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Former Member

Congress Party Concedes Defeat as India Backs Modi



NEW DELHI — The Indian National Congress, which has headed India’s government for nearly all the country’s post-Independence history, conceded defeat to the opposition leader Narendra Modi on Friday, as voters rendered a crushing verdict on their country’s flagging economic growth and a drumbeat of corruption scandals.


Election officials had not yet finished counting the 550 million votes cast in the five-week general elections, but the contours of Congress’s defeat quickly became clear. Rahul Gandhi, the heir apparent to the political dynasty that forms the Congress party’s backbone, appeared headed for a narrow victory in his own home constituency, a stronghold he won by more than 300,000 votes in 2009.


In a humiliation for Mr. Gandhi, 43, a group of workers gathered around party headquarters in the capital city, chanting “Bring Priyanka, Save Congress,” a reference to his younger sister, who is seen as the more charismatic politician. Abhishek Manu Singhvi, a Congress spokesman, conceded that the party had been defeated.


Narendra Modi on Friday. Credit Saurabh Das/Associated Press

“If the leads are correct, the results are conclusive,” he said, in a telephone interview. Another spokesman, Randeep Singh Surjewala, also confirmed the loss, saying “We humbly accept the verdict of the people of India. We shall continue to play with rigor the role of a constructive and meaningful opposition – the role that the people of India have assigned to us.”


After two hours of counting Mr. Modi’s Hindu nationalist party, the Bharatiya Janata Party, was assured of winning more than 272 seats, enough to form a government without brokering a coalition deal with any of India’s fractious regional leaders. If that happens, Mr. Modi will take power with the strongest mandate of any Indian leader since Rajiv Gandhi of the Indian National Congress took office in 1984, riding the wave of sympathy that followed the assassination of his mother, Indira Gandhi.


Drummers, stilt-walkers and women in colorful saris had converged at B.J.P. headquarters in Delhi, where party workers had laid out 100,000 laddoos, the ball-shaped sweets ubiquitous at Indian celebrations. Among the revelers was Surinder Singh Tiwana, 40, a lawyer.


“I can equate my jubilation today, probably, to my mother’s on the day I was born,” Mr. Tiwana said. “This is a huge change for our country, a change of guard. A billion plus people have announced their mandate in no uncertain terms. They have voted for a progressive, stable government.”


The elections came during a period of rapid transition in Indian society, as urbanization and economic growth break down generations-old voting patterns. With his conservative ideology and steely style of leadership, Mr. Modi, who came from a humble background and rose through the ranks of a Hindu nationalist group, will prove a stark departure from his predecessors in that office.


Mr. Modi is a regional leader — only the second ever to take the prime minister’s seat — known for maintaining tight control over the bureaucracy and political system in Gujarat, the state he has led for 13 years. His image as a stern, disciplined leader has attracted vast throngs of voters, who hope he will crack down on corruption, jump-start India’s flagging economy and create manufacturing jobs.


But it also worries many people. He is blamed by many of India’s Muslims for failing to stop bloody religious riots that raged through his home state in 2002, leaving more than 1,000 people dead. Others fear he will try to quash dissent and centralize authority in a capital that has long been dominated by the Indian National Congress and the liberal internationalists around it.


“He is very much the man who came from nowhere,” said Swapan Dasgupta, a senior journalist who supports Mr. Modi. “There is a great deal of nervousness that the old establishment which ruled, that it will somehow be threatened. That may not be a bad idea, in terms of encouraging a greater deal of social mobility.”


“I think over all we are going to see a churning process,” he added.

Last summer, when Mr. Modi’s campaigners insisted that the B.J.P. could win the 272 seats necessary to form a government, the ambition seemed far-fetched.


After a decade in power, Congress had succeeded in introducing a package of generous new welfare programs for poor and rural Indians, who still make up the majority of the electorate. Congress and its allies had a proven track record of campaigning in India’s villages, in contrast to the B.J.P., which has long been seen as a party of urban traders.


But Mr. Modi seemed to benefit from changes in the electorate. Nearly 100 million new voters were registered ahead of this vote, including a vast influx of young people, and turnout broke all previous records, hitting 66.4 percent.


Compared with their elders, these young voters were unmoved by the decade-old history of the Gujarat riots, which had prompted many Western governments, including the United States, to impose visa bans on Mr. Modi. They also proved far less emotionally bound to the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty, which has served as the backbone of the Congress party since India won its independence, surviving the wrenching assassinations of two of its members.


