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alena06 posted:
Gilbakka posted:

The name calling never ceases in GNI Political. One PPP poster says Susan is a "coolie hater". Another PPP poster says Susan is "kumbaya people". Let me talk straight: being a supporter of APNU+AFC or an opponent of the PPP does NOT make any of us a "coolie hater" or "kumbaya people". I am happy to offer Susan and Django my full solidarity. In this forum we have survived such labels as "Cuffy lovers" and "chamars" and we shall survive whatever other labels are assigned to us.

With every passing day I am becoming more convinced that the PPP will NOT win the 2020 general elections. Firstly, the party's Indian voting base is diminishing steadily through deaths and emigration. Secondly, no black person in his/her right sense will vote PPP after reading the posts of PPP supporters in GNI Political. 

FULL DISCLOSURE: Gilbakka has black relatives through marriage on his father's side, mother's side and father-in-law's side. I have found them to be upright and decent unlike some of my coolie relatives.

Keep your convictions to yourself.  Do you think the 'NON PERFORMANCE' of your PNC has a greater impact to them losing the 2020 elections or the influence of PPP supporters on this board?  Wake up and smell the coffee dude!!  All of you idiots who were ranting on this board are ashamed of the government you supported for the 2016 elections.

Those with "Analytical Minds" should not be taken lightly.

Stormborn posted:
yuji22 posted:

The amount of Indo hatred spewed her by Carib is quite acceptable to Gil.

Time for Indos to push back like what Americans are doing right now by supporting Trump.

No more eye pass should be allowed and please stop portraying Indos as the problem here.

Kumbaya !!!

Jai !!!

Hay dummy, Trump votes are  Americans as are the anti trump vote. BTW The anti trump vote is not a third of those voting against him in his own party.

One senator endorsed him and his party is the majority of the senate. Only one Governor and his party Has most of the Governors.

Trump's appeal is among the disaffected and he is appealing to their worse attributes.

Are you more American than they are? You built a wonderful life in America. I think those people deserve that opportunity too. Many of them lost their jobs and probably not as educated as you are. And Trump resonates with them. Be at Peace with their movement. Past Democratic and Republican administrations gave away their cake-shop.  


FULL DISCLOSURE: Gilbakka has black relatives through marriage on his father's side, mother's side and father-in-law's side. I have found them to be upright and decent unlike some of my coolie relatives.  Good for you, that's why you are so touchy, so you can play both side of the fence, I wonder why you did not use the" N" word to describe your Black relatives, like the way you use the "C" word to describe the Indians??? you must pay respect both ways, I take offence to be called a "C"

kp posted:

FULL DISCLOSURE: Gilbakka has black relatives through marriage on his father's side, mother's side and father-in-law's side. I have found them to be upright and decent unlike some of my coolie relatives.  Good for you, that's why you are so touchy, so you can play both side of the fence, I wonder why you did not use the" N" word to describe your Black relatives, like the way you use the "C" word to describe the Indians??? you must pay respect both ways, I take offence to be called a "C"

In the Canadian race census, you are counted under the C's with the N's and not with the W's.

Suh, haul you coolie ass dah side.

Last edited by Mitwah
kp posted:

FULL DISCLOSURE: Gilbakka has black relatives through marriage on his father's side, mother's side and father-in-law's side. I have found them to be upright and decent unlike some of my coolie relatives.  Good for you, that's why you are so touchy, so you can play both side of the fence, I wonder why you did not use the" N" word to describe your Black relatives, like the way you use the "C" word to describe the Indians??? you must pay respect both ways, I take offence to be called a "C"

kp, I call my blood relatives coolies and I call myself a coolie without apology to anyone. I did not call you a coolie.

Stormborn posted:
.; not even the fast perennial rural indian poor who line up to support them primarily out of ethnic fear of the black man pon top. .

I would like discussion by the PPP frauds about why in PNC strongholds there are groups which are attempting INDEPENDENT representation, free of control of the major parties, and this isn't happening in PPP strongholds.

Guyana is the most political backward nation in the English speaking Caribbean because, of the larger nations, it is the ONLY one without a vibrant system of local gov't. Guyanese are passive, disconnected from the political process, and intimidated by the "kabaka" style of politics that we have had since Janet, Burnham, and most recently Jagdeo.

Guyana will only change when Guyanese begin to realize that its they, and not some elected dictator, who must control the process. It is up to the communities, and NOT the party bosses to determine the priorities of each municipality.

And the best pipeline to develop new leadership is a feeding system, generated from the local gov't level.

Look at APNU. A bunch of old GDF men who Granger has known for 40years!

Look at the PPP. A bunch of stooges, who serve at the whim of the "evil genius" Jagdeo.




People spend too much time on race issues. Beating  its discussion to death will never eliminate it or even preventing races for observing differences.

I say live with it.

I say becarefull wey yuh thread.

I sey guard ur words to others, dey may kick ur ass fuh dem words.

