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Cops release suspects in Sterling Products robbery/murder


Police appear to have made little headway in identifying the gunmen who killed security guard Wilfred Stewart during last Monday night’s brazen attack at Sterling Products Limited.
Kaieteur News understands that police were due to release three detained men yesterday, after eyewitnesses to the attack failed to identify them.
The men were taken into custody shortly after the botched robbery and police had also impounded a car similar to the one in which the killers fled.
Some eyewitnesses had initially said that as many as ten men carried out the attack, but police later indicated that only three individuals invaded the Providence, East Bank Demerara premises. Security camera footage showed that the gunmen were armed with at least one assault rifle and a .32 pistol. Investigators retrieved two 7.62 x 39 casings (used in AK-47 assault rifles) and two .32 shells from the scene.
Police sources said that it appears that the gunmen were tipped off that a “substantial” sum of cash was being kept in a safe on the premises. However, they were unable to gain access to the safe, despite smashing a window in the area where the safe is located.
Kaieteur News also understands that an employee who had the keys for the safe managed to flee to a nearby compound when the gunfire erupted.
Police said that the gunmen shot 45-year-old Stewart to his groin and relieved him of his service revolver with six rounds.
“They then proceeded to the office area of the building where they shot and wounded chemist Mario Gohill, an Indian National, to his left leg.
The men located a safe that was in the office but were unable to open it and subsequently escaped,” a release stated.
An eyewitness had told Kaieteur News that he and Stewart were in the security hut when a car stopped outside the compound.
He said that several men emerged from the vehicle, barged through the front gate, and began to shoot. The employee managed to flee to another compound, but heard the gunmen discharge about three gunshots at Stewart.
Monday’s brazen attack occurred about 200 metres from the Providence Police Station.
The Guyana Association of Private Security Organizations has expressed condolences to Wilfred Stewart’s family. Stewart fathered two daughters and his wife is expecting a third child.

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- Stabroek News - -

Gunmen beat, rob Corentyne family of millions

Posted By David Papannah On December 22, 2014 @ 5:30 am In Local News | No Comments

-residents protest slow police response

Six gunmen yesterday invaded a Maida, Corentyne home, beating the family and robbing them of cash and jewellery worth millions even as the police did not answer frantic phone calls and responded more than half an hour after the bandits had left.

This caused residents to protest at the Whim police station.

“I call police and holler for help but nobody! Nobody didn’t come,” Noonwattie Pooran, 45, of Maida Farm told reporters. Stabroek News was told that at about 2:30 am yesterday, six men armed with guns invaded the Pooran’s home at Lot 47-48 Maida Farm and stole approximately $3 million and jewellery worth $1 million.

The bandits smashed their way through this door

The bandits smashed their way through this door

During the ordeal which lasted for about one and a half hours, the gunmen fired several shots and threatened to kill Latchman ‘Anil’ Pooran, 42, a large-scale rice vendor. Fearful for his life, Pooran jumped approximately 10 feet off his front veranda and scaled a fence that is estimated to be seven feet high and topped by barb and razor wires, to escape from the men. Pooran however, sustained several injuries and was admitted to the Anamayah Memorial Hospital.

It is not the first time the family was robbed and the invasion of their heavily-secured home left the family shocked. Noonwattie recalled that they were awakened by unusual noises on their premises. “I heard the dogs bark, something break and a sound like a gunshot and I turned and wake up Anil. I tell he put on the camera [monitor for the surveillance cameras] and we saw four men coming up the stairs,” she recounted. The woman said that after they saw the men coming upstairs, she sounded an alarm.

The bandits also had with them two 4×4 posts and used these to smash open a glass door at the rear veranda. Hearing the noise, Noonwattie said, they quietly walked out to the front veranda in a bid to get to safety.

Protesters outside the Whim Police Station yesterday [Photo courtesy of Mark Ross)

Protesters outside the Whim Police Station yesterday (Photo courtesy of Mark Ross)

The men were experiencing difficulty in entering the home. Noonwattie recalled hearing the men saying that they could not find an entry point into the house. Stabroek News observed that the family’s home was indeed tightly secured as there was an iron grille over two wooden doors which was locked with top-of-the-line security padlocks.

The men subsequently broke a window that was located next to the door but were hampered by the wooden bars and an iron grille that secured it. However, eventually they broke the wooden bars and bent the iron grille and entered. Noonwattie related that the family had recently spent over $1.5 million to install the glass windows and door on the rear veranda.

The mother of three lamented that as they hid on the veranda, they made numerous calls to the Whim police station but got no response. “I call police and holler for help but nobody! Nobody didn’t come,” she said. Neighbours present at the scene related that after they heard the family’s cries for help, they too made several calls but could not get on to the police. Many residents said that they refrained from helping the family as the men were heavily armed and had been firing shots wildly.

Noonwattie further recounted to the media that the determined bandits took almost an hour to gain entry into the house. Upon their entry, she said, they searched the rooms but could not find anyone. They then called out to her husband. “Anil if yuh na come out, we gone kill yuh,” she recounted one saying, adding too that while they called out for her husband, they fired their guns. It was at this point, she said, that Pooran fled for his life.

The grille which was pushed back by wood transformed into a battering ram

The grille which was pushed back by wood transformed into a battering ram

A composite photo showing the ransacked rooms

A composite photo showing the ransacked rooms

Stabroek News learnt that as three men entered the home, the other three stood guard at different points on the premises. After the bandits found Noonwattie and two of her sons on the veranda, they brought them into the living room and demanded cash. “They slapped me and asked us for the money…a bag had $2 million was next to the chair and we gave them…” she stated.

