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People cope with stress in two ways - in a healthy manner that reduces or eliminates the effects of stress, or in a negative way that only exacerbates the underlying problems. Negative coping includes compulsive and/or impulsive behaviour,which can encompass overindugence in alcohol,work, prescription and non-prescription drugs,food, nicotine,shopping, sex and gambling.
Regularly binging on chocolate chip cookies or
medicating yourself with a few martinis may bring temporary relief, but your problems still exist, your stress symptoms return and you've complicated things by putting your physical health at risk.
It's important to learn healthy ways to manage
stress. This involves identifying your particular stresses, becoming more aware of your body's stress signals and using stress management techniques as soon as those signals begin to appear. You can't stop what life throws at you,but you can change the way you respond to those challenges.
1. Exercise. Physical activity is the best stress remedy there is.
It's often been said that healthy physical exertion can "clear your head" and allow you to view an issue or make a decision in a clearer light. That being said, it's important to make sure you review any exercise program with your
doctor before incorporating it into your life – particularly if you haven't exercised for a while.

2. Get enough sleep. If you have trouble sleeping, try the following strategies: exercise during the day but not immediately before bedtime; don't drink alcohol or caffeinated beverages in the evening; take a warm bath before going to bed and try to get to sleep at the same time every night.

3. Watch what you eat. Alcohol, caffeine, sugar and fats all put a strain on your body's ability to cope with stress. A balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and foods high in protein but low in fat will help.

4. Take care of problems as they arise. Meeting a concern head on is less stressful than procrastinating and allowing the problem to fester.

5. Practice time management. Prioritize and tackle one thing at a time – placing the emphasis on completing tasks that accomplish the most.

6. Breathe. Proper breathing techniques can help focus the mind and calm the body.

7. Relax! Read a book, go to a movie or listen to music.
Make time to soothe your soul. Indulge in a massage. A massage can improve blood irculation and lower blood pressure, reduce fatigue, improve the quality of sleep,increase your sense of well-being and elevate mood.

8. Discuss your problems. Talk to friends, a counsellor, support group or trusted relatives about what's bothering you.

9. Have fun. Many of us get so caught up in work and home responsibilities that we forget that fun is part of life too.
Do something you enjoy, whether it's gardening or sports,a hobby or hanging out with friends.


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