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Cops detain PPP member – reportedly being questioned about Crum-Ewing’s murder


Former Office of the President employee and PPP member, Jason Abdulla, was in custody last night, and

Courtney Crum Ewng

Courtney Crum Ewng

indications are that he is being questioned about the March 10, 2015 killing of political activist Courtney Crum Ewng.
Abdulla is reportedly being detained at the Golden Grove Police Station.
According to a statement from the Opposition People’s Progressive Party, police ranks took Abdulla into custody yesterday “for unknown reasons”.
“The employee was taken into custody at CID Headquarters, Eve Leary and is being moved around suspiciously,” the statement said.
“A lawyer representing the interest of the employee was told by the police that the officers who arrested him had left the station and that no further information was available. The latest information is that he may have been taken to the Grove/Diamond Police Station,” the statement added.
The statement alleged that police ranks had tried to arrest Abdulla during a recent picket exercise in front the office of the Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), Kingston, but subsequently retreated.
“This development reinforces the suspicion of a carefully orchestrated diabolic plan by those in authority to target and harass people associated with the PPP. This vicious ongoing political witch-hunt is a serious cause for concern especially since the police are being used to carry out these despicable acts,” the statement concluded.
Crum-Ewig was gunned down in Diamond New Scheme, East Bank Demerara in March, 2015, while using a bull-horn to urge residents to vote for the APNU/AFC Coalition.
Seven months later, police arrested and charged 37-year-old Regan Rodrigues of Riverview, Ruimveldt, for Crum Ewing’s murder.
Police had said that they got a lucky break after arresting an individual who was in possession of a .32 pistol. The firearm reportedly turned out to be the same weapon that was used to kill Crum-Ewing.
They later detained Rajput Narine, a former CANU officer and ex-bodyguard of former Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall, for questioning, but soon released him.
This time around, the police are not saying what led them to Abdulla but a source close to the investigation said that evidence has surfaced and fingers are pointing in Abdulla’s direction.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Mars posted:

Jason was once a member of the crew who were paid by the PPP to post on GNI and other social media sites.

Jason was a PPP THUG.

Why he not in jail for criminal and violent activities conducted under the PPP is a revelation that the Coalition have not gotten a grip of how to run a country.  Let us jail all the low hanging fruits like Kwame who used government vehicle to break a man foot in Bourda one night because he was putting up a poster from another political party in 2011.

The Status of Limitation is not over on that incident.

KishanB posted:
Mars posted:

Jason was once a member of the crew who were paid by the PPP to post on GNI and other social media sites.

Jason was a PPP THUG.

Why he not in jail for criminal and violent activities conducted under the PPP is a revelation that the Coalition have not gotten a grip of how to run a country.  Let us jail all the low hanging fruits like Kwame who used government vehicle to break a man foot in Bourda one night because he was putting up a poster from another political party in 2011.

The Status of Limitation is not over on that incident.

How about all the kick down doors and murderers from the past?


It seems like every few months they dredge up more nonsense to keep the Crum-Ewing story alive. To this date not one ppp is jailed for this man's murder at the hands of afc/apnu acolytes. 

Drugb posted:

It seems like every few months they dredge up more nonsense to keep the Crum-Ewing story alive. To this date not one ppp is jailed for this man's murder at the hands of afc/apnu acolytes. 

Time will prove that this man was allegedly murdered by the PNC to incite racial hate in Guyana.

Last edited by Former Member
baseman posted:

Crum-Ewing was likely popped for outing his former QC classmate in CANU who he said boasted to him of arranging drug shipments to the USA.  He had a run mouth cussing Indians and ran his mouth a bridge too far!!

Once again, the PNC chasing their own tails!!

This is similar to their corruption audits which found ZERO.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Drugb posted:

It seems like every few months they dredge up more nonsense to keep the Crum-Ewing story alive. To this date not one ppp is jailed for this man's murder at the hands of afc/apnu acolytes. 

Time will prove that this man was allegedly murdered by the PNC to incite racial hate in Guyana.

So says my friend yuji22, developer of imaginative but unproven theories. 

Gilbakka posted:
yuji22 posted:
Drugb posted:

It seems like every few months they dredge up more nonsense to keep the Crum-Ewing story alive. To this date not one ppp is jailed for this man's murder at the hands of afc/apnu acolytes. 

Time will prove that this man was allegedly murdered by the PNC to incite racial hate in Guyana.

So says my friend yuji22, developer of imaginative but unproven theories. 

Well, how about your AFC/PNC friend lying about corruption under the PPP and failing to prove their imaginative but unproven theories of PPP corruption despite greasing the hands of their auditor friends with millions of taxpayers dollars ?

Those with glass houses should not throw stones.

yuji22 posted:Well, how about your AFC/PNC friend lying about corruption under the PPP and failing to prove their imaginative but unproven theories of PPP corruption despite greasing the hands of their auditor friends with millions of taxpayers dollars ?Those with glass houses should not throw stones.

yuji22, lemme remind yuh someting. Yuh nah barn last year. Yuh bin barn way back in 1967, one year afta Independence. Yuh shoudda know the contrary ways of politicians. When a politician in opposition, he has to find fault, oppose and contradict the government. Yuh star bai BJ know dat, as Opposition Leader. 

Seriously, my friend, politicians are deceitful people and we the people have to cast our lot with one side or the other.

Mitwah posted:

If Yugi barn in 1967, how old was he raas when he went on the bus to Ottawa with Sat Sawh?

He would be the brilliant nine year old organizing the student anti government revolt!!!...he deserve a good many pinocchios for his stalwart fabrications!

Django posted:

Suh Yugi bubble got busted.

