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Contractor out of India gets mining concession…enjoys privileged position with Govt


*gets US$12.5M for sugar packaging plant but never built one before
*gets US$4M drainage pumps contract but never built any before
*gets US$19M contract for Specialty Hospital, never built one 
*blacklisted by GuySuCo for supplying poor quality parts

Over 25,000 acres of lands in the gold bush has been granted to an Indian contractor and a Parliamentary party is now raising questions.
The company, Indian-owned Surendra Mines Guyana Inc., was granted two Prospecting Licences (PLs) in early March, one year after applying for the licences.

AFC’s Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan

The company is linked to Surendra Engineering Corporation Limited, the same company that built the US$12.5M sugar packaging plant at Enmore, East Coast Demerara. The two companies share the same directors.
The company was later awarded another contract to supply large drainage pumps to the tune of US$4M. Surendra also won a US$19M contract to build a specialty hospital at Turkeyen, East Coast Demerara.
The Prospecting Licences for the lands which are located in North West District, Region One, led the Alliance For Change (AFC) to believe that the company is a “privileged” one.
“There is no doubt in my mind that Surendra Engineering is now part of the PPP’s circle of family, friends and favourites. That company will get whatever it wants, tendered or untendered, because it is so close to the former President (Bharrat Jagdeo) and former Minister of Agriculture (Robert Persaud),” AFC Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan said last evening.
Ramjattan, whose party has seven seats in the National Assembly and together with A Partnership For National Unity (APNU), has a one-seat voting majority, said that indications are that Surendra never built a packaging plant, yet it won a contract worth US$12.5M.
“This was under Robert Persaud’s stewardship as the Agriculture Minister to construct the Enmore packaging plant. Though huge problems persist with the operational functioning of that plant, Surendra was paid all its monies.”
It will be recalled that when the project cost was challenged, Minister Persaud said that he would facilitate any value-for-money audit. The challenge was accepted by Chartered Accountant Christopher Ram. Immediately Persaud backpedalled. The value-for-money audit was never conducted, Ramjattan said.
Ramjattan also noted that while evidence suggests that Surendra never built a specialty hospital, it won a contract worth US$19M to build one here.
“It won even against Fedders Lloyd. Only in Guyana. It never built mobile nor vertical drainage and irrigation pumps, yet it won a contract for US$4M to provide a dozen or more pumps which were to have been delivered since eight months now. It won against the giant pump manufacturer Kirkloskar of India. No penalty. Rather, some generous extensions.”

Robert Persaud

The Parliamentarian said that Surendra was granted a number of other contracts to provide the Guyana Sugar Corporation with parts. “GuySuCo had to blacklist this company because the parts were not up to the endurance levels represented. Probably that is one reason why GuySuCo is where it is today.”
With no indications that Surendra was ever involved in gold mining, the granting of the PLs raises even more questions over the company.
“It never was in the mining of gold business, yet it gets prospecting licences. Marudi miners cannot even get a claim to work for their daily survival. Surendra has really struck gold here in Guyana.”
Ramjattan also said that it is the same Minister Persaud who is now the Minister of Natural Resources, a new ministry, which has jurisdictions over mining concessions in Guyana.
“The AFC will be asking certain questions concerning mining policy and administration in the Assembly. These developments it sees as being reeked with rottenness. The sultans and sahibs continue unchecked.”
The demand for gold in recent years on the world market has driven prices up with the sector raking in the biggest earnings for Guyana last year. Along the way came the demand for lands to mine and the problems that came along with it.
The Opposition, since the 2011 General Elections, has been waging a war against what it claims to be corruption in the administration.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Let us take this with a grain of salt as Ramjattan has allegiance to a competing Indian firm. 

ever heard of the boy that cried wolf? One of these days you will have something truthful to relate and who in the world would evey believe a chronic liar and avid manufacturer of tales to counter any act of  malfeasance or neglect of this government.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Let us take this with a grain of salt as Ramjattan has allegiance to a competing Indian firm. 

You need rub the salt on your goadee and stop being cretinous.


These are the facts on the company, Indian-owned Surendra Mines Guyana Inc :


*gets US$12.5M for sugar packaging plant but never built one before
*gets US$4M drainage pumps contract but never built any before
*gets US$19M contract for Specialty Hospital, never built one 
*blacklisted by GuySuCo for supplying poor quality parts

Over 25,000 acres of lands in the gold bush has been granted to an Indian contractor and a Parliamentary party is now raising questions.
The company, Indian-owned Surendra Mines Guyana Inc., was granted two Prospecting Licences (PLs) in early March, one year after applying for the licences.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

ever heard of the boy that cried wolf? One of these days you will have something truthful to relate and who in the world would evey believe a chronic liar and avid manufacturer of tales to counter any act of  malfeasance or neglect of this government.