The woman recalled that the bandits were not satisfied and demanded more. “They hit my small son in his back and asked for more. Another bag had $1 million…and we gave them,” the mother said.

During the ordeal, the bandits ransacked two bedrooms and collected the jewellery. As they searched through the rooms they ripped apart a wardrobe and also slashed the wires connected to the surveillance camera’s DVR and took away the DVR.

Noonwattie said that although the bandits had millions of dollars, they still wanted more and threatened to shoot her in the eye. “I said ‘buddy you broke the wardrobe and took everything, we give you all the money, we don’t have anything else’… I turned and tell he ‘look how much you have and you still want more?’ I fall at his feet and beg for our life,” the woman recounted.

Realising that they could not get anything else, the bandits escaped, heading west of the house and through a dam that leads to the backlands. Stabroek News understands the police arrived on the scene approximately half an hour after the men had fled.

Another view of the distended grille

Another view of the distended grille

The smashed fence with the house [inset)

The smashed fence with the house (inset)

A stunned Noonwattie said that she never expected that they would have ever experienced a robbery of this nature since their house is well secured. “We have cameras, [dogs and the house is grilled] and they still rob us…to see thief-man do this to you is best you make a hut and live inside and eat,” she said.

Stabroek News was told that prior to the robbery, about two weeks ago, four men were seen standing in the vicinity of the premises. Pooran had reported the matter to the police.

Following the failure of the police to respond promptly to the robbery, residents protested in front of the Whim police station at about 2pm yesterday. The residents called for Minister of Home Affairs Clement Rohee as well as officers from the Whim police station to go. The protest was supported by the Alliance For Change. Another protest is planned for today in front of the Whim police station.

Stabroek News learnt that this is the third time the family has suffered from a robbery. In 2009, Pooran was robbed of $2.6 million in cash and jewellery at around 3:30am after he got up to check his truck at Bush Lot, Corentyne. The second robbery occurred three years ago, also in the night. Pooran was robbed of a quantity of cash and brutally beaten by the bandits. As a result, he installed twelve surveillance cameras.


The robbery took 1.5 hours and the police arrive 30 minutes later.

That is TWO friggin hours later and the PPP asses here want to say Guyana is not a failed state. The police MUST be the bandits, as was identified at Springlands. Must be the same police moved to this area.

Typical of the PPP, they move all their bad eggs to another location to do the same thing.   

The people need to take stronger action and the pot is boiling.


Way to go PPP and you want a new Rumatar/Jagbatt term. Go to hell.     

Originally Posted by Tola:

The robbery took 1.5 hours and the police arrive 30 minutes later.

That is TWO friggin hours later and the PPP asses here want to say Guyana is not a failed state. The police MUST be the bandits, as was identified at Springlands. Must be the same police moved to this area.

Typical of the PPP, they move all their bad eggs to another location to do the same thing.   

The people need to take stronger action and the pot is boiling.


Way to go PPP and you want a new Rumatar/Jagbatt term. Go to hell.     

collie people get what they ask for,let them keep  voting for the ppp


Police appear to have made little headway in identifying the gunmen who killed security guard Wilfred Stewart during last Monday night’s brazen attack at Sterling Products Limited.


Wah happen to de very expensive lab de police have. up to now dem cant use it to ketch wan bandit


My 68 year old uncle recently went back and build a house and staying at least 4 to 6 months yearly there and his application for gun licene was rejected. The cabal cannot provide protection and refuse to give people arms to protect themselves. One simple shotgun blast from the home owner in this robbery would have sent the bandits running for cover...


Notice how organized these bandits are, they knew they had time and all the necessary equipment to break into the house.  This information must come from an informed and organized source. The police themselves and Rumatar/goat man saying all is well in Guyana.

These children/parents  will be traumatized for life and  might result in long term mental problems, maybe suicides.  

Originally Posted by Tola:

Notice how organized these bandits are, they knew they had time and all the necessary equipment to break into the house.  This information must come from an informed and organized source. The police themselves and Rumatar/goat man saying all is well in Guyana.

These children/parents  will be traumatized for life and  might result in long term mental problems, maybe suicides.  

Bai Tola, you deh in Guyana. Faam yu party an run fuh de president. You guh salve all Guyana prablems in 10 mins if you bekom president.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Tola:

Notice how organized these bandits are, they knew they had time and all the necessary equipment to break into the house.  This information must come from an informed and organized source. The police themselves and Rumatar/goat man saying all is well in Guyana.

These children/parents  will be traumatized for life and  might result in long term mental problems, maybe suicides.  

Bai Tola, you deh in Guyana. Faam yu party an run fuh de president. You guh salve all Guyana prablems in 10 mins if you bekom president.


Wait a lil bit na, it coming and you will find out,.


This is the difference between your dunsee intellect and the people who want to help ordinary folks in GY. That the PPP don't give shit about.   

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Tola:

Notice how organized these bandits are, they knew they had time and all the necessary equipment to break into the house.  This information must come from an informed and organized source. The police themselves and Rumatar/goat man saying all is well in Guyana.

These children/parents  will be traumatized for life and  might result in long term mental problems, maybe suicides.  

Bai Tola, you deh in Guyana. Faam yu party an run fuh de president. You guh salve all Guyana prablems in 10 mins if you bekom president.

This is exactly why Indians are running to the PNC looking for a new govt.


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