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Construction industry in trouble – PPP/C MP Irfaan Ali

Former Housing Minister Irfaan Ali

Former Housing Minister Irfaan Ali

With Guyana’s economy in a state of upheaval and persons unsure of job opportunities, the future of their livelihood, and prices that continue to escalate for local commodities, the once booming construction in the housing sector has come to a halt.

Despite the large number of houselots awarded to citizens under the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Administration, many have been unable to commence construction on their homes.

In fact, many individuals are experiencing difficulties in completing their houses in the various housing schemes.

This being the stark truth, the main concern of the citizenry in this regard is the repossession drive which they expect the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CHPA) to soon embark upon.

However, former Housing Minister Irfaan Ali, in an exclusive interview with Guyana Times stated that while it is very important that the agreement in relation to the allocation and the purchase of land is adhered to, Government must be considerate.

“It is also equally important that we put structures and plans and programmes in place that will allow persons to honour those agreements. We (the PPP/C) have had a fairly high degree of adherence in terms of the agreement or terms and conditions of the agreement between allottees and the [Central Housing and Planning Authority] CHPA over the years. For a matter of fact, over the years you have seen an increase in allocation of loans, increase construction and high occupancy rate in a faster period of time, so it is also very important that the Administration itself create an environment that will stimulate the speedy construction,” he explained.

According to Ali, his Government was aware of the constraints and challenges potential home-owners and persons who wished to build their own houses would and could face.

Hence, the PPP/C had moved into ‘actual home construction’ so as to allow a certain level of activity in the housing schemes which would motivate and encourage other persons to commence construction.

Guyana Times was further told that in some of the new housing schemes, the relevant authorities need to be flexible with regard to the provision of infrastructure.

“The policy and programme creates an environment for a time land between infrastructure, preparation, allocation of land and home construction and that is why we have tried various models. One of the most recent models was tried in Cummings Lodge where we allocated the land while we were designing the infrastructure. So what this allows for is that the allottees would complete all of their administrative hurdles while we were providing infrastructure so that by the time the infrastructure would be mature, they would already have had their loans processed,” Ali elaborated.

He told this newspaper that for this reason it is essential and vital that there is confidence in the housing sector.

Once there is this confidence, in terms of value and equity, the bank is more progressive in lending and individuals also become more aggressive in building.

As it relates to any repossession drive which the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change Government may commence through the CHPA, Ali stated that the relevant authorities must be able to address constraints on an individual basis.

“And this is where a lot of time has to be spent, if for example, a larger segment of the population which is not building is the higher income or the middle income allottees then you can be more drastic in your action. But if the higher level is low income then you have to be more coercive and more helpful in letting them move towards home construction. That is why we had launched the core home policy and so on,” Ali emphasised.

Guyana Times was also reminded that presently there are many economic, social and environmental factors which can and are affecting the pace in which home construction is going. It was also stated that with the political situation becoming a factor as well this has definitely slowed the pace in which persons have been constructing their homes and also prevented others from commencing construction on their properties.

“I think that there cannot be a willy-nilly repossession drive. It must be structured and targeted in a way that examines the circumstances the people are facing,” the former Housing Minister added. (

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Construction Industry, Sugar Industry, Rice Industry, Gold Industry, Tourism Industry, Commercial Sector, Law and Order "Sector", etc.


Let's cut the crap, The GUYANA "Enterprise" is in trouble, thanks to the PNC.  As Gunraj Kumar (Liberator) once said, the PNC possesses hands infested with poison ivy.  Everything they touch wilt and shrivel and disappear.


The last major construction project was the Mariott hotel. It is still nearly empty. So exactly what is it that these clowns want constructed? More hotels and shopping malls so that every Guyanese has his own mall?

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

The last major construction project was the Mariott hotel. It is still nearly empty. So exactly what is it that these clowns want constructed? More hotels and shopping malls so that every Guyanese has his own mall?