You are making all these allegations without any facts to substantiate your claims. But that is the luxury of this type of message board, a rum shop gone wild.


GGMC outlines transparent process for granting of PL to Indian Mining Company; rejects KN orchestrated campaign against Minister

The Guyana Geology and Mines Commission [GGMC] today, Thursday June 6 outlined the transparent process in which the granting of Prospecting License [PL] to an Indian Mining Company.

The GGMC was responding to the Kaieteur News article published today, captioned ‘Contractor out of India gets mining concession’, which made several allegations against former Agriculture Minister, Robert Persaud.

Persaud is now the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment. The newspaper article stated that over 25,000 acres of lands in the gold bush has been granted to an Indian contractor and that the Indian-owned Surendra Mines Guyana Inc., was granted two Prospecting Licences (PLs) in early March, one year after applying for the licences.

According to the article, The Company is linked to Surendra Engineering Corporation Limited, the same company that built the US$12.5M sugar packaging plant at Enmore, East Coast Demerara. The two companies share the same directors.

The company was later awarded another contract to supply large drainage pumps to the tune of US$4M, the newspaper article noted.

However, in its response, the GGMC stated the criteria that need to be met before a PL is granted.

Who can apply for a Prospecting Licence?

1.      Any other corporate body incorporated in or outside Guyana, including a company established outside Guyana

2.      A company within the meaning of the companies Act

3.      An individual who is a citizen of Guyana and an adult

4.     A public Corporation

5.      A co-operative society registered under the Co-operative Societies Act

6.      Any organization established by Government or by or underwritten law in Guyana and authorized to carry on mining operations

The GGMC also explained that after satisfactory submission of the required documents the application is processed and, if recommended will be sent to the official gazette for publication. If there are no objections to the grant then ministerial approval is sought.

According to the GGMC, its Board of Directors follow due diligence in the processing of all applications and that Surendra Mining Guyana Inc. applied for two Prospecting Licenses on March 02, 2012 which was approved by the Board of Directors of the GGMC on April 05 and published in the Gazette on November 10, 2012.

The Commission noted that after receiving no objections, clarifications or comments, the two Prospecting Licences were granted on March 04, 2013

“Further to the steps outlined above the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment in the interest of greater accountability and transparency advertised the list of applications for Prospecting licence, Mining Permits and Prospecting Permits Medium Scale.

The Prospecting License’s application in question Surendra Mines Guyana Inc, was contained in full page advertisements including the Kaieteur News on July 13, 2012. This was done to receive any objections or comments. None were received. Additionally the list was also circulated to the media on July 12, 2012. Further, the granting of a Prospecting Licence is not a licence to mine but rather to prospect before consideration to grant approval for mining.”

According to the GGMC, there is no secrecy and the process is open for review for any stakeholders and rejects any insinuations on the granting of this or any Prospecting Licence.

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Since Stinger got KICKED OFF like a DOG, GOD posting quite a lot.

Don't you have a few financial aid forms to file away? 


How La Bagu U today? 

Freaky/Stringer/God, Ah Univ deh good man.

Originally Posted by seignet:

There is a fee that is administered for a prospecting liscene. Anybody how much it is?

Even you can stake a claim in Guyana goldfields. I told CaribJ to tell his people to go dig for gold instead of blaming the Indians for their chafe in life. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by seignet:

There is a fee that is administered for a prospecting liscene. Anybody how much it is?

Even you can stake a claim in Guyana goldfields. . 

That's  a lie.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

ever heard of the boy that cried wolf? One of these days you will have something truthful to relate and who in the world would evey believe a chronic liar and avid manufacturer of tales to counter any act of  malfeasance or neglect of this government.

You are making all these allegations without any facts to substantiate your claims. But that is the luxury of this type of message board, a rum shop gone wild.

As often stated you are not particularly concerned with truth. However it is contingent on us to remind others that you are a miserable lying scumbag. The fact is you made this statement in " Ramjattan has allegiance to a competing Indian firm. " That is your suggestion as possible motivations for Ramjattan to highlight the giveaways to an unknown, untested Indian firm whose principals are close friends of the president. I made no assertions on this thread except that you are a craven liar and a horribly pernicious one at that.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

ever heard of the boy that cried wolf? One of these days you will have something truthful to relate and who in the world would evey believe a chronic liar and avid manufacturer of tales to counter any act of  malfeasance or neglect of this government.

You are making all these allegations without any facts to substantiate your claims. But that is the luxury of this type of message board, a rum shop gone wild.

