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According to the Guyanese Constitution, it is the Prime Minister who is the first vice president, of Guyana.  For example, Sam Hinds took the oath of office, as president, following the demise of Dr. Cheddi Jagan.  However, under the Ali's Administration, Bharat Jagdeo has filled in the position as vice president.  This makes me wonder about the role of Mr. Mark Phillips.  Former Prime Minister, Moses Nagamottoo filled in the role of president in the absence of David Granger.  This is something we need to be cognizant about.  It therefore makes me wonder that Prime Minister Mark Phillips position has a diminished role, to play, in this new administration.  

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According to the Guyanese Constitution, it is the Prime Minister who is the first vice president, of Guyana.  For example, Sam Hinds took the oath of office, as president, following the demise of Dr. Cheddi Jagan.  However, under the Ali's Administration, Bharat Jagdeo has filled in the position as vice president.  This makes me wonder about the role of Mr. Mark Phillips.  Former Prime Minister, Moses Nagamottoo filled in the role of president in the absence of David Granger.  This is something we need to be cognizant about.  It therefore makes me wonder that Prime Minister Mark Phillips position has a diminished role, to play, in this new administration.  

As Prime Minister, Mark Phillips will correlate the activities of the Cabinet Ministers and their deputies. He will report to the President and chair Cabinet meetings when the President is not there. He will have consultations with the head of the Presidential secretariat. The Prime Minister will be in charge of the Civil Service. He will oversee the Internal affairs of the country. He will also be given a ministerial position.   He does not need to act as the President to give him more headaches.

Reza is comparing the PNC with the PPP which has different constitutions. You can depend on a coolie to bring down their Mattie coolie.



According to the Guyanese Constitution, it is the Prime Minister who is the first vice president, of Guyana.  For example, Sam Hinds took the oath of office, as president, following the demise of Dr. Cheddi Jagan.  However, under the Ali's Administration, Bharat Jagdeo has filled in the position as vice president.  This makes me wonder about the role of Mr. Mark Phillips.  Former Prime Minister, Moses Nagamottoo filled in the role of president in the absence of David Granger. 

This is something we need to be cognizant about.  It therefore makes me wonder that Prime Minister Mark Phillips position has a diminished role, to play, in this new administration.  

Rubber Stamp !!!

Check my post above.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

Rubber Stamp !!!

Check my post above.

The PPP is a multi-race party. Unlike the PNC who publicly advocated hiring people who are members of the PNC and look like them. Don't just select and choose the pictures where Mark Phillips is absent to spread false insinuations that PPP is a racist party and Phillips is redundant. PPP is not the PNC and never will.

@Former Member posted:

Don't worry, Reza. Constitution will not be violated. Although not explicitly stated yet, Mark Philips as PM is also First Vice-president. When the full Cabinet names are released later this week you will see their full designations.

Bai, yuh meking me want to cuss. There is Rama claiming Guyana Constitution do not count, only the PPP constitution. And he compares the differences with the PNC consitution.

Communists thinking like Stalin.

I hope PNC regroup real quick and start putting some stick lashes pan alyuh good and proper.

The PPP up to their regular tricks, complete contempt for whatever is right.  


Mark Phillips is a token black face for the PPP to pretend that there is diversity in their leadership. Same as with Sam Hinds and Elizabeth Harper who was on the ticket as Ramotar's PM candidate in the 2015 elections. Where is she now and has anyone heard her name mentioned since 2015? She had to go running to Granger to beg for a job in the foreign service after the PPP tossed her aside. Ali Baba is but a mere rubber stamp as everyone knows that Jagdeo is calling the shots and divvying up the proceeds. It will be fourth term for Jagdeo as Ramotar was a puppet in the last PPP government.

@Former Member posted:

The PPP is a multi-race party. Unlike the PNC who publicly advocated hiring people who are members of the PNC and look like them.

Don't just select and choose the pictures where Mark Phillips is absent to spread false insinuations that PPP is a racist party and Phillips is redundant.

PPP is not the PNC and never will.

Take off the dark glasses .

The PPP is an Indo party using some black people as facade to hide the racism. You don't know nothing about the party under Jagdeo .Mark Philips is a rubber stamp ,he is being used as a tool to control the Military ,there is a but  ,he may not have the support.

Last edited by Django
@seignet posted:

Bai, yuh meking me want to cuss. There is Rama claiming Guyana Constitution do not count, only the PPP constitution. And he compares the differences with the PNC consitution.

Communists thinking like Stalin.

I hope PNC regroup real quick and start putting some stick lashes pan alyuh good and proper.

The PPP up to their regular tricks, complete contempt for whatever is right.  

Siggy, please don't cuss yet. Wait until the PPP/C releases its Cabinet names and portfolios. And by the way, Jagdeo's PPP is not communist by any stretch of the imagination. The CIA, MI6, CSIS and other intelligence agencies know that. Communism as a world force died 30 years ago. 


The new government will re-start the housing program that was stopped by the coalition government in 2015.  People from all races and groups will receive a lot to build a house. The PPP has been a great helper to the low income people of Guyana.  

Indeed, people from all races had received cheap house lots from the last PPP/C government under Housing Minister Dr Irfaan Ali and his predecessors Sheik Baksh and Indra Chandarpal.


The new government will re-start the housing program that was stopped by the coalition government in 2015.  People from all races and groups will receive a lot to build a house. The PPP has been a great helper to the low income people of Guyana.  

Why do you folks feel the need to tell stupid lies that can be easily debunked? House lots were also being distributed during the Coalition years in Government. I was there in 2017 for an extended period of time and people were applying for and receiving house lots.

Last edited by Mars
@Django posted:

Take off the dark glasses .

The PPP is an Indo party using some black people as facade to hide the racism. You don't know nothing about the party under Jagdeo .Mark Philips is a rubber stamp ,he is being used as a tool to control the Military ,there is a but  ,he may not have the support.

Isn't that what the PNC did to Moses and Khemraj.  You didn't mind then. Whatever the PPP is doing is very legal.  


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