PNC destroyed business confidence, crime has soared under the PNC, economic despair has begun to take hold, so what's the surprise?  Get real banna.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Construction Industry, Sugar Industry, Rice Industry, Gold Industry, Tourism Industry, Commercial Sector, Law and Order "Sector", etc.


Let's cut the crap, The GUYANA "Enterprise" is in trouble, thanks to the PNC.  As Gunraj Kumar (Liberator) once said, the PNC possesses hands infested with poison ivy.  Everything they touch wilt and shrivel and disappear.

wail antiman wail . . . it's what u do

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Construction Industry, Sugar Industry, Rice Industry, Gold Industry, Tourism Industry, Commercial Sector, Law and Order "Sector", etc.


Let's cut the crap, The GUYANA "Enterprise" is in trouble, thanks to the PNC.  As Gunraj Kumar (Liberator) once said, the PNC possesses hands infested with poison ivy.  Everything they touch wilt and shrivel and disappear.

wail antiman wail . . . it's what u do

Do you see the PPP in "wail" mode?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Construction Industry, Sugar Industry, Rice Industry, Gold Industry, Tourism Industry, Commercial Sector, Law and Order "Sector", etc.


Let's cut the crap, The GUYANA "Enterprise" is in trouble, thanks to the PNC.  As Gunraj Kumar (Liberator) once said, the PNC possesses hands infested with poison ivy.  Everything they touch wilt and shrivel and disappear.

wail antiman wail . . . it's what u do

Do you see the PPP in "wail" mode?

antiman, where did u get the retarded idea was pointing at the "PPP"?


Them boys stopped the give away to friends and famyly strategy to develop and build so obviously there will be a wedge in the way.


The give aways on the east bank is enough to turn ones stomach. I hope that is reversed and any give away that has been used as a conduit to quick cash and resold to others needed to be pulled back.


Iffart should know of this since he has been skimming left and righ.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Another factor to prove the state of Guyana's economy is in trouble and these fools still threading on the PPP. Redux antiman contribution to a failing economy is of no help.

So this is how we're to stop with the name calling?

Originally Posted by baseman:

Construction Industry, Sugar Industry, Rice Industry, Gold Industry, Tourism Industry, Commercial Sector, Law and Order "Sector", etc.


Let's cut the crap, The GUYANA "Enterprise" is in trouble, thanks to the PNC.  As Gunraj Kumar (Liberator) once said, the PNC possesses hands infested with poison ivy.  Everything they touch wilt and shrivel and disappear.

Ah yes, the mere prospect of BLACKMAN in charge and all fails.


Of course we will ignore.


1.  The sugar and bauxite industries have long been in deep trouble.


2.  Rice has had issues with farmers not getting paid by the millers.  The PPP put the future of the rice industry into the hands of a government which REFUSED to relinquish control over 2/3 of Guyana, and then act surprised when that same country decides to undo a deal which was political to begin with.


3.  Guyana was artificially propped up by speculation in gold, which led to a surge in price.  Gold surged ahead to account for more than 50% of our exports, with the multiplier effect on the real estate, construction, and retail sectors.


So why is there lack of confidence, aside from "black man in charge".  There is NOTHING new in the economy, that wasn't evident before May 11th and all the current problems, aside from attempts to sabotage the economy being under taken by the racist oligarchs, would be there had the PPP won.


Exxon arrived in Guyana under PPP rule, and a major part of the PPP plank was the wealth that would accrue to Guyana.  Maduro made noises about the presence of Exxon. Would the PPP have told Exxon not to explore?


Are you suggesting that gold and sugar prices would have been higher under the PPP?

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Another factor to prove the state of Guyana's economy is in trouble and these fools still threading on the PPP. Redux antiman contribution to a failing economy is of no help.

So what would the PPP have done differently? 

Originally Posted by baseman:

PNC destroyed business confidence

You have been saying this since May 11th.  What did APNU/AFC do on May 11th to destroy business confidence?