Carry on wid life. Race and Religion will kill yuh. Caribj can kill yuh fuh RACE and Chief can kill yuh fuh yuh RELIGION. Both ah dem chaps handles starts wid "C".



seignet posted:
.. And Trump resonates with them. Be at Peace with their movement. Past Democratic and Republican administrations gave away their cake-shop.  

So here is what happens. Trump levies high duty on imports. The EU and the Asian nations retaliate against US exports. Boeing loses contracts to Airbus.

THOUSANDS of US workers lose their jobs as a result.

Here is what will happen. US multi-nationals, fearful of losing overseas markets, will ship MORE jobs out of the USA, as they seek to avoid these sanctions.

 PRICES for consumer basics like clothing, will increase, as their inputs, whether local or imported, increase. In order to contain this they ACCELERATE the replacement of humans by robots for repetitive functions, which require low cognitive skills.

Now here is the real problem. The USA comes LAST among OECD nations, when we look at the academic preparedness of those who didn't enter college. US high school graduates are equivalent to DROP OUTS in other OECD nations.

Why do WHITE working class males think that they deserve premium wages when they are LESS educated than Koreans, probably not more educated than Chileans, and only beat Mexicans and Turks among the OECD nations.

Trump (and Bernie) cannot force a multi national to do a thing. These companies are now GLOBAL, no longer US, and will source their production, and their profits in jurisdictions which best suit their goals.

Is Trump talking about helping US workers who didn't get college education to upgrade their skills.  Is he talking about revamping the US educational system to ensure that EVERY Americans leaves high school with high levels of cognitive skills, analytical skills, numeracy, literacy and digital skills. NO!  Instead he panders to their paranoia that the non white world (blacks, Hispanics, and Asians) are taking what they think is theirs.

seignet posted:

People spend too much time on race issues. .


So when you whine about blacks, and boast how superior Indians are, that isn't spending too much time on race?

YOU are the one who screamed that Guyanese blacks should be cursed to remain poor for the rest of creation!

YOU are the one who boast that the white man is the master race, and we poor non whites have to be grateful to him (even as this white man seeks to continue to create barriers for us).

So cease your incoherent and hypocritical rants!

caribny posted:
seignet posted:

People spend too much time on race issues. .


So when you whine about blacks, and boast how superior Indians are, that isn't spending too much time on race?

YOU are the one who screamed that Guyanese blacks should be cursed to remain poor for the rest of creation!

YOU are the one who boast that the white man is the master race, and we poor non whites have to be grateful to him (even as this white man seeks to continue to create barriers for us).

So cease your incoherent and hypocritical rants!

Well! as it is said, "if a person choose to lie with dogs, he will get up with fleas." I followed the coolie racist around and give the argument that Blacks were beating up on the Indians. And now I am deemed a racists. 

caribny posted:
seignet posted:
.. And Trump resonates with them. Be at Peace with their movement. Past Democratic and Republican administrations gave away their cake-shop.  

So here is what happens. Trump levies high duty on imports. The EU and the Asian nations retaliate against US exports. Boeing loses contracts to Airbus.

THOUSANDS of US workers lose their jobs as a result.

Here is what will happen. US multi-nationals, fearful of losing overseas markets, will ship MORE jobs out of the USA, as they seek to avoid these sanctions.

 PRICES for consumer basics like clothing, will increase, as their inputs, whether local or imported, increase. In order to contain this they ACCELERATE the replacement of humans by robots for repetitive functions, which require low cognitive skills.

Now here is the real problem. The USA comes LAST among OECD nations, when we look at the academic preparedness of those who didn't enter college. US high school graduates are equivalent to DROP OUTS in other OECD nations.

Why do WHITE working class males think that they deserve premium wages when they are LESS educated than Koreans, probably not more educated than Chileans, and only beat Mexicans and Turks among the OECD nations.

Trump (and Bernie) cannot force a multi national to do a thing. These companies are now GLOBAL, no longer US, and will source their production, and their profits in jurisdictions which best suit their goals.

Is Trump talking about helping US workers who didn't get college education to upgrade their skills.  Is he talking about revamping the US educational system to ensure that EVERY Americans leaves high school with high levels of cognitive skills, analytical skills, numeracy, literacy and digital skills. NO!  Instead he panders to their paranoia that the non white world (blacks, Hispanics, and Asians) are taking what they think is theirs.

White Americans buys those products. Unless there are turn overs in economy, it does not motivate people to go to school.

And those educated offshore nations built on the consumerism of the American people. They became wealthy on the manufacturing that took flight from America. Those types of work did not need college education. And those jobs are still done by unskilled labour in offshore companies.

American businesses screwed their citizens, royally. They control the politicians and now financing dissent with Trump. I hope the Trump supporters BEAT the hell out of the Establishment.

Revolution needs Blood. 


Last edited by seignet
seignet posted:
Stormborn posted:
yuji22 posted:

The amount of Indo hatred spewed her by Carib is quite acceptable to Gil.

Time for Indos to push back like what Americans are doing right now by supporting Trump.

No more eye pass should be allowed and please stop portraying Indos as the problem here.

