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By Kiana Wilburg

A constitutional crisis is being engineered by those who do not want to accept the role of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) in rendering advice on when elections is to be held. The mastermind of this crisis is none other than Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo.
This assertion was made by GECOM Commissioner, Vincent Alexander during an interview with this newspaper.
Alexander said that the GECOM Commissioners representing the Opposition’s interest, namely Bibi Shadick, Robeson Benn and Sase Gunraj, can also be seen as mere instruments in Jagdeo’s plan. Alexander said his opinion in this regard, is premised on the very behaviour of the said Commissioners.
Alexander said, “…On one hand, it is double standard for Jagdeo to accuse us, Government nominated Commissioners of taking instructions from Congress Place , when in fact it is glaringly known that his commissioners are tied. The PPP Commissioners have press conferences at Jagdeo’s facilities and have not, in any way, distanced themselves.”

The GECOM Commissioner continued, “Jagdeo makes a statement before the Commission meets and they (Shadick, Benn and Gunraj) come and they parrot everything that he says. He talks about letters to the GECOM Chairman being fraudulent and they come and say the same thing…”
He added, “…Let me say this, we are not known to vacillate. Bibi very early in this process was the one who had said we can’t make 90 days. And she sought to have it captured in the minutes of GECOM. And then (she) comes back and takes a different position…Why do they vacillate? (It is) because when they go and they get directions, they have to come and fall in line. And there is evidence of this…”
Alexander also pointed to the walkouts of the PPP Commissioners. He said that the first time it was done, one can see it as a walkout, but the second time, it was more on a technical issue. He said that the PPP Commissioners wanted to discuss the schedule for elections the second time around, and since that was not being discussed, Shadick and Benn asked to be excused. As a result of this behaviour, Alexander explained that there is no longer a quorum.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

It's becoming clear that Jagdeo is trying to seize power by hook or by crook. Hopefully the people will rise and take care of him with a piece of rope hanging from the nearest mango tree.

Mr.T posted:

It's becoming clear that Jagdeo is trying to seize power by hook or by crook. Hopefully the people will rise and take care of him with a piece of rope hanging from the nearest mango tree.

T, you are a knucklehead.

This crisis was created because the coalition could not get their marbles and ducks in line. They simply let Jagdeo outsmarted them at every turn...its getting out of control...sadly, at a time Guyana is lucky to enjoy its oil wealth.

VishMahabir posted:
 They simply let Jagdeo outsmarted them at every turn...its getting out of control...sadly, at a time Guyana is lucky to enjoy its oil wealth.

How much oil wealth Guyana has enjoyed to date?

Mitwah posted:
VishMahabir posted:
 They simply let Jagdeo outsmarted them at every turn...its getting out of control...sadly, at a time Guyana is lucky to enjoy its oil wealth.

How much oil wealth Guyana has enjoyed to date?

No oil money until 2025. Remember they have to pay exploration and drilling costs first.

skeldon_man posted:
Mitwah posted:
VishMahabir posted:
 They simply let Jagdeo outsmarted them at every turn...its getting out of control...sadly, at a time Guyana is lucky to enjoy its oil wealth.

How much oil wealth Guyana has enjoyed to date?

No oil money until 2025. Remember they have to pay exploration and drilling costs first.

Bhai, as soon as black gold start pumping, 75 % of every barrel goes to exploration and drilling costs. The remainder is split 50/50 .

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Mitwah posted:
VishMahabir posted:
 They simply let Jagdeo outsmarted them at every turn...its getting out of control...sadly, at a time Guyana is lucky to enjoy its oil wealth.

How much oil wealth Guyana has enjoyed to date?

No oil money until 2025. Remember they have to pay exploration and drilling costs first.

Bhai, as soon as black gold start pumping, 75 % of every barrel goes to exploration and drilling costs. The remainder is split 50/50 .

Remember Guyana has to also pay Exxon's taxes and "other" expenses. After they are done, Guyana might get pennies(2 lil jill or one big jill) on the barrel. Anyway, Guyana is screwed for a long time to after the 5 billion barrels are extracted. 

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Mitwah posted:
VishMahabir posted:
 They simply let Jagdeo outsmarted them at every turn...its getting out of control...sadly, at a time Guyana is lucky to enjoy its oil wealth.

How much oil wealth Guyana has enjoyed to date?

No oil money until 2025. Remember they have to pay exploration and drilling costs first.

Bhai, as soon as black gold start pumping, 75 % of every barrel goes to exploration and drilling costs. The remainder is split 50/50 .

Hope you guys buying up Exxon stock.  

VishMahabir posted:
Mr.T posted:

It's becoming clear that Jagdeo is trying to seize power by hook or by crook. Hopefully the people will rise and take care of him with a piece of rope hanging from the nearest mango tree.

T, you are a knucklehead.

This crisis was created because the coalition could not get their marbles and ducks in line. They simply let Jagdeo outsmarted them at every turn...its getting out of control...sadly, at a time Guyana is lucky to enjoy its oil wealth.

Knucklehead?? Are you praising him and Why??

Leonora posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Mitwah posted:
VishMahabir posted:
 They simply let Jagdeo outsmarted them at every turn...its getting out of control...sadly, at a time Guyana is lucky to enjoy its oil wealth.

How much oil wealth Guyana has enjoyed to date?

No oil money until 2025. Remember they have to pay exploration and drilling costs first.

Bhai, as soon as black gold start pumping, 75 % of every barrel goes to exploration and drilling costs. The remainder is split 50/50 .

Hope you guys buying up Exxon stock.  

Start buying this "penny" stock CGX/OYL it's trading .25 cents, they will be drilling later this year, their block is near the Suriname border.

Mitwah posted:
VishMahabir posted:
 They simply let Jagdeo outsmarted them at every turn...its getting out of control...sadly, at a time Guyana is lucky to enjoy its oil wealth.

How much oil wealth Guyana has enjoyed to date?

Sadly, AFC PNC have no plan for development beyond oil and that was one of the reasons why they were voted out. 

Mitwah posted:
VishMahabir posted:
 They simply let Jagdeo outsmarted them at every turn...its getting out of control...sadly, at a time Guyana is lucky to enjoy its oil wealth.

How much oil wealth Guyana has enjoyed to date?

Starts in 2020....dey already got $18 million


Alexander has proven to be a monumental partisan hack as any  with his statements here. I often thought of him as one of our last standing impartial academics but it seems he has also succumbed to the ethnic lure and began to mouth callous and injurious statements to our democracy...what little we ever had to be construed as such.


Last edited by Former Member

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