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May 25, 2016 Source

Two teenagers accused of robbing a man of money and other items were remanded to prison when they appeared at the Albion Magistrate’s court yesterday.

Amron Majeed, 17, and Rajkumar Verespeu, 19, are alleged to have robbed Yurraj Shoodeo as he waited for a friend in a bus shed at Albion, Corentyne. The duo appeared before Magistrate Marissa Mittelholzer at the Albion Magistrate’s Court and were not required to plead to a joint charge of armed robbery. They were refused bail and remanded to prison until June 13 for report.

It is alleged that on May 13 at Albion, being armed with a knife, the duo robbed Shoodeo of a cellular phone, a gold ring and cash, all totaling $75,000.

It was reported that at about 8:30 that evening, Shoodeo was sitting at the bus shed when he saw a car passing. The driver was looking at him. A few minutes later, three men exited the vehicle which had stopped a short distance away. The men approached him and the number one and two sat next to him while the third man stood a short distance away.

About 15 minutes later, Majeed allegedly placed a knife to Shoodeo’s neck while his accomplices relieved the complainant of his articles before escaping. Subsequently, a report was made at the Albion Police Station and the two teens were arrested and charged.


Pardon or incarcerate what's your take.

Once again proof that there is increasing involvement in crime by Indians, with Indians almost always being the target.

If folks know that folks have ample cash at home, they will take it. Afro and Indo criminals know this.

Prashad thinks that creating Indesh will prevent crime.  I suggest that he looks at this.


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