Shekhar Gupta, editor of The Indian Express, a daily newspaper, called them “post-ideological Indians.”


“These people are born after Indira Gandhi’s assassination,” he said. “For a lot of them, the 2002 riots are not even a faint blur. What is imprinted on their memory is five years of nongovernance, and a massive loss of white-collar jobs. Once you have gotten used to 7 percent growth, to go down to 4.5 is a real recession.”


The Congress-led government has often seemed rudderless in its second term.


Its prime minister, Manmohan Singh, a distinguished economist, was a barely audible figure on the national stage, and often appeared subordinated to the party’s president, Sonia Gandhi, who was setting the stage for her son, Rahul, to take over.


The party’s leaders responded slowly, if at all, to bursts of social media-driven street activism that coalesced around the issue of corruption, and after a brutal gang rape that shook Delhi in 2012. The party’s presumed prime ministerial candidate, Mr. Gandhi, was a stilted campaigner who always appeared reluctant to take the reins of the political dynasty. In the final stage of the campaign, he ceded the spotlight to his more charismatic sister, Priyanka.


In the end, Mr. Modi’s victory will be seen largely as a function of his opponents’ weakness, said the historian Ramachandra Guha.


“The context here is the opposition: His rival is an heir apparent who is a bad orator, unwilling to take administrative responsibility,” he said. Though Congress has, in the past, regularly returned to power after being voted out, Mr. Guha said he thought the dynasty’s younger generation might have trouble regrouping.


“The larger sociological shift is that Indian society is becoming more democratic and less feudal, less deferential to family privilege,” he said. “It’s possible that Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi cannot revive Congress, because India has moved on.”


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

A sad day for India. That man should never be Prime Minister.

Nehru Bhai


The people have spoken. India is the world's largest democracy. 

Bhai, I agree. I strongly believe in the POWER of the People. I wish Mr Modi all the best and hope he takes India forward


Why India's Narendra Modi faces daunting task


BJP worker holds a smartphone decorated with stickers bearing the image of the Chief Minister of the western Indian state of Gujarat and main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party [BJP) prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi at the party's head office in New Delhi.

What was predicted as a surge of saffron - the colour favoured by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) led by Narendra Modi - has turned out to be a veritable tsunami in favour of the Hindu nationalist party and the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) coalition it leads.


India's incoming prime minister, who has been chief minister of the industrially-prosperous state of Gujarat since 2001, has raised aspirations which will be rather tough to fulfil.


His biggest challenges will be to revive the economy, curb food inflation and create jobs for the country's youth.


Mr Modi will also have to convince India's biggest minority community, the Muslims - one out of seven people in the country believe in Islam - that the party he leads will not pursue an overtly majoritarian political and social ideology.

Large sections of Muslims in India have been apprehensive of Mr Modi since the 2002 communal riots in Gujarat where more than 1,000, mostly Muslims, were killed by Hindu mobs.

What has apparently worked for Mr Modi is his projection of the so-called Gujarat model of development with its emphasis on setting up industries.


Whereas Gujarat has not out-performed other Indian states in terms of healthcare, education and empowerment of women, it has a historical tradition of promoting industry and commerce.


A record turnout of voters (66%) has evidently helped Mr Modi's party considerably.

It appears that young people and those who live in small towns have voted for the BJP in large numbers.

Of the 814 million Indians who were eligible to vote, over 100 million were first-time voters, having turned 18 on or before 1 January.

The task of living up to the aspirations of the youth, as well as the upwardly-mobile middle classes who account for roughly a quarter of the 1.2 billion Indians, will undoubtedly prove to be a daunting task for the incoming government that Mr Modi will head.

A portrait of India's next prime minister Narendra Modi is displayed on a screen on the façade of the Bombay Stock Exchange in Mumbai, India, Friday, May 16, 2014.

Stock market indices zoomed to new highs in anticipation of Mr Modi's victory


The last six years has seen unprecedented food inflation that has hurt the poor and widened inequalities in an already unequal society.

The Indian economy grew by more than 9% for some of the past decade, but that rate slowed to below 5% in the last two years.

Despite claims that economic growth has been "inclusive", the government's own data has indicated that new jobs have been created at an average annual rate of only 2.2% since 2004.

