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Former Member

I will make an exception to post in political since I have entered a pre retirement phase and taking time to assist the needy and community.

Flares have been flying in light of the inhumane attach in France committed by a Demon and it has ignited debates across the world of which GNI is no exception.

Like many citizens of the world, I watched the CNN videos in horror and condemn the attack. It is indeed very disturbing.

There seems to be an attack on Islam on GNI by those who are most angered by this attack. But is it fair to do so ?

Yuji says no, the fault is not Islam but a breed of radicalism which has taken over parts of the middle east in the name of ISIS.

ISIS must become the target of extermination and all organizations which promote hate must be eliminated. This is the solution.

It must be noted that political experts in the US have recognized that Muslims in the USA have integrated into US society and it unlikely that US will have this type of problem.  Unlike France, where certain fraction of muslims are not seen as French and as such they become easy target of radical demons.

Let us not forget that France has ten percent muslims who love their country and Islam and do not support this breed of radicalism. It is a very small percentage of radicals who pose a threat.

It must also be noted that French Muslims were also victims of the Demon who committed this most inhumane act.

Integrating those folks into mainstream society, creating jobs and providing better economic opportunity is a good start. Some of these folks who fall victims of becoming terrorists need to be integrated into society and provided better economic opportunities. Take a look at the prisons in France and you will understand what I am saying.

Let us not forget that ISIS is killing and murdering thousands of muslims. Muslims are also victims of ISIS.  ISIS is the real enemy and needs to be terminated. 

The discussion must be entered around the elimination of ISIS rather than attempting to discredit peaceful and law abiding Muslim Americans.

Let us pray for peace and let cooler heads prevail.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

"It must be noted that political experts in the US have recognized that Muslims in the USA have integrated into US society and it unlikely that US will have this type of problem."

Yuj - Sorry to disagree with you.  You are dead wrong on this.  There are Muslim terror groups all over the US and the FBI and CIA are preparing for the "the big one."

If Hillary wins in November, she will turn a blind eye to all of this as she has done for many years, and ISIS will destroy America from within, on its own soil.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

"It must be noted that political experts in the US have recognized that Muslims in the USA have integrated into US society and it unlikely that US will have this type of problem."

Yuj - Sorry to disagree with you.  You are dead wrong on this.  There are Muslim terror groups all over the US and the FBI and CIA are preparing for the "the big one."

If Hillary wins in November, she will turn a blind eye to all of this as she has done for many years, and ISIS will destroy America from within, on its own soil.

Seems you know a lot about these groups...maybe you should speak to the FBI


Let us not forget that ISIS is killing and murdering thousands of muslims. Muslims are also victims of ISIS.  ISIS is the real enemy and needs to be terminated. 

ISIS is an ideology and not a person.The people that make up ISIS are Muslims or people that are Muslim converts. All leading Muslim countries and Leaders MUST condemn what these terrorist are doing, ENOUGH is ENOUGH. As the saying goes, "One Bad Apple Spoils.  the Whole Barrel". The more these type of attacks happens , it make a better statement for people like Trump and his followers to gain more support and to implement stiffer restrictions on all Muslims. The USA has already experienced terrorist attacks, they don't need another for stricter control.So FAR ALL OF THE TERRORISTS ARE MUSLIMS<  W H Y.

RiffRaff posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

"It must be noted that political experts in the US have recognized that Muslims in the USA have integrated into US society and it unlikely that US will have this type of problem."

Yuj - Sorry to disagree with you.  You are dead wrong on this.  There are Muslim terror groups all over the US and the FBI and CIA are preparing for the "the big one."

If Hillary wins in November, she will turn a blind eye to all of this as she has done for many years, and ISIS will destroy America from within, on its own soil.

Seems you know a lot about these groups...maybe you should speak to the FBI

Google "muslim terrorist groups in the us"

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

"It must be noted that political experts in the US have recognized that Muslims in the USA have integrated into US society and it unlikely that US will have this type of problem."

