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Contributions of late Orealla Toshao acknowledged at funeral service

Georgetown, GINA, September 22, 2011
Source - GINA

Orealla residents at the funeral service for late Toshao McLean Devair

The recent passing of Toshao McLean Devair is a blow to the community of Orealla, Region Six since his life was dedicated to the development of the village.

This was the sentiment expressed by Minister of Amerindian Affairs Pauline Sukhai at the funeral service for the late Toshao on September 21.

Minister Sukhai reflected on the life of Devair and how his contributions impacted on the community’s advancement in keeping with his vision. She noted his involvement in all aspects of his village as a mature leader. This she said, spared him many problems as he always did what was in the interest of his community.

Minister of Amerindian Affairs Pauline Sukhai and Region Six Chairman Zulfikar Mustapha at the service for the late Toshao

Devair was also a major player in advocating for the development of tourism in Orealla as was indicated in that community’s development plan. Minister Sukhai expressed confidence that the other leaders will however carry on his vision for the community.

She urged them to honour him in this regard as he was “a highly respectable individual.” She further pledged the Ministry’s continued support to that community.

Chairperson of the National Toshaos Council (NTC) Yvonne Pearson also extended sympathy to the Devair family as she noted that he was not a man of many words but one had to listen when he spoke.

She also urged the villagers to hold on to the vision of the late Toshao and work together to see his initiatives and plans for the village materialize.

NTC Chair Yvonne Pearson paying tribute to the late Toshao

Devair was elected Toshao of Orealla in 2009. He passed away on September 24 after a brief illness.
Funny enough very few of these people will actually vote for us in the PPP.

The amerindians are wizening up and they are pissed off with us. The AFC bhais are cutting our tails in region 8.

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