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Congratulatory messages on the swearing in of President Irfaan Ali

Joint statement from the ABC-EU Countries

The Ambassador of the United States of America, H.E. Sarah-Ann Lynch, the British High Commissioner, H.E. Greg Quinn, the Canadian High Commissioner, H.E. Lilian Chatterjee, and the Ambassador of the European Union, H.E. Fernando Ponz-Canto, congratulates the people of Guyana and the Guyana Elections Commission for bringing to a peaceful and orderly conclusion the 2020 elections.

We congratulate the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) on its electoral success and Mohamed Irfaan Ali on his swearing in as President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana. We thank President David Granger for accepting the results as befits the dignity of his office. We thank all the political parties, technical advisors and all observers – international and domestic – who participated in the electoral process. We thank GECOM Chairwoman Claudette Singh for having the courage of her convictions to uphold Guyana’s Constitution.

We look forward to working with President Ali and his government as it confronts many immediate challenges, including the need to address the social and economic fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic and the development needs of Guyana’s people. We also look forward to seeing this government at its outset reach across political divisions to unite Guyanese of all ethnicities, races, and regions, around meaningful progress on constitutional reform and reconciliation.

As friends of Guyana, we look forward to working with all to continue to support Guyana’s development for the benefit of its people.

Message from the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce & Industry
The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce & Industry (GCCI) wishes to congratulate His Excellency, Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali on his appointment as the 9th Executive President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana. We also extend our congratulatory greetings to the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) on its success at the March 2, 2020 polls. The Chamber would like to thank all parties and entities which participated in the electoral process.
We would also like to thank the Chairperson of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) Justice (ret’d) Claudette Singh for executing her office and duties as Chairperson in accordance with the Constitution of Guyana. The GCCI looks forward to working with H.E. Dr. Ali and the Government of Guyana on the task of nation-building and, in particular, private sector development. However, a number of immediate challenges confront Guyana, foremost of which is the devastating public health and economic impact of the novel Coronavirus.
The Chamber anticipates a now fully functional Government to comprehensively address this pandemic which has had deleterious effects on the welfare of Guyanese. As said previously, the GCCI remains supportive of any government brought to power by the democratic process and will continue to act as a partner in nation-building as we all seek to develop this nation of ours. We anticipate Guyana’s continued development, for the benefit of the people of Guyana.
Statement from the Liberty and Justice Party
The Liberty and Justice Party congratulates President Elect, Dr. Irfaan Ali and the People Progressive Party/Civic on their victory at the 2 March 2020 elections.

That the declaration took this long is a travesty and an event that has caused very serious societal fault lines that the people will now look to the incoming administration to take significant steps to heal. The events leading up to these delayed results are matters that we hope the incoming administration treats with decisively to avoid future such events and to deter anyone from thinking they can perverse the will of the people.

We extend our gratitude to all the political parties that fought to defend democracy, the international community and partners, the Guyana Elections Commission and the patient Guyanese population. We also extend a special thank you to the Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission, Madam Justice (Ret’d) Claudette Singh for all her tireless efforts and for the delivery of free, fair, transparent and credible elections.

We look forward to an inclusive government and the fulfilment of the PPP/C’s pre-electoral promises to ensure an inclusive and progressive Guyana.

Letter of congratulations to President Irfaan Ali from CIOG

His Excellency
Dr. Mohamed Irfan Ali
President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana
Shiv Chanderpaul Drive Georgetown,

Your Excellency,


On behalf of myself and family and on behalf of the Central Islamic Organization of Guyana (CIOG), I wish to congratulate you on ascending to the Office of the President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, amplified because you are also the first Muslim President of our country.
Your Excellency, the Muslim community is bursting with joy at this blessing from Allah (SWT), that he has chosen one from the Ummah of our Master Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to lead our country.
Make no mistake, your elevation to this office was made possible only by the Permission of Allah (SWT), who has entrusted you with guiding and protecting our nation. Please, do not ever breach the Amanah (trust) that Allah (SWT) has placed on your shoulders. In this regard, I remind myself and you of the verse of the Holy Qura’an: β€œIt is He Who hath made you (His) agents, inheritors of the earth: He hath raised you in ranks, some above others: that He may try you in the gifts He hath given you” (Al-An’Òm 6: 165)”.
For your guidance, as you undertake this new chapter in your life, Allah (SWT) has said β€œThere has come to you from Allah Light and a Plain Book.” (5.15). Please read the Book of Allah as much as possible; this will be the source of your success. In the Holy Quran, Allah Almighty says: β€œAnd We made them leaders, guiding by Our command; and We inspired them to do good works, and to observe the prayer, and to give out charity. They were devoted servants to Us” (Quran, 21:73).
Your ascension comes at a time when there is a lot of division in our country, but we are confident that you can heal the wounds and unite our people. Allah says in chapter 49 of the Holy Quran: β€œO mankind we have created from a single pair of a male and a female; and have made you into nations and tribes so that you may know each other, not that you may despise one another. Verily, the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is the one who is most righteous. Verily Allah is well acquainted of all things.”
I implore you to govern with Ihsan (excellence), compassion, justice patience, endurance, commitment, sacrifice and most critically bowing down in Worship to the King of Kings, the Lord of the Worlds –Allah (SWT). It is reported that the Messenger of Allah (PUBH) said, β€œSupplication is the weapon of the believer, the pillar of the religion, and the light of the heaven and earth” (Al-Hakim). Prayers and supplications bring us nearer to God and protect us from calamities and destruction. On the positive side, prayers and supplications plead our case to God who bestows more blessings on us. In verse 60 of Sura Mu’min, God commands us, β€œAnd your Lord says, call on me; I will answer your (prayers). But those who are too arrogant to serve me will surely enter Hell-in humiliation.”
May Allah (SWT) grant you the tawfeeq to lead our country in a manner that is pleasing to HIM. May Allah (SWT) bless you and bestow upon you the wisdom, strength, and humility to be worthy and successful.
I pledge my personal support and the support of the Central Islamic Organization of Guyana.

Your Brother,
Al Hajj Shahabudeen Ahmad
President of the Central Islamic Organization of Guyana (CIOG)


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