Kumbaya !!!

Jai !!!

Hay dummy, Trump votes are  Americans as are the anti trump vote. BTW The anti trump vote is not a third of those voting against him in his own party.

One senator endorsed him and his party is the majority of the senate. Only one Governor and his party Has most of the Governors.

Trump's appeal is among the disaffected and he is appealing to their worse attributes.

Are you more American than they are? You built a wonderful life in America. I think those people deserve that opportunity too. Many of them lost their jobs and probably not as educated as you are. And Trump resonates with them. Be at Peace with their movement. Past Democratic and Republican administrations gave away their cake-shop.  

most of the Scots irish and highland scottish and germandic americans are  second and third generation Americans so the do not get much more claim to the label than I do except they were born here. I do not know what jobs were lost in Mississippi and Louisiana and Michigan, Pennsylvanian etc had other ethnic groups who lost jobs as well. The complaints ought to be directed at wall street which transferred 3 trillion dollars into the hands of the one percenters who by the way are mainly Germanic and english and not Mexican immigrants  or black people. Black People lost 30 percent of their collective wealth in that crisis and they were already behind those who now point fingers and pout that the lost status.

Why should I be at peace with entrench bigotry? You hate black people in  asimilar way so why should I care about you also? Sorry, if Hillary is the candidate she will trounce any of those on the GOP side. Had they picked Bush or any of the middle of the roaders with sensible plans instead of that orange headed loudmouthed quack they would have stood a better chance. The senators on the down tickets are also going down with the GOP nominee. That means Hillary gets immigration and three supreme court judge and will frame the political outcome for the next generation.


seignet posted:

Revolution needs Blood. 


Rich white men, backed by their control of the political system, did this to poor white Americans.

How did they achieve this?

By doing exactly what Trump is now doing.  Riling poor whites with the notion that their most valuable asset is being white, that America belongs to whites, and whites only, and that all of their problems are due to non whites.

Poor whites are like PPP poor Indians. Fooled by their wealthy fellow, with whom they share the same racial identity. Unscrupulous wealthy men, exploiting the ethnic paranoia of these poor.

baseman posted:
yuji22 posted:

The amount of Indo hatred spewed her by Carib is quite acceptable to Gil.

Time for Indos to push back like what Americans are doing right now by supporting Trump.

No more eye pass should be allowed and please stop portraying Indos as the problem here.

Kumbaya !!!

Jai !!!

These people suffer "Pavlov" dog syndrome!!  The PNC Caribj-types abuses them, they wag their tail and beg to be petted.  And they are accommodated, and  wag lil more and go sit in a corner until he calls again!!  When they venture out, uninvited (like Susan), they are bitch-slapped and sent pouting.  But they quickly come running back for lil bites and bits and feel loved!

Baseman will never throw any brother/sister under the bus!!  At he same time, baseman will never tolerate abuse of denying rights to anyone else, regardless of race!!  Every man, woman and child deserve a fair shot!!

You are writing a bunch of crap. The nation is bifurcated by race and almost numerically matched and given the political system we have the state becomes an ethnic prize. It is the reason ( mainly) why groups from each ethnic group compete for it.  If there is operand conditioning in action in our society, that is it. 


It is why you are prone to be casually contemptuous of those like Susan who violate the ethnic allegiance rule by using their brains and making just moral positions.  In your mind they cannot be doing the "right" thing since that would be bending the knees to answers that favors ones  ethnicity whatever the question at hand.

Stormborn posted:
baseman posted:
yuji22 posted:

The amount of Indo hatred spewed her by Carib is quite acceptable to Gil.

Time for Indos to push back like what Americans are doing right now by supporting Trump.

No more eye pass should be allowed and please stop portraying Indos as the problem here.

Kumbaya !!!

Jai !!!

These people suffer "Pavlov" dog syndrome!!  The PNC Caribj-types abuses them, they wag their tail and beg to be petted.  And they are accommodated, and  wag lil more and go sit in a corner until he calls again!!  When they venture out, uninvited (like Susan), they are bitch-slapped and sent pouting.  But they quickly come running back for lil bites and bits and feel loved!

Baseman will never throw any brother/sister under the bus!!  At he same time, baseman will never tolerate abuse of denying rights to anyone else, regardless of race!!  Every man, woman and child deserve a fair shot!!

You are writing a bunch of crap. The nation is bifurcated by race and almost numerically matched and given the political system we have the state becomes an ethnic prize. It is the reason ( mainly) why groups from each ethnic group compete for it.  If there is operand conditioning in action in our society, that is it. 


It is why you are prone to be casually contemptuous of those like Susan who violate the ethnic allegiance rule by using their brains and making just moral positions.  In your mind they cannot be doing the "right" thing since that would be bending the knees to answers that favors ones  ethnicity whatever the question at hand.

As Gilbakka says, the bulk of the abuse that he, and those like him get, isn't from the "PNC racist Caribj". But from those who call them "neemakaram". "dirty Indians", "Congo lovers", "Collie Haters", etc.


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