Yuj - Sorry to disagree with you.  You are dead wrong on this.  There are Muslim terror groups all over the US and the FBI and CIA are preparing for the "the big one."

If Hillary wins in November, she will turn a blind eye to all of this as she has done for many years, and ISIS will destroy America from within, on its own soil.

Seems you know a lot about these groups...maybe you should speak to the FBI

Google "muslim terrorist groups in the us"

Unfortunately, I don't believe everything I read online...

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

"It must be noted that political experts in the US have recognized that Muslims in the USA have integrated into US society and it unlikely that US will have this type of problem."

Yuj - Sorry to disagree with you.  You are dead wrong on this.  There are Muslim terror groups all over the US and the FBI and CIA are preparing for the "the big one."

If Hillary wins in November, she will turn a blind eye to all of this as she has done for many years, and ISIS will destroy America from within, on its own soil.

Seems you know a lot about these groups...maybe you should speak to the FBI

Google "muslim terrorist groups in the us"

Hold your horses do you believe everything on Google,damn you are gullible.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

"It must be noted that political experts in the US have recognized that Muslims in the USA have integrated into US society and it unlikely that US will have this type of problem."

Yuj - Sorry to disagree with you.  You are dead wrong on this.  There are Muslim terror groups all over the US and the FBI and CIA are preparing for the "the big one."

If Hillary wins in November, she will turn a blind eye to all of this as she has done for many years, and ISIS will destroy America from within, on its own soil.

You really have no clue about US or world politics. Why don't you stick to putting Jagdeo on a pedestal?

Bibi Haniffa posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

"It must be noted that political experts in the US have recognized that Muslims in the USA have integrated into US society and it unlikely that US will have this type of problem."

Yuj - Sorry to disagree with you.  You are dead wrong on this.  There are Muslim terror groups all over the US and the FBI and CIA are preparing for the "the big one."

If Hillary wins in November, she will turn a blind eye to all of this as she has done for many years, and ISIS will destroy America from within, on its own soil.

Seems you know a lot about these groups...maybe you should speak to the FBI

Google "muslim terrorist groups in the us"

Another Google educationist. whah happ'n QC no good fuh u?

Kari posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

"It must be noted that political experts in the US have recognized that Muslims in the USA have integrated into US society and it unlikely that US will have this type of problem."

Yuj - Sorry to disagree with you.  You are dead wrong on this.  There are Muslim terror groups all over the US and the FBI and CIA are preparing for the "the big one."

If Hillary wins in November, she will turn a blind eye to all of this as she has done for many years, and ISIS will destroy America from within, on its own soil.

Seems you know a lot about these groups...maybe you should speak to the FBI

Google "muslim terrorist groups in the us"

Another Google educationist. whah happ'n QC no good fuh u?

You went to QC and look what happened. I am not blaming QC since 95 % are intelligent people. You were skulking or you simply born with a defected brain???

yuji22 posted:

I will make an exception to post in political since I have entered a pre retirement phase and taking time to assist the needy and community.

Flares have been flying in light of the inhumane attach in France committed by a Demon and it has ignited debates across the world of which GNI is no exception.

Like many citizens of the world, I watched the CNN videos in horror and condemn the attack. It is indeed very disturbing.

There seems to be an attack on Islam on GNI by those who are most angered by this attack. But is it fair to do so ?

Yuji says no, the fault is not Islam but a breed of radicalism which has taken over parts of the middle east in the name of ISIS.

ISIS must become the target of extermination and all organizations which promote hate must be eliminated. This is the solution.

It must be noted that political experts in the US have recognized that Muslims in the USA have integrated into US society and it unlikely that US will have this type of problem.  Unlike France, where certain fraction of muslims are not seen as French and as such they become easy target of radical demons.

Let us not forget that France has ten percent muslims who love their country and Islam and do not support this breed of radicalism. It is a very small percentage of radicals who pose a threat.

It must also be noted that French Muslims were also victims of the Demon who committed this most inhumane act.