The victory of Mr Modi and the BJP has been welcomed by the corporate sector which openly rooted for him and funded his election campaign handsomely.

Stock market indices zoomed to new highs in anticipation of the electoral outcome. The external value of the Indian currency has strengthened.

But reviving the economy will not happen easily or expeditiously: industrial production has declined in recent months and food inflation remains close to double digits.

Mr Modi has his work cut out - he has raised expectations to incredibly high levels. Living up to these will not be easy.

The writer is an independent journalist and analyst




Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Why India's Narendra Modi faces daunting task


BJP worker holds a smartphone decorated with stickers bearing the image of the Chief Minister of the western Indian state of Gujarat and main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party [BJP) prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi at the party's head office in New Delhi.

What was predicted as a surge of saffron - the colour favoured by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) led by Narendra Modi - has turned out to be a veritable tsunami in favour of the Hindu nationalist party and the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) coalition it leads.


India's incoming prime minister, who has been chief minister of the industrially-prosperous state of Gujarat since 2001, has raised aspirations which will be rather tough to fulfil.


His biggest challenges will be to revive the economy, curb food inflation and create jobs for the country's youth.


Mr Modi will also have to convince India's biggest minority community, the Muslims - one out of seven people in the country believe in Islam - that the party he leads will not pursue an overtly majoritarian political and social ideology.

Large sections of Muslims in India have been apprehensive of Mr Modi since the 2002 communal riots in Gujarat where more than 1,000, mostly Muslims, were killed by Hindu mobs.

What has apparently worked for Mr Modi is his projection of the so-called Gujarat model of development with its emphasis on setting up industries.


Whereas Gujarat has not out-performed other Indian states in terms of healthcare, education and empowerment of women, it has a historical tradition of promoting industry and commerce.


A record turnout of voters (66%) has evidently helped Mr Modi's party considerably.

It appears that young people and those who live in small towns have voted for the BJP in large numbers.

Of the 814 million Indians who were eligible to vote, over 100 million were first-time voters, having turned 18 on or before 1 January.

The task of living up to the aspirations of the youth, as well as the upwardly-mobile middle classes who account for roughly a quarter of the 1.2 billion Indians, will undoubtedly prove to be a daunting task for the incoming government that Mr Modi will head.

A portrait of India's next prime minister Narendra Modi is displayed on a screen on the façade of the Bombay Stock Exchange in Mumbai, India, Friday, May 16, 2014.

Stock market indices zoomed to new highs in anticipation of Mr Modi's victory


The last six years has seen unprecedented food inflation that has hurt the poor and widened inequalities in an already unequal society.

The Indian economy grew by more than 9% for some of the past decade, but that rate slowed to below 5% in the last two years.

Despite claims that economic growth has been "inclusive", the government's own data has indicated that new jobs have been created at an average annual rate of only 2.2% since 2004.

The victory of Mr Modi and the BJP has been welcomed by the corporate sector which openly rooted for him and funded his election campaign handsomely.

Stock market indices zoomed to new highs in anticipation of the electoral outcome. The external value of the Indian currency has strengthened.

But reviving the economy will not happen easily or expeditiously: industrial production has declined in recent months and food inflation remains close to double digits.

Mr Modi has his work cut out - he has raised expectations to incredibly high levels. Living up to these will not be easy.

The writer is an independent journalist and analyst




The muslims have the vast deserts of the Middle-east to migrate to. The Spanish Inquisition moved the majority of Jews out of Spain. Some converted to Christianity in the hope of survival. Perhaps, the once converted muslims will re-convert back to Hinduism. The trouble dey face is identifying their caste.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Why India's Narendra Modi faces daunting task


BJP worker holds a smartphone decorated with stickers bearing the image of the Chief Minister of the western Indian state of Gujarat and main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party [BJP) prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi at the party's head office in New Delhi.

What was predicted as a surge of saffron - the colour favoured by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) led by Narendra Modi - has turned out to be a veritable tsunami in favour of the Hindu nationalist party and the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) coalition it leads.


India's incoming prime minister, who has been chief minister of the industrially-prosperous state of Gujarat since 2001, has raised aspirations which will be rather tough to fulfil.


His biggest challenges will be to revive the economy, curb food inflation and create jobs for the country's youth.