The economy only grew by .9% on the first half of 2015, with the PPP FULLY in power for 75% of this period.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by asj:

Construction industry in trouble – PPP/C MP Irfaan Ali

Former Housing Minister Irfaan Ali

Former Housing Minister Irfaan Ali

With Guyana’s economy in a state of upheaval and persons unsure of job opportunities, the future of their livelihood, and prices that continue to escalate for local commodities, the once booming construction in the housing sector has come to a halt.

Despite the large number of houselots awarded to citizens under the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Administration, many have been unable to commence construction on their homes.

In fact, many individuals are experiencing difficulties in completing their houses in the various housing schemes.

This being the stark truth, the main concern of the citizenry in this regard is the repossession drive which they expect the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CHPA) to soon embark upon.

However, former Housing Minister Irfaan Ali, in an exclusive interview with Guyana Times stated that while it is very important that the agreement in relation to the allocation and the purchase of land is adhered to, Government must be considerate.

“It is also equally important that we put structures and plans and programmes in place that will allow persons to honour those agreements. We (the PPP/C) have had a fairly high degree of adherence in terms of the agreement or terms and conditions of the agreement between allottees and the [Central Housing and Planning Authority] CHPA over the years. For a matter of fact, over the years you have seen an increase in allocation of loans, increase construction and high occupancy rate in a faster period of time, so it is also very important that the Administration itself create an environment that will stimulate the speedy construction,” he explained.

According to Ali, his Government was aware of the constraints and challenges potential home-owners and persons who wished to build their own houses would and could face.

Hence, the PPP/C had moved into ‘actual home construction’ so as to allow a certain level of activity in the housing schemes which would motivate and encourage other persons to commence construction.

Guyana Times was further told that in some of the new housing schemes, the relevant authorities need to be flexible with regard to the provision of infrastructure.

“The policy and programme creates an environment for a time land between infrastructure, preparation, allocation of land and home construction and that is why we have tried various models. One of the most recent models was tried in Cummings Lodge where we allocated the land while we were designing the infrastructure. So what this allows for is that the allottees would complete all of their administrative hurdles while we were providing infrastructure so that by the time the infrastructure would be mature, they would already have had their loans processed,” Ali elaborated.

He told this newspaper that for this reason it is essential and vital that there is confidence in the housing sector.

Once there is this confidence, in terms of value and equity, the bank is more progressive in lending and individuals also become more aggressive in building.

As it relates to any repossession drive which the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change Government may commence through the CHPA, Ali stated that the relevant authorities must be able to address constraints on an individual basis.

“And this is where a lot of time has to be spent, if for example, a larger segment of the population which is not building is the higher income or the middle income allottees then you can be more drastic in your action. But if the higher level is low income then you have to be more coercive and more helpful in letting them move towards home construction. That is why we had launched the core home policy and so on,” Ali emphasised.

Guyana Times was also reminded that presently there are many economic, social and environmental factors which can and are affecting the pace in which home construction is going. It was also stated that with the political situation becoming a factor as well this has definitely slowed the pace in which persons have been constructing their homes and also prevented others from commencing construction on their properties.

“I think that there cannot be a willy-nilly repossession drive. It must be structured and targeted in a way that examines the circumstances the people are facing,” the former Housing Minister added. (


Ko Ko Beah PNC will destroy our beautiful Guyana in less than a year.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

The last major construction project was the Mariott hotel. It is still nearly empty. So exactly what is it that these clowns want constructed? More hotels and shopping malls so that every Guyanese has his own mall?

Your Government does not know what to do.  From 1964 to 1992, they succeeded in bankrupting the country.  Jagdeo and the PPP rebuilt Guyana.  Now the PNC and it's allies are trying very hard to repeat themselves.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

PNC destroyed business confidence

You have been saying this since May 11th.  What did APNU/AFC do on May 11th to destroy business confidence?


The economy only grew by .9% on the first half of 2015, with the PPP FULLY in power for 75% of this period.

