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Cop charged over beating of woman, child at Marudi
April 5, 2013; Posts by Stabroek editor"

Police Corporal Nafaste Morris of the Tactical Services Unit was today charged with four counts of assault following the beating of a woman and a child on the Marudi Trail.

A statement from the police said that he appeared before Magistrate Sueanna Lovell at the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court today where he pleaded ‘Not guilty’ and was placed on $20,000 bail on each count, for court on May 20, 2013.
The charges resulted from investigations into an incident at Marudi Mountain, South Rupununi, on March 02, 2013. A team from the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission had gone into the area on an enforcement mission accompanied by the police. A mother and her son lying on the Marudi Trail were beaten by a policeman. Video of the beating circulated online and provoked outrage.
The video -titled ‘Police brutality in Marudi Mountains’- was posted to YouTube (  com/watch?v=GSC JuyWo4yM). A group of police and GGMC Mines officers could be seen standing around as one rank beat the men. The child was lying on top of his mother who was on the ground as the men used their bodies in an attempt to protect them from the blows. The policeman used a stick to inflict the blows. There were other police around with guns.
A week after the incident, the victims had expressed dismay that the policeman was still on the job.
A still shot from the video showing the beating being inflicted.

A still shot from the video showing the beating being inflicted.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Sheik101:

Ignar trellis as his best. Well, I hope justice prevails. Somebody should give him a sound cut rass in jail. And an extra one for that small child that got injured. What a jackass.

Like yuh know the Banna man? Is deh Banna from Albouystown or Tiger Bay??/

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:

Ignar trellis as his best. Well, I hope justice prevails. Somebody should give him a sound cut rass in jail. And an extra one for that small child that got injured. What a jackass.

Like yuh know the Banna man? Is deh Banna from Albouystown or Tiger Bay??/

Actually I hear he is a Kitty man.


Police brutality is not purely an issue of race, but one of power and abuse of power.  He should be made an example to the nation and other uniformed forces.  It matter not whether he is a PNC, PPP or other.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Police brutality is not purely an issue of race, but one of power and abuse of power.  He should be made an example to the nation and other uniformed forces.  It matter not whether he is a PNC, PPP or other.

Right on Baseman!  Police brutality has nothing to do with race... like you say one of power and abuse of power.  I hope someone beat the shit out of this coward for beating a defenceless woman and child.


This Nafaste should be kept by the Police Force to handle them wanted hardcore armed bad man criminal killers.  In these type of cases he would be very much an asset to the force. 


Brazilians should not be in our country illegally nor should they try to use our country to take out our gold.  Recently I was very angry with a brazilian man.  He was telling people that my country of Guyana was very very dirt poor with nothing yet he said that he illegally smuggled money into my country of Guyana so he can buy a cheaper plane ticket to fly to New York.  He would have had to pay one hundred dollars more if he had bought that ticket in Brazil. 

Last edited by Prashad
Originally Posted by Prashad:

This Nafaste should be kept by the Police Force to handle them wanted hardcore armed bad man criminal killers.  In these type of cases he would be very much an asset to the force. 



This coward would piss his pants if he had to handle "hardcore armed bad man". He's only a Bad John when he's beating women and children under the protection of a gang of armed hooligans.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

This Nafaste should be kept by the Police Force to handle them wanted hardcore armed bad man criminal killers.  In these type of cases he would be very much an asset to the force. 


Brazilians should not be in our country illegally nor should they try to use our country to take out our gold.  Recently I was very angry with a brazilian man.  He was telling people that my country of Guyana was very very dirt poor with nothing yet he said that he illegally smuggled money into my country of Guyana so he can buy a cheaper plane ticket to fly to New York.  He would have had to pay one hundred dollars more if he had bought that ticket in Brazil. 

You must be a noncompoop, it is quite illogical to travel all the way from Brazil to Timheri just to save 100us. hahahhaha


This is an absolute sham The police Prosecutor framed the case as if it was a petty offense and one where the police was simply responding. They do not care about this case. They care about presenting a face so they can say they are democrats and abhor violence to citizens. This Prosecutor did not even object to the request for bail.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

This is an absolute sham The police Prosecutor framed the case as if it was a petty offense and one where the police was simply responding. They do not care about this case. They care about presenting a face so they can say they are democrats and abhor violence to citizens. This Prosecutor did not even object to the request for bail.

It was correctly determined to be an assault crime as charges brought against the police in question. The bigger issue you wan tho address is not in the domain of the authority of the prosecutor, it is for the courts to decide and they already have ruled on the matter.  The land mining rights that was grandfathered in prior to the 2006 ruling can not be rolled back on a whim, it must be up to the courts. The Amerindians need to bring a stronger case with the aid of their afc/pnc high powered lawyers. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

This is an absolute sham The police Prosecutor framed the case as if it was a petty offense and one where the police was simply responding. They do not care about this case. They care about presenting a face so they can say they are democrats and abhor violence to citizens. This Prosecutor did not even object to the request for bail.

