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@Former Member posted:

The PPP unofficially won the 2020 election. Guyanese can breathe easier knowing that the journey have come to an end. Let's wait for the official announcement and hope that Granger will concede peacefully with grace.

Thanks Petal.    We all waited a whole 5 years for this.   You could go ahead and do the Nagara dance.

@Former Member posted:

The PPP unofficially won the 2020 election. Guyanese can breathe easier knowing that the journey have come to an end. Let's wait for the official announcement and hope that Granger will concede peacefully with grace.

We are ahead by 19,000 votes. Down to the last few boxes. Cheddi Jagan’s party is back.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa

Prashad does not see anything to celebrate about.  East Indian poor people lives will still be at stake (more so now than ever since 2015) and celebrating C. Jorgan, a person who crushed all potential East Indian political rivals up to the time of his death as a very old man, is an abuse of the East Indian peoples political rights

Last edited by Prashad

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