Integrating those folks into mainstream society, creating jobs and providing better economic opportunity is a good start. Some of these folks who fall victims of becoming terrorists need to be integrated into society and provided better economic opportunities. Take a look at the prisons in France and you will understand what I am saying.

Let us not forget that ISIS is killing and murdering thousands of muslims. Muslims are also victims of ISIS.  ISIS is the real enemy and needs to be terminated. 

The discussion must be entered around the elimination of ISIS rather than attempting to discredit peaceful and law abiding Muslim Americans.

Let us pray for peace and let cooler heads prevail.


Yuji, you gone off the deep end.  how come you sleeping with the enemy and hanging with a man you refers to non-Muslim Indian and the PPP followers as low life Chammars!

You need to get off the liberal coolaid and re-examine your logic!!

ISIS is not fringe but they represent a core faction of Islamic believers!!  And don't fool yourself, they are among us!!


When all is said and done, the overwhelming majority of Muslims in western democracies are law-abiding, god-fearing, peaceful and productive citizens. And those terrorists who wantonly kill people in the western democracies are inspired and driven by an un-Islamic ideology that originates in the Arab region and hijacks the peaceful name of Islam.

While I agree with yuji22 that cooler heads must prevail, we cannot be complacent in North America and think we are safe. All security agencies need to be vigilant and they're doing just that. However, even with the best systems and preparations to avert tragedy, the terrorists are adept at finding loopholes and penetrating barriers to achieve their ungodly aims. 

yuji22 posted:

I will make an exception to post in political since I have entered a pre retirement phase and taking time to assist the needy and community.

Flares have been flying in light of the inhumane attach in France committed by a Demon and it has ignited debates across the world of which GNI is no exception.

Like many citizens of the world, I watched the CNN videos in horror and condemn the attack. It is indeed very disturbing.

There seems to be an attack on Islam on GNI by those who are most angered by this attack. But is it fair to do so ?

Yuji says no, the fault is not Islam but a breed of radicalism which has taken over parts of the middle east in the name of ISIS.

ISIS must become the target of extermination and all organizations which promote hate must be eliminated. This is the solution.

It must be noted that political experts in the US have recognized that Muslims in the USA have integrated into US society and it unlikely that US will have this type of problem.  Unlike France, where certain fraction of muslims are not seen as French and as such they become easy target of radical demons.

Let us not forget that France has ten percent muslims who love their country and Islam and do not support this breed of radicalism. It is a very small percentage of radicals who pose a threat.

It must also be noted that French Muslims were also victims of the Demon who committed this most inhumane act.

Integrating those folks into mainstream society, creating jobs and providing better economic opportunity is a good start. Some of these folks who fall victims of becoming terrorists need to be integrated into society and provided better economic opportunities. Take a look at the prisons in France and you will understand what I am saying.

Let us not forget that ISIS is killing and murdering thousands of muslims. Muslims are also victims of ISIS.  ISIS is the real enemy and needs to be terminated. 

The discussion must be entered around the elimination of ISIS rather than attempting to discredit peaceful and law abiding Muslim Americans.

Let us pray for peace and let cooler heads prevail.


Excellent piece  Yugi!

God Bless!!!

skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:
Cobra posted:

Yuji, seem to have a soft spot for terrorists. He should do seven day pooja for them and invite Chief.

I will attend a Pooja anytime.

Plus seven curry with a good Puri, you cannot beat that!

Isn't this against Islam? No associating with infidels?

No Sir! 

Where did you get that from?





Gilbakka posted:

When all is said and done, the overwhelming majority of Muslims in western democracies are law-abiding, god-fearing, peaceful and productive citizens. And those terrorists who wantonly kill people in the western democracies are inspired and driven by an un-Islamic ideology that originates in the Arab region and hijacks the peaceful name of Islam.

While I agree with yuji22 that cooler heads must prevail, we cannot be complacent in North America and think we are safe. All security agencies need to be vigilant and they're doing just that. However, even with the best systems and preparations to avert tragedy, the terrorists are adept at finding loopholes and penetrating barriers to achieve their ungodly aims. 

