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August 19 ,2020


Dear Editor,

One observes the relatively uninformed alarums raised about individual public officers’ salaries (and benefits), outside of the context of those approved by Parliament, and supplemented by any subsequent official action.

The following information should help to put some of the reactions in a slightly more informed perspective. For example, since the late 20th century Parliaments had approved and maintained a constipated fourteen (14) grade Job/Position Structure.

Following are the values approved by Parliament in 2019, effective 2018. As can be seen the Table below is an extract from the National Estimates approved in 2019, which shows the salary scales applicable up to that point in time.

It followed however that the Government of the day in November 2019, announced, and had implemented, a number of adjustments for all Public Sector agencies – one effect of which was the establishment of a new minimum salary/wage of $70,000 per month retroactive from January 01, 2019, along with 9% and 8.5% increase for employees earning:

$64,200 – $99,999 – 9%

$100,000 – $990,000 – 8.5%

The announcement ignored the fact that the maximum for the highest salary scale (Grade 14) was officially gazetted at $715,802.

What allowances were increased were in respect of the lower grade employees which were overdue for decades anyhow:

–          Station Allowance

–          Hinterland Allowance

–          Risk Allowance

–          Uniform Allowance

which would apply only minimally to more senior Public Servants, whose other conditions of employment have never been publicised over the years (except for leave) and presumably would have been applicable on a grade by grade basis.

Hopefully the above throws some light on the much discussed issue of compensation management in the Public Service and related Public Sector Agencies.

Yours faithfully,

E.B. John

Replies sorted oldest to newest

@Tola posted:

Its dumb to say excuses, excuses without an explanation. It shows lack of comprehension and individual thinking. Sorry, maybe you don't have any. 

I can say the same about you. I would never say that you are an idiot.

@Former Member posted:

That's right. Time to remove the blood suckers. 

And replace them with the new and improved PPP blood suckers. 

Seems like I have to dig up from the archives, the post, exposing the PPP fat cats during Ramotar's. See the PPP cup.

Top Fat Cat Stickers for Android & iOS | Gfycat

Last edited by Django

Bai, people stopped buying snake oil a very long time ago.


AFC is rotting in the streets of Guyana like stink meat. Go ahead and make fun of yourself. 

Good thing Lord Jagdeo and Dr. Ali won.  Sadly GNI's AFC PNC Botton house goadie crew will be tormented for another 20 years.

BTW, how is your family Ramjattan coping with the defeat ? How is Moses coping with being kicked in the behind by Granger ? 


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Last edited by Former Member
@Ramakant-P posted:

It is also stupid to insult people who tell the truth. Why are you making excuses for your hatred of Jagdeo?

What truth ?  You people live in your prefect homes in North America and don't have a faintest idea what guys like PPP ROs, NDC's and the PPP government did to their voters, during the last PPP government.

Do you know what happened to innocent young women who might never marry, have mental issues and some died,  by officers in-charge of departments ?

As an Indian, try to complain  to the PPP government and see what happens. The people's fear was overwhelming.  

Go take a hike into an empty lake and take JagRat wid you.  


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