Talk to the business community, I have been speaking to quite a few.  There is major apprehension over the direction of the PNC.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Another factor to prove the state of Guyana's economy is in trouble and these fools still threading on the PPP. Redux antiman contribution to a failing economy is of no help.

So this is how we're to stop with the name calling?

Blind man, why did you not scold redux for the name calling?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Another factor to prove the state of Guyana's economy is in trouble and these fools still threading on the PPP. Redux antiman contribution to a failing economy is of no help.

So this is how we're to stop with the name calling?

Blind man, why did you not scold redux for the name calling? Looks like to got those large dark-green glasses like Ray Charles.


Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Another factor to prove the state of Guyana's economy is in trouble and these fools still threading on the PPP. Redux antiman contribution to a failing economy is of no help.

So this is how we're to stop with the name calling?

Blind man, why did you not scold redux for the name calling? Looks like to got those large dark-green glasses like Ray Charles.


Easy, Cobra was the one who's crying the blues about name calling while he does the same.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Talk to the business community, I have been speaking to quite a few.  There is major apprehension over the direction of the PNC.

I have no doubt that among them, there are many racists.  Black man in power, so they scream, yet all man jack of them have business interests in Barbados, and will tell you that that island is a good deal less corrupt than Guyana was under the PPP.


If the business community is worried about the direction of the PNC then they should wait till the PNC takes part in an election. As it stands, I can't find the PNC on the last election ballot paper. 

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

The last major construction project was the Mariott hotel. It is still nearly empty. So exactly what is it that these clowns want constructed? More hotels and shopping malls so that every Guyanese has his own mall?

Your Government does not know what to do.  From 1964 to 1992, they succeeded in bankrupting the country.  Jagdeo and the PPP rebuilt Guyana.  Now the PNC and it's allies are trying very hard to repeat themselves.

Lets be real. The PPP did not know what to do and it is the reason the allowed a drug culture to flourish because it was their funding source. It seeded an industry of violence and criminality leaving us one of the most horrible crime ridden place ever. BTW, they also had no viable industry. Only non renewable were their public funding sources next to begging.

Why is the government and it's supporters calling for every venture to be scaled back? Are we at the point where we should not think, act or strive for greatness resigning our efforts to mere mediocrity? Do we have to worry about negative net sum on the horizon?
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Talk to the business community, I have been speaking to quite a few.  There is major apprehension over the direction of the PNC.

I have no doubt that among them, there are many racists.  Black man in power, so they scream, yet all man jack of them have business interests in Barbados, and will tell you that that island is a good deal less corrupt than Guyana was under the PPP.

I think this is one of the most intelligent statement ever made by mankind.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Talk to the business community, I have been speaking to quite a few.  There is major apprehension over the direction of the PNC.

I have no doubt that among them, there are many racists.  Black man in power, so they scream, yet all man jack of them have business interests in Barbados, and will tell you that that island is a good deal less corrupt than Guyana was under the PPP.

I think this is one of the most intelligent statement ever made by mankind.

I feel compelled to keep this.

Ma boy Nehru seeing the light and this time it's not from the bottom of a doorway as he crawls along on his way home.


PPP  will NOT be elected with Jagdeo, Infran Ali and Rohee as leaders. Guyanese aint gonna go backwards, therefore they will reject these clueless folks in they continue do hijack the PPP leadership..

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Talk to the business community, I have been speaking to quite a few.  There is major apprehension over the direction of the PNC.

I have no doubt that among them, there are many racists.  Black man in power, so they scream, yet all man jack of them have business interests in Barbados, and will tell you that that island is a good deal less corrupt than Guyana was under the PPP.

The key words there are 'less corrupt'.  Barbados does not have any manufacturing sector.  The economy depends on tourism.  I've been to Barbados they have nothing. There beaches are being eroded slowly.  It's gone.  Soon everybody will be going to Stink Kitts to cut grass.

Last edited by Ramakant-P

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