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Construction of young professional homes in Linden commences; project aimed at fostering economic growth – Minister

Yet another commitment by the Government is closer to realization, as the construction of young professional homes in Linden, Region 10 commences.

On January 14, President Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali announced the construction of 1000 homes for the mining town, during his first outreach to that region.

Last Friday, construction of the first 20 homes commenced in Amelia’s Ward under the supervision of the Ministry of Housing and Water-Central Housing & Planning Authority.

Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal earlier today engaged the contractors and workers on-site, as they forge ahead with works. Already, several foundations have been set for the first 20 single elevated 2-bedroom homes. This project is being executed by CB Housing Development Inc. with a workforce of some 150 skilled Lindeners.

According to Housing Minister, Collin Croal this project is aimed at transforming lives, raising the standard of living, and fostering economic growth within the region.

“This project is testament of the President’s promise to this region, it will translate into jobs for skilled and unskilled workers, all the building and construction material will be sourced from hardware stores around Linden,”.

Also, block makers in the region will be engaged under the Ministry’s Community Based Employment Stimulation Project (CESP) to supply blocks.

“The spin-off benefits will be remarkable and reflects Government’s commitment to revive economic activities in Region Ten, the Government’s aggressive housing drive is aimed at creating jobs and this is testament of this commitment”.

Over the coming weeks, as works on-site progress the number of persons being employed is expected to increase. This project is expected to be completed within another four months.

Mobilisation for the construction of another 20 houses is expected to commence shortly, representing the first batch of houses under President Ali’s 1000 homes project for Region 10.

As construction in the region continues, simultaneously the Ministry is engaging NICIL and the Guyana Lands and Survey Commission for the acquisition of lands for allocations.

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