Gilly I agree with you.

However  please do not forget how and why  Al Quieda and ISIS was created and by whom.

Secondly and more importantly 99.9 % of the world's 2 billion Muslim  ARE PEACEFUL NORMAL CITIZENS and has nothing to do with terrorists..

We do not support  any form of violence. Last night attack proved that the murderer was not targeting anyone because of their religion or race, that bastard ran over anyone in his path including babies.

RiffRaff posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

"It must be noted that political experts in the US have recognized that Muslims in the USA have integrated into US society and it unlikely that US will have this type of problem."

Yuj - Sorry to disagree with you.  You are dead wrong on this.  There are Muslim terror groups all over the US and the FBI and CIA are preparing for the "the big one."

If Hillary wins in November, she will turn a blind eye to all of this as she has done for many years, and ISIS will destroy America from within, on its own soil.

Seems you know a lot about these groups...maybe you should speak to the FBI

she could be a FBI flat batty indian yo is doan kno

Gilbakka posted:

When all is said and done, the overwhelming majority of Muslims in western democracies are law-abiding, god-fearing, peaceful and productive citizens. And those terrorists who wantonly kill people in the western democracies are inspired and driven by an un-Islamic ideology that originates in the Arab region and hijacks the peaceful name of Islam.

While I agree with yuji22 that cooler heads must prevail, we cannot be complacent in North America and think we are safe. All security agencies need to be vigilant and they're doing just that. However, even with the best systems and preparations to avert tragedy, the terrorists are adept at finding loopholes and penetrating barriers to achieve their ungodly aims. 

Saudi and many gulf nations sponsor and support these terrorist and their actions.  Are you saying they all unIslamic?  I dont think so!!

kp posted:
RiffRaff posted:

Hey KP

A white guy goes into a church and kills about 9 he a terrorist?

Maybe he is a convert,Muslims comes in all Colours and Races. He must have gotten the idea from ISIS, Remember it's an Idealogy started by Muslims. STOP DEFENDING THE TERRORISTS!!!

I have to remind myself not to get into a discourse that leads nowhere...sigh

Gilbakka posted:

When all is said and done, the overwhelming majority of Muslims in western democracies are law-abiding, god-fearing, peaceful and productive citizens. And those terrorists who wantonly kill people in the western democracies are inspired and driven by an un-Islamic ideology that originates in the Arab region and hijacks the peaceful name of Islam.

While I agree with yuji22 that cooler heads must prevail, we cannot be complacent in North America and think we are safe. All security agencies need to be vigilant and they're doing just that. However, even with the best systems and preparations to avert tragedy, the terrorists are adept at finding loopholes and penetrating barriers to achieve their ungodly aims. 

When your neighbor turn around and kill everybody in the block you lived in, you will speak a different tune. Right now a good Muslim is planning mass murder on innocent citizens somewhere. When he finish his killing, he will claim hates and jealously makes him do it. Just like Orlando, FL. I believe in an eye for an eye. Let the Gays go into Muslims area and kill 100 innocent people as revenge and see if the good Muslims will understand his frustration.

Prince posted:
Gilbakka posted:

When all is said and done, the overwhelming majority of Muslims in western democracies are law-abiding, god-fearing, peaceful and productive citizens. And those terrorists who wantonly kill people in the western democracies are inspired and driven by an un-Islamic ideology that originates in the Arab region and hijacks the peaceful name of Islam.

While I agree with yuji22 that cooler heads must prevail, we cannot be complacent in North America and think we are safe. All security agencies need to be vigilant and they're doing just that. However, even with the best systems and preparations to avert tragedy, the terrorists are adept at finding loopholes and penetrating barriers to achieve their ungodly aims. 

When your neighbor turn around and kill everybody in the block you lived in, you will speak a different tune. Right now a good Muslim is planning mass murder on innocent citizens somewhere. When he finish his killing, he will claim hates and jealously makes him do it. Just like Orlando, FL. I believe in an eye for an eye. Let the Gays go into Muslims area and kill 100 innocent people as revenge and see if the good Muslims will understand his frustration.

