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Corbin, Holder used state funds to seek medical attention – PPP

March 2, 2014 10:25 am Category: Politics A+ / A-

[] - The People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) says it has noted with disappointment the ‘disparaging and insensitive’ remarks made by various opposition politicians after former President Bharrat Jagdeo took ill recently and was flown overseas to seek medical attention.

The party says it condemns strongly what it described as the inhumane and sinister positions taken by the opposition spokespersons who are ‘continuing their campaign to spew hate and misinformation against the former president’.

“The PPP believes that any attempt to play down the seriousness of the health condition of the former president at that time, while questioning the need for him to travel abroad, must also be seen as an attack on Jagdeo’s fundamental rights as enshrined in the constitution and right to access timely health care” a statement by the party noted.

The ruling party claimed that it has never questioned the urgency or necessity of any opposition politician or public official to travel abroad upon the instruction of their medical advisors or caregivers.

Shiela Holder

Shiela Holder

The PPP reminded that several opposition members including Former Opposition Leader Robert Corbin and the late Sheila Holder benefitted from assistance from the State to seek medical attention abroad.

“In the most recent past former Deputy Speaker Deborah Backer was ill and was flown abroad for medical attention, this party offered nothing but best wishes and hopes of a speedy recovery.”

The Party further condemned what it said was insensitivity and disrespect shown to Jagdeo.

“While it is expected that there will be political attacks, the party was alarmed by the extension of these assaults to the point where unbelievable misinformation was being peddled by the opposition provocateurs and their activists about the costs for his travel abroad and his medical entitlements.” The PPP wished Jagdeo a speedy and full recovery.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The PPP reminded that several opposition members including Former Opposition Leader Robert Corbin and the late Sheila Holder benefitted from assistance from the State to seek medical attention abroad.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

The PPP reminded that several opposition members including Former Opposition Leader Robert Corbin and the late Sheila Holder benefitted from assistance from the State to seek medical attention abroad.

DEm Chaps gone ah Trench Karner guh Gaff.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

The PPP reminded that several opposition members including Former Opposition Leader Robert Corbin and the late Sheila Holder benefitted from assistance from the State to seek medical attention abroad.

DEm Chaps gone ah Trench Karner guh Gaff.

Criticize an Indian is good, criticize a White is right, criticize a Black is racist

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

The PPP reminded that several opposition members including Former Opposition Leader Robert Corbin and the late Sheila Holder benefitted from assistance from the State to seek medical attention abroad.

DEm Chaps gone ah Trench Karner guh Gaff.

What a foolish man you are.

Originally Posted by JB:

Did Mr Corbin and Mrs Holder get a 40 grand USD flyout and subsequently rested in their mansion in upscale Boca? Yuji stop comparing mangoes and apples. 


Please quote your source for 40 Grand.


Toilet Paper KN does not count. Bharat will take legal action against those who post misinformation. I can assure you of that.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by JB:

Did Mr Corbin and Mrs Holder get a 40 grand USD flyout and subsequently rested in their mansion in upscale Boca? Yuji stop comparing mangoes and apples. 


Please quote your source for 40 Grand.


Toilet Paper KN does not count. Bharat will take legal action against those who post misinformation. I can assure you of that.

Deny the Boca mansion?


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