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Former Member

Selman fears PNC-led APNU+AFC planning attack

– says she’s been receiving threats

By Svetlana Marshall

Former A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) Member of Parliament Africo Selman, who has now joined forces with the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) following a long history of abuse at the hands of the Opposition, said she has been receiving indirect threats.

Former APNU MP Africo Selman

Former APNU MP Africo Selman

In an interview with Guyana Times on Saturday, Selman disclosed that she has received stern warnings from some close friends in APNU against appearing on any PPP/C platform in South Georgetown or she would be stoned down.

“My close friends in APNU have been telling me that some APNU members have been telling their supporters in the South Georgetown area to pelt me off of the stage anytime I appear at a PPP/C meeting to address them.”

Selman said given the “violent track record” of the People’s National Congress (PNC), which now forms a major part of the APNU, she will not be appearing in the danger zone. “I wouldn’t want to go into such territory, knowing that they were told not to entertain me.”
“I know what they are capable of doing, I have seen what they have done in Linden and Victoria, and I know what their supporters are capable of doing. I wouldn’t want to venture into communities within the South Georgetown area,” she added.

In supporting her argument, Selman turned back the pages of history when an APNU crowd violently disrupted a PPP/C meeting in Victoria in November, 2011. One of the PPP/C activists was doused in kerosene and was about to be set alight.

But while Selman would not be appearing in South Georgetown on behalf of the PPP/C during this election period, she has already suffered at the hands of aggressive APNU members and supporters during public forums.

“I was at this PPP/C meeting in Soesdyke a few nights ago when an APNU East Bank district member came and started verbally abusing me. After a while she had to be removed by some PPP/C members because she was so loud,” said Selman.

Questioned about a recent statement issued by the APNU+AFC [Alliance for Change] in which the coalition forthrightly condemned all acts of intimidation and aggression at all political meetings, following an incident involving APNU Member of Parliament, Vanessa Kissoon, Selman said the statement was nothing but a sham.
In that statement, the coalition appealed to all its supporters and activists of all political parties to conduct themselves honourably and respectfully at all times when at political meetings or campaigning otherwise.

“APNU+AFC reiterates once again that it is fully committed to a clean campaign. APNU+AFC wishes to advise that it has internally addressed reports which have been brought to its attention relating to unfortunate actions of an official,” the coalition had said.
But Selman maintained that the statement was just a front, noting that the APNU in particular is known for saying one thing publicly and behind closed doors doing the opposite. “I know how the leadership of the APNU operates.”

APNU+AFC coalition Presidential Candidate David Granger

APNU+AFC coalition Presidential Candidate David Granger

She again referenced to the 2012 Linden unrest, laying the blame at the feet of the leadership of the APNU. According to Selman, “it is a known fact that the Leader of the Opposition David Granger had agreed with the Government to increase electricity tariffs in Linden but later reneged on his decision.”

She said Lindeners were subsequently encouraged to protest against the proposed increase, a protest which ended with the death of three protesters due to bad leadership.

“Granger says he is against violence but the truth is, he does nothing to stop it,” Selman added. She further explained that while being a member of the coalition, its Chief Whip Amna Ally verbally abused her behind closed doors and even in public, but although several complaints were filed, Selman said Granger did nothing to stop it.

“His silence on the matter suggested to me that he was in full support of the abused I received… So I have no confidence in David Granger, his leadership in terms of giving directions because of my own experiences.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

“I was at this PPP/C meeting in Soesdyke a few nights ago when an APNU East Bank district member came and started verbally abusing me. After a while she had to be removed by some PPP/C members because she was so loud,” said Selman.


Essequibo businessman reportedly forcing workers to support APNU-AFC

Employees of the Imam Bacchus and Sons store, a popular company in Affiance, on the Essequibo Coast, have collectively raised an alarm against their employer, Samad Baksh, whom they accuse of forcing them to support the newly formed People’s National Congress Reform-led A Partnership for National Unity and Allaince for Change (APNU+AFC) coalition.

According to letters to the editor received by this publication, one of the workers, who spoke under anonymity for fear of discrimination, said the company has been forcing its employees to attend APNU-AFC rallies and to wear the coalition’s T-shirts.


Selman seems to have been abused by the PPP one minute she claimed she was not part of any political party now she is a grasshopper prostituting herself to the PPP. Go figure........................


Like the PPP and Selman forget when Kwame was calling her a dunce publicly? That was not abuse?



Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Dear Admin:


I suggest you have some ground rules whereby you ban the pejorative term "coolies."


This is inflammatory and in poor taste at election time.

I can change "Coolie" to "Dutty Indian" if you like? 

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Dear Admin:


I suggest you have some ground rules whereby you ban the pejorative term "coolies."


This is inflammatory and in poor taste at election time.

I can change "Coolie" to "Dutty Indian" if you like? 

No surprise that as a low breed you want to dwell in filth continuously...notice i spelled it right...hehehhehe

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Dear Admin:


I suggest you have some ground rules whereby you ban the pejorative term "coolies."


This is inflammatory and in poor taste at election time.

I can change "Coolie" to "Dutty Indian" if you like? 


PNC Indian is best suited for those who are inclined to sell their souls to the PNC.


The may even be inclined to send their family members to dance with vulgarity at PNC meetings.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Essequibo businessman reportedly forcing workers to support APNU-AFC

Employees of the Imam Bacchus and Sons store, a popular company in Affiance, on the Essequibo Coast, have collectively raised an alarm against their employer, Samad Baksh, whom they accuse of forcing them to support the newly formed People’s National Congress Reform-led A Partnership for National Unity and Allaince for Change (APNU+AFC) coalition.

According to letters to the editor received by this publication, one of the workers, who spoke under anonymity for fear of discrimination, said the company has been forcing its employees to attend APNU-AFC rallies and to wear the coalition’s T-shirts.


It appears as if the PNC is now using threats of violence in forcing Indo businessmen to support the PNC. These days are coming back.


Beware of the racist and violent PNC !


PNC is a very violent Party:


In an interview with Guyana Times on Saturday, Selman disclosed that she has received stern warnings from some close friends in APNU against appearing on any PPP/C platform in South Georgetown or she would be stoned down.

“My close friends in APNU have been telling me that some APNU members have been telling their supporters in the South Georgetown area to pelt me off of the stage anytime I appear at a PPP/C meeting to address them.”

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Mitwah and TK are shutting their eyes to this kind of abuse by their mushroom party.  



Emails, recorded telephone conversation expose…Jagdeo/Nandlall/Sattaur plot to kill staff and shutdown K/News

October 4, 2014 | By | Filed Under Heist of Guyana, News 

September 21, 2014

Jagdeo/Sattaur plot to destroy Kaieteur News unearthed

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Mitwah and TK are shutting their eyes to this kind of abuse by their mushroom party.  



Emails, recorded telephone conversation expose…Jagdeo/Nandlall/Sattaur plot to kill staff and shutdown K/News

October 4, 2014 | By | Filed Under Heist of Guyana, News 

September 21, 2014

Jagdeo/Sattaur plot to destroy Kaieteur News unearthed

So why weren't  they arrested? 

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Dear Admin:


I suggest you have some ground rules whereby you ban the pejorative term "coolies."


This is inflammatory and in poor taste at election time.

I can change "Coolie" to "Dutty Indian" if you like? 


And what makes you a "clean Indian" chap?


What makes you a superior breed of Indian just because you follow the PPP cult?

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Essequibo businessman reportedly forcing workers to support APNU-AFC

Employees of the Imam Bacchus and Sons store, a popular company in Affiance, on the Essequibo Coast, have collectively raised an alarm against their employer, Samad Baksh, whom they accuse of forcing them to support the newly formed People’s National Congress Reform-led A Partnership for National Unity and Allaince for Change (APNU+AFC) coalition.

According to letters to the editor received by this publication, one of the workers, who spoke under anonymity for fear of discrimination, said the company has been forcing its employees to attend APNU-AFC rallies and to wear the coalition’s T-shirts.

Soon they will go back to the days of having a PNC card to seek employment.

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Essequibo businessman reportedly forcing workers to support APNU-AFC

Employees of the Imam Bacchus and Sons store, a popular company in Affiance, on the Essequibo Coast, have collectively raised an alarm against their employer, Samad Baksh, whom they accuse of forcing them to support the newly formed People’s National Congress Reform-led A Partnership for National Unity and Allaince for Change (APNU+AFC) coalition.

According to letters to the editor received by this publication, one of the workers, who spoke under anonymity for fear of discrimination, said the company has been forcing its employees to attend APNU-AFC rallies and to wear the coalition’s T-shirts.

Soon they will go back to the days of having a PNC card to seek employment.


They have smartened up and will never elect a 95 Percent racist PNC Afro Party.


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