The young mother of Number 59 Village, Corentyne, who ingested a weed killer last week Friday, has succumbed at the Skeldon Public Hospital, while her one-year-old son remains hospitalised.

According to the woman’s father, she died 4.15 pm on Thursday afternoon. “This hard for we family. We didn’t expect this, we thought she would a feel better,” the father told Stabroek News.

Stabroek News had reported that the young woman, 19, and her husband, 23, were involved in a heated argument on Friday evening, after which the woman stormed out of their house with the toddler.

The husband later launched a search for the woman, who was discovered in a semi-conscious state in a clump of bushes along the Number 61 Village, Corentyne road. The toddler was sitting next to her crying.

A police source had told this newspaper that her relatives noticed a green substance at the corner of the woman’s mouth.

The woman subsequently told the police, who were part of the search, that out of anger she ingested “Gramoxone.” The source also noted that the woman claimed she also gave her son some of the poisonous substance to consume.

Both were taken to a hospital, where they were admitted. They were both said to be stable.  However, the young woman’s father said that while his daughter’s condition was listed as stable, doctors were closely monitoring her, since her condition was not improving.

The man yesterday also said that before dying his daughter related that she did not give the child any of the poisonous substance to ingest, but rather she only rubbed it on his mouth.

“Them doctors tell we it come [into contact] with the saliva and so [that’s how] come me grandson mouth end up red and bruise up and so. He doing okay now,” he further noted yesterday.

The young mother was the youngest of three children. Her father described her as being “quiet, playful and kind.”