My comment deserves an intellectual rebuttal, not an emotional rebuttal. Baseman gave me an intellectual rebuttal. Learn from him.

Gilbakka posted:

When all is said and done, the overwhelming majority of Muslims in western democracies are law-abiding, god-fearing, peaceful and productive citizens. And those terrorists who wantonly kill people in the western democracies are inspired and driven by an un-Islamic ideology that originates in the Arab region and hijacks the peaceful name of Islam.

While I agree with yuji22 that cooler heads must prevail, we cannot be complacent in North America and think we are safe. All security agencies need to be vigilant and they're doing just that. However, even with the best systems and preparations to avert tragedy, the terrorists are adept at finding loopholes and penetrating barriers to achieve their ungodly aims. 

Well stated Gilly.

Gilbakka posted:
Prince posted:
Gilbakka posted:

When all is said and done, the overwhelming majority of Muslims in western democracies are law-abiding, god-fearing, peaceful and productive citizens. And those terrorists who wantonly kill people in the western democracies are inspired and driven by an un-Islamic ideology that originates in the Arab region and hijacks the peaceful name of Islam.

While I agree with yuji22 that cooler heads must prevail, we cannot be complacent in North America and think we are safe. All security agencies need to be vigilant and they're doing just that. However, even with the best systems and preparations to avert tragedy, the terrorists are adept at finding loopholes and penetrating barriers to achieve their ungodly aims. 

When your neighbor turn around and kill everybody in the block you lived in, you will speak a different tune. Right now a good Muslim is planning mass murder on innocent citizens somewhere. When he finish his killing, he will claim hates and jealously makes him do it. Just like Orlando, FL. I believe in an eye for an eye. Let the Gays go into Muslims area and kill 100 innocent people as revenge and see if the good Muslims will understand his frustration.

My comment deserves an intellectual rebuttal, not an emotional rebuttal. Baseman gave me an intellectual rebuttal. Learn from him.

I learn from no one, not even you. My statement stays as is.

Gilbakka posted:

When all is said and done, the overwhelming majority of Muslims in western are inspired and driven by an un-Islamic ideology that originates in the Arab region and hijacks the peaceful name of Islam.

And Muslims will have to find and expel those imams and others who brainwash troubled souls who hijack the religion.

 Chief posted:
Gilbakka posted:

When all is said and done, the overwhelming majority of Muslims in western democracies are law-abiding, god-fearing, peaceful and productive citizens. And those terrorists who wantonly kill people in the western democracies are inspired and driven by an un-Islamic ideology that originates in the Arab region and hijacks the peaceful name of Islam.

While I agree with yuji22 that cooler heads must prevail, we cannot be complacent in North America and think we are safe. All security agencies need to be vigilant and they're doing just that. However, even with the best systems and preparations to avert tragedy, the terrorists are adept at finding loopholes and penetrating barriers to achieve their ungodly aims. 

Secondly and more importantly 99.9 % of the world's 2 billion Muslim  ARE PEACEFUL NORMAL CITIZENS and has nothing to do with terrorists.


BS, A small % actually carry out the acts, but a much larger amount sympathize, aid, support (spiritually of morally) and finance, and the includes the entire nation of Saudi, Qatar, Kuwait, to name a few.

The fact some could dance in the streets on 9/11 and Peter King was greeted with hostility and glee at success tells of a much more widespread support! The fact that no muslim nation wanted to speak against the pending destruction of the Statues by the Taliban, and finally added some tepid lip service criticizm under pressure, tells a lot.

i'm sure there are those who dont agree, but they are afraid to speak up for fear.  they know the power of those radical imans and their appeal!!!

Chief could not hold back your glee when you thought the PNC was going to crusify the PPP and only showed displeasure when Sattaur ad some Muslins fell in the cross-hairs indicated the hatred you harbor.


So now, you guys don't pretend what you are not.


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