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Construction work at CIJA project

moving ahead

December 19, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


Despite criticisms from the Joint Opposition about the proposed Cheddi Jagan International Airport extension, Government has moved forward with the construction.  The commencement has come despite claims by the Ministry of Works that this project was going to be hampered by cuts that were made by the opposition

A section of the cleared out farm lands at Timehri.

A section of the cleared out farm lands at Timehri.

to its 2013 budget.
Officials from the airport were doing inspection works yesterday.  According to the official who did not want to be named, the contractor China Harbour Engineering Company (CHEC) is in the initial stage of construction. The official explained that workers have extracted the “soft soil” and started back filling with sand, which is to facilitate the runway extension.
The official told Kaieteur News that this type of work has to be monitored closely since they have to ‘watch’ how the sand settles.
It was noted that all of the swamp lands along with the geographic location have to be taken into consideration. The official further stated that it could not be specified as to how long that phase would last. Kaieteur News was told that everything including the weather have to be taken into consideration. The official said that it must be noted that the airport authority is working on a “plan’ as it relates to the removal of residents who have opposed moving from the area which government had earmarked for the construction.
The entire $5.6 billion allocated to the transport sector programme was slashed by the parliamentary opposition during the consideration of the 2013 national budget estimates, despite the pleas of the government about the benefits that a modern airport will bring to this country.
Of the amount, $5.3 billion was budgeted for the upgrade, expansion and modernisation of the CJIA through the construction of a new terminal building, aprons, air-bridges, taxiways, and the extension of the runway by a further 3500 feet.
Benn had told a news conference back in July that US$20 million was earmarked for CHEC and work is ongoing; however, the heavy earth moving and other works have not yet started.

Work in progress yesterday.

Work in progress yesterday.

A release by the ministry had said that Minister Benn along with other government and CJIA officials were taken on a site visit on October 31. CHEC’s Engineers are removing the soft soil (peat) and backfilling the area with sand.
“I know we had some hiccups but I am happy to see works have commenced for this transformational project,” Benn told CHEC technicians.
When completed the runway will be able to accommodate BOEING 747-400 aircraft, and will be extended from 7,500 feet to 10,800 feet, the release said.
The release said that the Minister has instructed his Engineers to carry out tests on the soil (peat) found in the area. According to him, peat is produced as an important source of fuel in certain parts of the world.

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Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by asj:


ASJ's continued distortions to sate his fantasies.

Is it not time for you medications?


So much drugs and bribery has been happening at the CJIA, one cannot but give it a name asThe Corrupted PPP/C Technical Institute of Bribery and Corruptions. Until I can see better I will continue to refer it as such.

Originally Posted by asj:

So much drugs and bribery has been happening at the CJIA, one cannot but give it a name asThe Corrupted PPP/C Technical Institute of Bribery and Corruptions. Until I can see better I will continue to refer it as such.

And it will be my choice, as apt, to point out your inconsistency with GNI rules.

Originally Posted by asj:

Stop making yourself a fool, and read this carefully and tell me what it means:



This website takes no responsibility for statements posted by participants on the Forum.

As a moderator of GNI, even for one site, you have a responsibility to conduct your activities beyond reproach.


You, ASJ, must abide with GNI rules and cease posting incorrect headings for articles.


Of note, Amral posted about a month ago, a warning that posters must provide the correct headings of articles.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by asj:

Stop making yourself a fool, and read this carefully and tell me what it means:



This website takes no responsibility for statements posted by participants on the Forum.

As a moderator of GNI, even for one site, you have a responsibility to conduct your activities beyond reproach.


You, ASJ, must abide with GNI rules and cease posting incorrect headings for articles.


Of note, Amral posted about a month ago, a warning that posters must provide the correct headings of articles.

why don't you go suck kwame dick

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by asj:

Stop making yourself a fool, and read this carefully and tell me what it means:



This website takes no responsibility for statements posted by participants on the Forum.

As a moderator of GNI, even for one site, you have a responsibility to conduct your activities beyond reproach.


You, ASJ, must abide with GNI rules and cease posting incorrect headings for articles.


Of note, Amral posted about a month ago, a warning that posters must provide the correct headings of articles.

You are an ass.  Amral does not have the right to censor anyone.

Originally Posted by asj:

Stop making yourself a fool, and read this carefully and tell me what it means:



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7) Do not post any messages that harass, insult (name calling), belittle, threaten or mock other members. Debates are fine, but critique the opinion, not the person. Personal attacks are not permitted. Do not use sweeping generalizations and plural pronouns to cloak personal attacks. For example if a poster(s) states that he thinks 'x' is a good idea, replying that "Anyone who supports 'x' is an idiot" is a personal attack.




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Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by asj:

Stop making yourself a fool, and read this carefully and tell me what it means:



This website takes no responsibility for statements posted by participants on the Forum.

7) Do not post any messages that harass, insult (name calling), belittle, threaten or mock other members. Debates are fine, but critique the opinion, not the person. Personal attacks are not permitted. Do not use sweeping generalizations and plural pronouns to cloak personal attacks. For example if a poster(s) states that he thinks 'x' is a good idea, replying that "Anyone who supports 'x' is an idiot" is a personal attack.




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I guess it's hard for you to stop being an old fool.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by asj:

Stop making yourself a fool, and read this carefully and tell me what it means:



This website takes no responsibility for statements posted by participants on the Forum.

7) Do not post any messages that harass, insult (name calling), belittle, threaten or mock other members. Debates are fine, but critique the opinion, not the person. Personal attacks are not permitted. Do not use sweeping generalizations and plural pronouns to cloak personal attacks. For example if a poster(s) states that he thinks 'x' is a good idea, replying that "Anyone who supports 'x' is an idiot" is a personal attack.




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DG When you and Godee Wallah, and others are doing it, then it is right. When you guys lambasted asj with derogative words, then you would join in a skin your teeth.

Similarly when asj shoot you guys with Canons then you should be a man and take it easy, dont be an antiman like many others make you out to be. If you cannot take insults then piss off from my thread.

I know what I am writing and can take the consequenses, it is just that you are making yourself an a$$whole, by not understanding my writings.

First let me educate you, (I hate doing this to a dirty old man) When I write a heading or is all my own, when I quote the article, I gave a full quote with its headlines........maybe you are friggin blind and cannot see this.

I hate insulting you but you do look for it will notice that times I leave you alone, because you are an old man. But enough is enough, you need to get some bomb in your ass, whenever you cross the line. Amral or no Amral, I will not spare you, so please take warning.

Come to me clean, be nice and you will get the same treatment.


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