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Construction of Marriot Hotel Complex proceeding satisfactorily


Work is advancing rapidly on the first five-star and Guyana’s premier hotel in Kingston, in the capital, that will have close to 200 rooms within a nine-story edifice. The Georgetown Marriot is expected to bring high-end tourists to this country.


Giving an update to the Government Information Agency today, Construction Manager of the Marriot Hotel, Romesh Budhram said that work formally began in August of 2011 with the casting of the foundation for the US$52M, 197- room hotel. Months later, the substructures are already taking shape and with a complement of 140 Chinese workers on the job, the site is a bustle of activity with work taking place continuously.  The contract is being executed by Shanghai Construction Group (SCG).


Construction site of the Marriot Hotel


The complex will house the main structure, an administration building containing offices, and banquet hall on the eastern side, and a separate building to the west containing a specialty restaurant, nightclub and casino, according to Budhram.


The construction manager, who has worked in over a dozen countries on more than 300 projects, added that the main building is scheduled to be completed by May of this year. Tenders for businesses to operate the restaurant, casino and night club are due to be finalised by the end of February, he added.


The interior dÉcor is still to be finalised and the Marriot team is keen to have a South American/ Caribbean theme as part of the hotel’s identity.


The Marriot’s management is in constant contact with local counterparts to ensure that the project meets or exceeds its already high standards, said Budhram. “The most important thing for them is the construction of the sample room, and once this is done, everything will fall into place very quickly as we will be sure that we are on the right track,” he noted.


The Marriot Hotel taking shape at Kingston


Budhram was loud in praise of the quality and pace of work being executed. He said that given his experience internationally, the work being done will ensure that Guyana will be proud to own one of the finest five- star hotels in the region and further afield. The Marriot Hotel project is part of five-year plan, according to government, which will significantly boost the local economy and provide 250 jobs for Guyanese.


This project has been welcomed by the Private sector, but the opposition passed a motion in December to halt funds for its construction. From the inception, the Marriot Hotel Project has been a matter of great controversy for the Opposition; notwithstanding the fact, that it will create more than 250 jobs, generate income, and significantly boost Guyana’s capacity to become a high-end tourist destination.

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Since the Marriott was in its infancy, Ramjattan made every effort to stop the project but he can't. They stop funding and the project continues. They say corruption involved and everything reveal that not the case. The project will finish and they will still shagging the idea. Guyana will continue on other major project and complete them and find Granger shagging Ramjattan in the same doggy style. Guyanese don't want fools to sit and warm parliament seat, they need coolie working class that have something to show for. Yes, we're thieves, but we thief and put it in good use. We build mansions, bridges, hotel and you name it. All is done by the coolie PPP. Put that in you pipe and smoke it. Where is slick willy?

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

We should call these AFC boys "Progress Stoppers".

They are like dry shit in a cow's ass. You have to say it like it is.

yuh mean kakahole putties???


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