Far from it. I am one of yuji22's greatest fans, I follow his posts with a magnifying glass and sometimes with a microscope.

No other than yuji22 himself posted here that he was 6 years old when police fatally shot the PPP "ballot box martyrs" in 1973. Subtract 6 from 1973 and you get 1967. Story done.

Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:

Suh Yugi bubble got busted.

Far from it. I am one of yuji22's greatest fans, I follow his posts with a magnifying glass and sometimes with a microscope.

No other than yuji22 himself posted here that he was 6 years old when police fatally shot the PPP "ballot box martyrs" in 1973. Subtract 6 from 1973 and you get 1967. Story done.

Bhai yuh is wan a them old time detective.


How about all the kick down doors and murderers from the past?

Good question. Some of them are provided a sanctuary at Freedom House. The PPP/C had 26 years to get them but did nothing.


Kwame McKoy arrested for questioning as Crum-Ewing murder probe widens

Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum confirmed McKoy's arrest to News Source and revealed that three other persons are also in custody being grilled about the March 2015 gunning down of the activist.

Kwame McKoy arrested for questioning as Crum-Ewing murder probe widens

Former Press Officer at the Office of the President under the PPP government, Kwame McKoy, was taken into custody by the Criminal Investigations Department on Wednesday afternoon and remains in custody as the Police continue their probe into the murder of political activist Courtney Crum-Ewing.

Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum confirmed McKoy’s arrest to News Source and revealed that three other persons are also in custody being grilled about the March 2015 gunning down of the activist.

The others still in custody are self-confessed former member of the phantom death squad, Sean Hinds, PPP member and former Office of the President staffer, Jason Abdulla and Okenny Fraser.

The  Crime Chief would not offer details about the arrest but said the men will remain in custody overnight. Abdulla has been in custody since Monday while Hinds was arrested on Tuesday.

Although one man, Reagan Rodrigues, was already charged for the murder, Police investigators have been continuing their probe as they are convinced that others were involved in the hit.

Sean Hinds in a media interview a few months ago had named McKoy and Abdulla as being involved in the murder, while saying that he played no part.

Crum-Ewing was gunned down on March 10, 2015 while using a loud hailer in the Diamond community to encourage persons to vote against the PPP.

He was shot multiple times about the body.

His murder has always been seen as politically motivated. He had led a protest for several weeks outside the office of the Attorney General at the time, Anil Nandlall. The People’s Progressive Party believes the arrests of its associates may be a witch hunt.


This is all a publicity stunt.

Dem found nothing with the audits, they are fishing again.

When will these chaps stop making fools of themselves ?

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

This is all a publicity stunt.

Dem found nothing with the audits, they are fishing again.

When will these chaps stop making fools of themselves ?

It's an ongoing investigation and fingers are pointing at these persons,that is the reason why they are arrested.

Where is the publicity stunt to solve a case of murder ??


Given the embarrassment by the AFC/PNC in proving ZERO with their audits, these fools are now attempt to distract attention from their biggest failure with the audits by harassing PPP members.

This will backfire on these fools.

Then again, Guyana is turning out to be a dictatorship PNC style, Part TWO.

Last edited by Former Member

Courtney Crum-Ewing's untimely death was no ordinary killing. It was a political assassination. I hope the police are following the right clues to identify and charge Courtney's killers. Political murders always involve more than one perpetrator. 

Gilbakka posted:

Courtney Crum-Ewing's untimely death was no ordinary killing. It was a political assassination. I hope the police are following the right clues to identify and charge Courtney's killers. Political murders always involve more than one perpetrator. 

Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum will solve this case,the police have the gun that commit this crime,some one going to whistle.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Courtney Crum-Ewing's untimely death was no ordinary killing. It was a political assassination. I hope the police are following the right clues to identify and charge Courtney's killers. Political murders always involve more than one perpetrator. 

Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum will solve this case,the police have the gun that commit this crime,some one going to whistle.

Similar to you and your friend's gangster style about the audits which proved ZERO.

If wishes were horses AFC supporters would ride.

Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Courtney Crum-Ewing's untimely death was no ordinary killing. It was a political assassination. I hope the police are following the right clues to identify and charge Courtney's killers. Political murders always involve more than one perpetrator. 

Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum will solve this case,the police have the gun that commit this crime,some one going to whistle.

You see the banna uptop with sunglasses an poutin lips? Dem lips look as though they does whistle good.

Gilbakka posted:

Courtney Crum-Ewing's untimely death was no ordinary killing. It was a political assassination. I hope the police are following the right clues to identify and charge Courtney's killers. Political murders always involve more than one perpetrator. 

Yes, the PNC allegedly murdered him in order to incite racial hate.

cain posted:

yugi that is bullshit. If the PNC wanted to incite a race war they could have, they had many opportunities offered to them by the PPP, but they did not fall for their baits.


The PNC is covering their tracks by diverting attention and attempting to blame others.

This will turn out to be like the audits. Nothing will come out of it, only a few scapegoats will be displayed.

yuji22 posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Courtney Crum-Ewing's untimely death was no ordinary killing. It was a political assassination. I hope the police are following the right clues to identify and charge Courtney's killers. Political murders always involve more than one perpetrator. 

Yes, the PNC allegedly murdered him in order to incite racial hate.

You ain't know nothing racism was never started by the PNC,read up some info is right here.

yuji22 posted:

You have no shame whatsoever.

Who started murdering and raping Indos in Buxton ?

As i said you don't know nothing,if you want to believe what you were fed that is your choice,i am not easily brainwashed.

yuji22 posted:

Facts are not things that you are not accustomed to.

The Wismar report is right here on GNI. Please take some time to read it.

You should read over it and grasp what started the violence,also read the Black Friday riots report.

Last edited by Django

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