that Jagdeo had the required numbers on the CC.

kp posted:

What is worst than Donald Trump being the President of USA, America's population is almost 350Million can't you choose better.  Where as Guyana with almost 700,000 has to recycle old politicians.The good people let a long time , such as Chief, Djanjo, Mits, Nehru  you get my drift.

The people who were duped in electing him will hold a piece of wood.

The people in the homeland would have been on top of the world,if they

were united.

Looking at the current scenario,looks like good will not be coming very soon,

until some young persons revolt against the dinosaurs,I am all for it have nothing to lose,bed done mek and pickney all grown.

Django posted:
kp posted:

What is worst than Donald Trump being the President of USA, America's population is almost 350Million can't you choose better.  Where as Guyana with almost 700,000 has to recycle old politicians.The good people let a long time , such as Chief, Djanjo, Mits, Nehru  you get my drift.

The people who were duped in electing him will hold a piece of wood.

The people in the homeland would have been on top of the world,if they

were united.

Looking at the current scenario,looks like good will not be coming very soon,

until some young persons revolt against the dinosaurs,I am all for it have nothing to lose,bed done mek and pickney all grown.

The PPP is finished. PPP is like the Jurasic Park.

Mitwah posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:

What is worst than Donald Trump being the President of USA, America's population is almost 350Million can't you choose better.  Where as Guyana with almost 700,000 has to recycle old politicians.The good people let a long time , such as Chief, Djanjo, Mits, Nehru  you get my drift.

The people who were duped in electing him will hold a piece of wood.

The people in the homeland would have been on top of the world,if they

were united.

Looking at the current scenario,looks like good will not be coming very soon,

until some young persons revolt against the dinosaurs,I am all for it have nothing to lose,bed done mek and pickney all grown.

The PPP is finished. PPP is like the Jurasic Park.

The monsters in the PNC have eaten the AFC for lunch. It looks as though you are in favor of a one party state PNC, where the Blacks rule the nation, don't tek worry we already have a military rule.

kp posted:
Mitwah posted:

The PPP is finished. PPP is like the Jurasic Park.

The monsters in the PNC have eaten the AFC for lunch. It looks as though you are in favor of a one party state PNC, where the Blacks rule the nation,don't tek worry we already have a military rule.

Same old record,Jagan caused that from 1964-1992

now we will see a return to be blamed on Jaggy starting in 2015

Django posted:
kp posted:
Mitwah posted:

The PPP is finished. PPP is like the Jurasic Park.

The monsters in the PNC have eaten the AFC for lunch. It looks as though you are in favor of a one party state PNC, where the Blacks rule the nation,don't tek worry we already have a military rule.

Same old record,Jagan caused that from 1964-1992

now we will see a return to be blamed on Jaggy starting in 2015

Only PNC supporters will blame Jagan and Jagdeo. PNC is never to be blamed for anything. Let's ask Donald Trump what he thinks about African people.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:

Me thinks it's a bad choice,

if that's how democracy works within their party,so be it.

Your opinion doesn't matter.  You need to start worrying about The Walking Dead - Granger.  How the PPP restructure their party is none of your business.

Jagdeo failed to secure victory is the past 2 elections. He and his bunch of deadwood will be warming the opposition bench for many decades to come. Some may go to jail or flee the country. A few did already.

Django posted:

To all PPP supporters brace alyuh self,

APNU/AFC will be in gov't again in 2020.

APNU/AFC not getting elected again in 2020. Guyanese get fooled easily but they also ketch sense quickly too. APNU/AFC only remain in government in 2020 if they rig. AFC may also want to defect since they got screwed and may not be liking it. Moses probably realized that he is not really the Prime Minister.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Every time those two hear Jagdeo name, they start to shake in their boots.

This is the first time that Jagdeo has held the post of GS of the PPP, the leader of the party. Observers also see his decision to contest for the post as an attempt to further secure himself in the face of a number of investigations that the APNU+AFC government has launched including the one pertaining to the Pradoville housing scheme.

Read the above,i have the same view.

You have to be a fool to think he will be President again.

ksazma posted:
Django posted:

To all PPP supporters brace alyuh self,

APNU/AFC will be in gov't again in 2020.

APNU/AFC not getting elected again in 2020. Guyanese get fooled easily but they also ketch sense quickly too. APNU/AFC only remain in government in 2020 if they rig. AFC may also want to defect since they got screwed and may not be liking it. Moses probably realized that he is not really the Prime Minister.

The commies with Jagdeo as GS will be the PPP downfall,

Face reality 2012 census the Indian Population is 39.83%, [not voters]

that was four years ago,do the math.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Every time those two hear Jagdeo name, they start to shake in their boots.

This is the first time that Jagdeo has held the post of GS of the PPP, the leader of the party. Observers also see his decision to contest for the post as an attempt to further secure himself in the face of a number of investigations that the APNU+AFC government has launched including the one pertaining to the Pradoville housing scheme.

Read the above,i have the same view.

You have to be a fool to think he will be President again.

If you had half a brain you would have realized that by accepting the GS position he is giving way for someone else to be President.  You are a waste of human space.

Bibi Haniffa
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:

To all PPP supporters brace alyuh self,

APNU/AFC will be in gov't again in 2020.

APNU/AFC not getting elected again in 2020. Guyanese get fooled easily but they also ketch sense quickly too. APNU/AFC only remain in government in 2020 if they rig. AFC may also want to defect since they got screwed and may not be liking it. Moses probably realized that he is not really the Prime Minister.