Mr Modi will also have to convince India's biggest minority community, the Muslims - one out of seven people in the country believe in Islam - that the party he leads will not pursue an overtly majoritarian political and social ideology.

Large sections of Muslims in India have been apprehensive of Mr Modi since the 2002 communal riots in Gujarat where more than 1,000, mostly Muslims, were killed by Hindu mobs.

What has apparently worked for Mr Modi is his projection of the so-called Gujarat model of development with its emphasis on setting up industries.


Whereas Gujarat has not out-performed other Indian states in terms of healthcare, education and empowerment of women, it has a historical tradition of promoting industry and commerce.


A record turnout of voters (66%) has evidently helped Mr Modi's party considerably.

It appears that young people and those who live in small towns have voted for the BJP in large numbers.

Of the 814 million Indians who were eligible to vote, over 100 million were first-time voters, having turned 18 on or before 1 January.

The task of living up to the aspirations of the youth, as well as the upwardly-mobile middle classes who account for roughly a quarter of the 1.2 billion Indians, will undoubtedly prove to be a daunting task for the incoming government that Mr Modi will head.

A portrait of India's next prime minister Narendra Modi is displayed on a screen on the façade of the Bombay Stock Exchange in Mumbai, India, Friday, May 16, 2014.

Stock market indices zoomed to new highs in anticipation of Mr Modi's victory


The last six years has seen unprecedented food inflation that has hurt the poor and widened inequalities in an already unequal society.

The Indian economy grew by more than 9% for some of the past decade, but that rate slowed to below 5% in the last two years.

Despite claims that economic growth has been "inclusive", the government's own data has indicated that new jobs have been created at an average annual rate of only 2.2% since 2004.

The victory of Mr Modi and the BJP has been welcomed by the corporate sector which openly rooted for him and funded his election campaign handsomely.

Stock market indices zoomed to new highs in anticipation of the electoral outcome. The external value of the Indian currency has strengthened.

But reviving the economy will not happen easily or expeditiously: industrial production has declined in recent months and food inflation remains close to double digits.

Mr Modi has his work cut out - he has raised expectations to incredibly high levels. Living up to these will not be easy.

The writer is an independent journalist and analyst




The muslims have the vast deserts of the Middle-east to migrate to. The Spanish Inquisition moved the majority of Jews out of Spain. Some converted to Christianity in the hope of survival. Perhaps, the once converted muslims will re-convert back to Hinduism. The trouble dey face is identifying their caste.

Dat is primitive thinking.  INDIA is a TRUE Democracy. People are allowed to choose their faiths!!!

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

A sad day for India. That man should never be Prime Minister.

Shut yuh rass. De man gat more educatshan and class dan de whole PPP combine. 

YOu open yuh Rass laka wan Hoe all over the place Ah dah yuh good fah.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

A sad day for India. That man should never be Prime Minister.

Nehru, you have to give India chance for a change. Look at the chances Guyana made since the PPP took control from 1992 to now. Guyana is like a shining city upon a hill. All them supermarket full with groceries, sky scrapers going up, and we have the best rum in the world. What more can anyone asked for?  

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

A sad day for India. That man should never be Prime Minister.

Nehru, you have to give India chance for a change. Look at the chances Guyana made since the PPP took control from 1992 to now. Guyana is like a shining city upon a hill. All them supermarket full with groceries, sky scrapers going up, and we have the best rum in the world. What more can anyone asked for?  

Bhai, He is definitely not the right person to be Prime Minister but I am giving him a chance. I wish him well.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Why India's Narendra Modi faces daunting task


BJP worker holds a smartphone decorated with stickers bearing the image of the Chief Minister of the western Indian state of Gujarat and main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party [BJP) prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi at the party's head office in New Delhi.

What was predicted as a surge of saffron - the colour favoured by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) led by Narendra Modi - has turned out to be a veritable tsunami in favour of the Hindu nationalist party and the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) coalition it leads.


India's incoming prime minister, who has been chief minister of the industrially-prosperous state of Gujarat since 2001, has raised aspirations which will be rather tough to fulfil.


His biggest challenges will be to revive the economy, curb food inflation and create jobs for the country's youth.


Mr Modi will also have to convince India's biggest minority community, the Muslims - one out of seven people in the country believe in Islam - that the party he leads will not pursue an overtly majoritarian political and social ideology.