It was correctly determined to be an assault crime as charges brought against the police in question. The bigger issue you wan tho address is not in the domain of the authority of the prosecutor, it is for the courts to decide and they already have ruled on the matter.  The land mining rights that was grandfathered in prior to the 2006 ruling can not be rolled back on a whim, it must be up to the courts. The Amerindians need to bring a stronger case with the aid of their afc/pnc high powered lawyers. 

 Dude, you are talking out of our rear end as usual. The government's failure to demarcate lands was always in question and the status quo beginning with the lumber companies was that if Amerind lands were deemed to be inclusive of leased lands to thesse companies they would be rolled back. The rights of natives people precedes any authority of the government to lease said land. Their failure or rather their neglect to do so is their problem and cannot be on the backs of those demanding their rights which preexisted the state. Again, the PPP cannot give native people anything. Democracy demands they preserve minority rights.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

He is an afc/pnc supporter. ahahahhaah

Another PNC/AFC supporter bites the dust. Jail him and throw away the keys.

I'm glad to see you both not letting your education get in the way of your ignorance.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 Dude, you are talking out of our rear end as usual. The government's failure to demarcate lands was always in question and the status quo beginning with the lumber companies was that if Amerind lands were deemed to be inclusive of leased lands to thesse companies they would be rolled back. The rights of natives people precedes any authority of the government to lease said land. Their failure or rather their neglect to do so is their problem and cannot be on the backs of those demanding their rights which preexisted the state. Again, the PPP cannot give native people anything. Democracy demands they preserve minority rights.

What is evident is that you and I are not the people to determine the right or wrong of the matter. We may both have our personal opinion. In the end if your argument holds water then the court will be the judge of that. In a democracy it is not opinion that counts but rather the system of law. So far the law has ruled otherwise to your liking and you want us to believe that the law is incorrect. The solution is simple, send the matter for the courts to decide. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 Dude, you are talking out of our rear end as usual. The government's failure to demarcate lands was always in question and the status quo beginning with the lumber companies was that if Amerind lands were deemed to be inclusive of leased lands to theses companies they would be rolled back. The rights of natives people precedes any authority of the government to lease said land. Their failure or rather their neglect to do so is their problem and cannot be on the backs of those demanding their rights which preexisted the state. Again, the PPP cannot give native people anything. Democracy demands they preserve minority rights.

What is evident is that you and I are not the people to determine the right or wrong of the matter. We may both have our personal opinion. In the end if your argument holds water then the court will be the judge of that. In a democracy it is not opinion that counts but rather the system of law. So far the law has ruled otherwise to your liking and you want us to believe that the law is incorrect. The solution is simple, send the matter for the courts to decide. 

 As a native person whose people are on the recieving end of the stick of an ignorant judge ruling on the matter; the courts be dammed.


Further, I would like you to tell me on what basis are there Palestinian rights that the PPP so stalwartly proclaim they are for. Explain to be what they mean. These soup drinkers are talking out of both sides of their thieving mouths.


There is a saying ( at least I just made it up), if you cannot make necessary changes, revolutionary changes will catch you unawares.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 Dude, you are talking out of our rear end as usual. The government's failure to demarcate lands was always in question and the status quo beginning with the lumber companies was that if Amerind lands were deemed to be inclusive of leased lands to theses companies they would be rolled back. The rights of natives people precedes any authority of the government to lease said land. Their failure or rather their neglect to do so is their problem and cannot be on the backs of those demanding their rights which preexisted the state. Again, the PPP cannot give native people anything. Democracy demands they preserve minority rights.

What is evident is that you and I are not the people to determine the right or wrong of the matter. We may both have our personal opinion. In the end if your argument holds water then the court will be the judge of that. In a democracy it is not opinion that counts but rather the system of law. So far the law has ruled otherwise to your liking and you want us to believe that the law is incorrect. The solution is simple, send the matter for the courts to decide. 

 As a native person whose people are on the recieving end of the stick of an ignorant judge ruling on the matter; the courts be dammed.


Further, I would like you to tell me on what basis are there Palestinian rights that the PPP so stalwartly proclaim they are for. Explain to be what they mean. These soup drinkers are talking out of both sides of their thieving mouths.


There is a saying ( at least I just made it up), if you cannot make necessary changes, revolutionary changes will catch you unawares.

Now you are preaching revolution from your perch of luxury in the US. I suggest as white man you paint your face and migrate to Guyana and lead the revolution.


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