The commies with Jagdeo as GS will be the PPP downfall,

Face reality 2012 census the Indian Population is 39.83%, [not voters]

that was four years ago,do the math.

Do what math?  You can barely write a proper sentence and now you have the audacity to talk about math. You are a dumb twit, to say the least.

Bibi Haniffa
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:

To all PPP supporters brace alyuh self,

APNU/AFC will be in gov't again in 2020.

APNU/AFC not getting elected again in 2020. Guyanese get fooled easily but they also ketch sense quickly too. APNU/AFC only remain in government in 2020 if they rig. AFC may also want to defect since they got screwed and may not be liking it. Moses probably realized that he is not really the Prime Minister.

The commies with Jagdeo as GS will be the PPP downfall,

Face reality 2012 census the Indian Population is 39.83%, [not voters]

that was four years ago,do the math.

Forget math bro. I am leaning more on peoples' need to fill their bellies come 2020. Guyanese got fat under the PPP government and forgot what it was/is like having a PNC government. That reminder is currently being developed and will be in full view by 2020.


One of the spectacular changes from the APNU/AFC team:

If a black man buys a vehicle for 4 million dollars he has to pay the government a fee of $80,000 . This represents an increase of 7,900% or $79,000. Would this encourage people to bribe more to get around such exorbitant cost, or would it be a disincentive to invest in better vehicles??  I see swelled mouths now. However,  protests will follow and people will get out in record numbers to vote this government out in 2020.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:

Forget math bro. I am leaning more on peoples' need to fill their bellies come 2020. Guyanese got fat under the PPP government and forgot what it was/is like having a PNC government. That reminder is currently being developed and will be in full view by 2020.

That was a selected few bai.

Look at this shameless louse.  

Bibi Haniffa
Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:  

Forget math bro. I am leaning more on peoples' need to fill their bellies come 2020. Guyanese got fat under the PPP government and forgot what it was/is like having a PNC government. That reminder is currently being developed and will be in full view by 2020.

That was a selected few bai.

Maybe, However, a lot more than before. Maybe those who didn't just didn't know how to. Looks like there was a lot to spread around.

Now it looks like we are going back to those times of ole'.

Last edited by Former Member
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

One of the spectacular changes from the APNU/AFC team:

If a black man buys a vehicle for 4 million dollars he has to pay the government a fee of $80,000 . This represents an increase of 7,900% or $79,000. Would this encourage people to bribe more to get around such exorbitant cost, or would it be a disincentive to invest in better vehicles??  I see swelled mouths now. However,  protests will follow and people will get out in record numbers to vote this government out in 2020.

Plenty swell mouth nowadays. Blacks have started grumbling now that they are experiencing PNC part two in full swing. They will suffer the most indirectly as a result of this clueless and stupid PNC administration.

Moderate blacks and mixed will move towards the PPP. They tasted democracy and good life under the PPP and can now compare it to these AFC/PNC idiots.

Last edited by Former Member
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Your opinion doesn't matter.  You need to start worrying about The Walking Dead - Granger.  How the PPP restructure their party is none of your business.

Jagdeo failed to secure victory is the past 2 elections. He and his bunch of deadwood will be warming the opposition bench for many decades to come. Some may go to jail or flee the country. A few did already.

A few traitors and scoundrels took a few votes by crookery and lies.  The PPP had the PNC, Traitors, CIA and ABC against them and they lost by 1%.

Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:

Forget math bro. I am leaning more on peoples' need to fill their bellies come 2020. Guyanese got fat under the PPP government and forgot what it was/is like having a PNC government. That reminder is currently being developed and will be in full view by 2020.

That was a selected few bai.

The PPP had some issues, but no way any objective person can say only the few benefited.  Guyana had never been brighter.  The US embassy asked Guyanese to come for visas as there were no longer major violations.  Guyanese from every corner got visas, visited and returned to Guyana.  You are a shameless liar!



Here is the PPP record during 23 years in office:

  •   Failed education system; illiteracy wason the rise;
  •   Broken health care system;
  •   Highest infant/mother mortality rate in the region;
  •   Poorest country in the hemisphere;
  •   Most corrupt country in the region;
  •   Increased racial divisiveness within the  23 years - state   sponsored;
  •   Broken transportation system;
  •   Broken electricity system - random and prolonged black outs;
  •   Broken road works & bridges - crippling the movement of goods and people;
  •   Broken water and sewage system - no water and sometimes unsafe piped water;
  •   Country was in  a state of dictatorship with the closure of parliament;
  •   Roll back of press freedoms with media being threatened;
  •   Extra judicial killings and disappearances was on the rise;
  •   State sponsored demoralizing of armed services;
ba$eman posted:
Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:

Forget math bro. I am leaning more on peoples' need to fill their bellies come 2020. Guyanese got fat under the PPP government and forgot what it was/is like having a PNC government. That reminder is currently being developed and will be in full view by 2020.

That was a selected few bai.

The PPP had some issues, but no way any objective person can say only the few benefited.  Guyana had never been brighter.  The US embassy asked Guyanese to come for visas as there were no longer major violations.  Guyanese from every corner got visas, visited and returned to Guyana.  You are a shameless liar!

Mits is now like the Old PNC New Nation newspaper. He has to serve his NEW masters at Congress Place.

Last edited by Former Member

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