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Cops hunt 4 others following Craig operation

In addition to the six persons who were arrested during a Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) operation at Craig Village, East

Dead murder suspect, Rolston Morrison

Dead murder suspect, Rolston Morrison

Bank Demerara (EBD) on Tuesday morning, the Police are hunting for four other persons. This was according to Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum who further stated that the four men were linked to two murders and robberies. He was at the times responding to questions based on the operation at Craig that left one suspected bandit dead. He further explained that based on ballistic results, the Glock weapon which was found during the Police operation (with  two magazines and 25 matching rounds) was linked to the murder of Travis Rudder who was gunned down in his Nandy Park home, EBD while in the company of his girlfriend and child. The weapon was also linked to the murder of Regent Street businessman Ganesh Ramlall, who was shot and killed at his La Jalousie home as well as the recent attack on Justice Nicole Pierre at her home at Felicity, East Coast Demerara (ECD).  The Crime Chief noted also that spent shells recovered at several scenes were linked to the gun as well. Blanhum stated that investigators were conducting background checks on the men who were in custody to determine whether or not they were linked to other offences, but, presently, the Police have several pieces of evidence at its disposal which he could not reveal. Once enough evidence is gathered, Police will institute charges. On Tuesday, members of the SWAT Unit of the Guyana Police Force shot dead a suspected bandit while arresting six others during the operation that also saw one rank being shot and a bandit being seriously wounded. The Police found two wristwatches, which are suspected to have been stolen from Justice Pierre. The dead bandit has been identified as 29-year-old Rolston Morrison, called “Mappy” or “Sadam” of Nabaclis, ECD and Providence, EBD. The Police several months ago had issued a wanted bulletin for him for the murder of a fellow villager, Dwayne Kennedy. The 28-year-old man of Lot 40 Nabaclis was executed at the Golden Grove Market in March this year, during an argument with Morrison over an old grievance. Additionally, Police sources confirmed that Morrison was wanted for questioning in several robberies on the East Coast of Demerara and in the interior. A firearm belonging to the now dead man was also found hidden under his mother’s house. His accomplice, 22-year-old Warren McKenzie of Brutus Street, Agricola, Georgetown, was also hurt in the exchange between the gunmen and Police. McKenzie was charged back in 2013 with an armed robbery offence.

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