Large sections of Muslims in India have been apprehensive of Mr Modi since the 2002 communal riots in Gujarat where more than 1,000, mostly Muslims, were killed by Hindu mobs.

What has apparently worked for Mr Modi is his projection of the so-called Gujarat model of development with its emphasis on setting up industries.


Whereas Gujarat has not out-performed other Indian states in terms of healthcare, education and empowerment of women, it has a historical tradition of promoting industry and commerce.


A record turnout of voters (66%) has evidently helped Mr Modi's party considerably.

It appears that young people and those who live in small towns have voted for the BJP in large numbers.

Of the 814 million Indians who were eligible to vote, over 100 million were first-time voters, having turned 18 on or before 1 January.

The task of living up to the aspirations of the youth, as well as the upwardly-mobile middle classes who account for roughly a quarter of the 1.2 billion Indians, will undoubtedly prove to be a daunting task for the incoming government that Mr Modi will head.

A portrait of India's next prime minister Narendra Modi is displayed on a screen on the façade of the Bombay Stock Exchange in Mumbai, India, Friday, May 16, 2014.

Stock market indices zoomed to new highs in anticipation of Mr Modi's victory


The last six years has seen unprecedented food inflation that has hurt the poor and widened inequalities in an already unequal society.

The Indian economy grew by more than 9% for some of the past decade, but that rate slowed to below 5% in the last two years.

Despite claims that economic growth has been "inclusive", the government's own data has indicated that new jobs have been created at an average annual rate of only 2.2% since 2004.

The victory of Mr Modi and the BJP has been welcomed by the corporate sector which openly rooted for him and funded his election campaign handsomely.

Stock market indices zoomed to new highs in anticipation of the electoral outcome. The external value of the Indian currency has strengthened.

But reviving the economy will not happen easily or expeditiously: industrial production has declined in recent months and food inflation remains close to double digits.

Mr Modi has his work cut out - he has raised expectations to incredibly high levels. Living up to these will not be easy.

The writer is an independent journalist and analyst




The muslims have the vast deserts of the Middle-east to migrate to. The Spanish Inquisition moved the majority of Jews out of Spain. Some converted to Christianity in the hope of survival. Perhaps, the once converted muslims will re-convert back to Hinduism. The trouble dey face is identifying their caste.

Dat is primitive thinking.  INDIA is a TRUE Democracy. People are allowed to choose their faiths!!!

Guyanese are allowed to?

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

A sad day for India. That man should never be Prime Minister.

Nehru Bhai


The people have spoken. India is the world's largest democracy. 

The US took away Modi's visa for his "incittement" of the 2002 riots that killed over 1,000 Muslims in Gujurat State.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

RT @PTI_News: US President Barack Obama
invites Narendra Modi to visit Washington: White House.

So NOW they will lift the ban against him.


Obama has to swallow his pride and invite the leader of the world's largest democracy.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

RT @PTI_News: US President Barack Obama
invites Narendra Modi to visit Washington: White House.

So NOW they will lift the ban against him.


Obama has to swallow his pride and invite the leader of the world's largest democracy.

I wonder why the Duck has not invited him to visit?

Originally Posted by Nehru:

A sad day for India. That man should never be Prime Minister.

The people have spoken and Narendra Modi will become the next Prime Minister.


Changes in India do occur and this is indeed another serious wake-up call for the Congress Party and its leadership.  It time, just like Mararji Desai, the first Prime Minister whose government was not of the Congress party, if Narendra Modi do not pursue policies to be inclusive of the Indian population, the Congress Party will be back in power.


Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh, and soon a former Prime Minister, is a distinguished individual who will leave the post with respect.


Perhaps, the next Prime Minister will be Priyanka Gandhi.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

RT @PTI_News: US President Barack Obama
invites Narendra Modi to visit Washington: White House.

Obama will have to reverse the State Department visa ban first.

In fact Modi by his status of India's leader when he takes office means that he can automatically travel to the US under a privileged entry. The President and the State Department do not have to reverse anything, though if they want to make India a partner in the Asia pivot they would lift that ban. As Fareed Zakaria pointed out, while Modi appears not to have quelled the Hindu-Muslim fight that let=d to over 1,000 Muslim deaths in Gujurat in 2002, the US (President Bush) has selectively used this ban as the leaders of Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Iraq have all committed violence through religious hatred.


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