As often stated you are not particularly concerned with truth. However it is contingent on us to remind others that you are a miserable lying scumbag. The fact is you made this statement in " Ramjattan has allegiance to a competing Indian firm. " That is your suggestion as possible motivations for Ramjattan to highlight the giveaways to an unknown, untested Indian firm whose principals are close friends of the president. I made no assertions on this thread except that you are a craven liar and a horribly pernicious one at that.

It is a know fact and was reported in the news, I am just relaying, don't kill the messenger. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

ever heard of the boy that cried wolf? One of these days you will have something truthful to relate and who in the world would evey believe a chronic liar and avid manufacturer of tales to counter any act of  malfeasance or neglect of this government.

You are making all these allegations without any facts to substantiate your claims. But that is the luxury of this type of message board, a rum shop gone wild.

As often stated you are not particularly concerned with truth. However it is contingent on us to remind others that you are a miserable lying scumbag. The fact is you made this statement in " Ramjattan has allegiance to a competing Indian firm. " That is your suggestion as possible motivations for Ramjattan to highlight the giveaways to an unknown, untested Indian firm whose principals are close friends of the president. I made no assertions on this thread except that you are a craven liar and a horribly pernicious one at that.

It is a know fact and was reported in the news, I am just relaying, don't kill the messenger. 

You are not a messenger. You are a liar...a practiced one. Messengers that are liars are not blameless hence not protected by the tradition. History tells us that they often end up with their heads on pikes

Originally Posted by Danyael:

You are not a messenger. You are a liar...a practiced one. Messengers that are liars are not blameless hence not protected by the tradition. History tells us that they often end up with their heads on pikes

In fact you are the liar with all the scurrilous claims against the PPP you make every day without one iota of evidence. 

Do you deny that Ramjattan was attorney-at-law for Fedders-Lloyd company which failed in the bid for the project? 

Also, it should be known that it was this very party leader, in his professional capacity as an attorney-at-law, who represented the Fedders-Lloyd company, that failed in its bid for the Guyana government award to construct the Specialty Hospital. Everyone is aware as to Ramjattan’s vitriol at the announcement that did not favour his client. There were the usual allegations levelled against government over its final decision.

Registered Office & Factory

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City:Gautam Budh Nagar
State:Uttar Pradesh
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Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

You are not a messenger. You are a liar...a practiced one. Messengers that are liars are not blameless hence not protected by the tradition. History tells us that they often end up with their heads on pikes

In fact you are the liar with all the scurrilous claims against the PPP you make every day without one iota of evidence. 

Do you deny that Ramjattan was attorney-at-law for Fedders-Lloyd company which failed in the bid for the project? 

Also, it should be known that it was this very party leader, in his professional capacity as an attorney-at-law, who represented the Fedders-Lloyd company, that failed in its bid for the Guyana government award to construct the Specialty Hospital. Everyone is aware as to Ramjattan’s vitriol at the announcement that did not favour his client. There were the usual allegations levelled against government over its final decision.

Registered Office & Factory

C-4, Phase II, 
City:Gautam Budh Nagar
State:Uttar Pradesh
Web Url:

The fact as they stand does not look good in your favor. The company did indeed have no expertise in the fields for which they were selected and stating that fact as the member of the opposition is only to be construed as villainous because the crooks in the PPP want to hide the fact they are giving preferential treatment to a favored croney.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

The fact as they stand does not look good in your favor. The company did indeed have no expertise in the fields for which they were selected and stating that fact as the member of the opposition is only to be construed as villainous because the crooks in the PPP want to hide the fact they are giving preferential treatment to a favored croney.

Don't detract from your lies, you claimed I lied when I stated that Ramjattan had allegiance to a competing indian firm, you even highlighted my words. Now you change the subject to the validity of the award which I am not in a position to discuss since I don't have all the relevant facts as you seems to have. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

The fact as they stand does not look good in your favor. The company did indeed have no expertise in the fields for which they were selected and stating that fact as the member of the opposition is only to be construed as villainous because the crooks in the PPP want to hide the fact they are giving preferential treatment to a favored croney.

Don't detract from your lies, you claimed I lied when I stated that Ramjattan had allegiance to a competing indian firm, you even highlighted my words. Now you change the subject to the validity of the award which I am not in a position to discuss since I don't have all the relevant facts as you seems to have. 

I highlighted it to illsustrate your habit of obfuscation and distraction. CLearly the company were as discribed. But the PPP cannot ever do wrong. Why does BK gets all the contract? No other exist...why does Bobby get tax concessions and exclusive right to sell drugs as six times the cost to the government...not to mention storage fees in facilities build by the government for the purpose....NICIL despite not filing accounts for 10 years and hiding who are its supposed investors for whom 25 million of our assets is being "invested" is a good company. My I remind you that "Brutus is an honorable man"?


The point is these are all excuses for the excessive abuse of power and misuse of state assets. Insisting that Ramjattan is acting our of malice does not explain the reasons this unknown entity ( until Jagdeo brought it) got 4% of our land, and is being given full access to the largess of our contracts when they have no track record work in the areas. Worse, they fail to deliver constantly and was even blacklisted by a state agency, GUYSUCO!

Originally Posted by Danyael:

I highlighted it to illsustrate your habit of obfuscation and distraction. CLearly the company were as discribed. But the PPP cannot ever do wrong. Why does BK gets all the contract? No other exist...why does Bobby get tax concessions and exclusive right to sell drugs as six times the cost to the government...not to mention storage fees in facilities build by the government for the purpose....NICIL despite not filing accounts for 10 years and hiding who are its supposed investors for whom 25 million of our assets is being "invested" is a good company. My I remind you that "Brutus is an honorable man"?


The point is these are all excuses for the excessive abuse of power and misuse of state assets. Insisting that Ramjattan is acting our of malice does not explain the reasons this unknown entity ( until Jagdeo brought it) got 4% of our land, and is being given full access to the largess of our contracts when they have no track record work in the areas. Worse, they fail to deliver constantly and was even blacklisted by a state agency, GUYSUCO!

Apparently you were privy to the procurement process as you know that BK unfairly got contracts. I can not pronounce on whether contracts were fairly distributed as I was not on the procurement commission as you were.  What I do know is that the commission is 75% afc/pnc supporters. You should insist on checking their bank accounts to see if they are fattened abnormally. 


The AFC/PNC crooks are again caught in a web of lies as Natural Resource ministry debunk their claims. Things must be slow for these fools as they dig up items from the archives to create controversy wheres there is none. 


Natural Resources Ministry rejects secrecy assertion by KN in forestry dealPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Gary Eleazar   
Thursday, 06 June 2013 22:39

THE Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment yesterday rejected assertions in an article published by Kaieteur News regarding Surendra Mining Inc, saying that due process had been followed and opportunities calling for objections to the company had been facilitated by the very newspaper.

Kaieteur News yesterday in its lead article suggested that the company that received the prospecting licence had enjoyed a privileged position with government.
The Natural Resources Ministry yesterday, however, rejected the notion of any secrecy in the transaction, saying that the Prospecting Licence  application in question, Surendra Mines Guyana Inc, “was contained in full page advertisements including the Kaieteur News on July 13, 2012.”
The ministry maintained that this was done to receive any objections or comments, but “none were received.”
It said also that the list was additionally circulated to the media on July 12, 2012.
The ministry in rejecting the content of the article further stated that “the granting of a Prospecting Licence is not a licence to mine but rather to prospect before consideration to grant approval for mining.”
According to the statement issued by the ministry yesterday, “there is no secrecy and the process is open for review for any stakeholders.”
It added that government through the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment also subscribed to the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative, to have a high level of standards and transparency in the operation of the mining sector.
According to the public missive issued, the rules governing who can apply for a prospecting licence includes any other corporate body incorporated in or outside Guyana, including a company established outside Guyana, a company within the meaning of the companies Act, an individual who is a citizen of Guyana and an adult, a public corporation, a co-operative society registered under the Co-operative Societies Act and any organisation established by government or by or under written law in Guyana and authorized to carry on mining operations.
The ministry stated after satisfactory submission of the required documents, the application is processed and if recommended will be sent to the Official Gazette for publication.
“If there are no objections to the grant then ministerial approval is sought.”
The term of the Prospecting Licence is for three years, with two rights of renewal of one year each.
The Mining Act 1989 stipulates that three months prior to each anniversary date of the licence, a work programme and budget for the following year must be presented for approval for the work to be undertaken during the following year.
The ministry further stated that the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission and its Board of Directors follow due diligence in the processing of all applications.
It said that Surendra Mining (Guyana) Inc. applied for two Prospecting Licences on March 02, 2012 which were approved by the Board of Directors of the GGMC on April 05 and published in the Official Gazette on November 10, 2012. After receiving no objections, clarifications or comments, the two Prospecting Licences were granted on March 04, 2013.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The AFC/PNC crooks are again caught in a web of lies as Natural Resource ministry debunk their claims. Things must be slow for these fools as they dig up items from the archives to create controversy wheres there is none.

. . .   



furiously massaging de extra-large scrotal load dis marnin


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