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Former Member

China rushes to build new hospital for virus within 10 days

The new hospital will have a capacity of 1,000 beds spread over 25,000 square metres (AFP Photo/STR)

Beijing (AFP) - China is rushing to build a new hospital in a staggering 10 days to treat patients at the epicentre of a deadly virus outbreak that has stricken hundreds of people, state media reported Friday.

The facility in the central city of Wuhan is expected to be in use by February 3 to serve a rising number of patients infected by a coronavirus that has left at least 26 people dead and millions on lockdown in an effort to curb its spread.

Dozens of excavators and trucks were filmed working on the site by state broadcaster CCTV.

The hospital will have a capacity of 1,000 beds spread over 25,000 square metres (270,000 square feet), the official Xinhua news agency said.

No wonder China is poised to surpass the US in 10 years. 
But you never know because Bernie is bringing back Socialism to American if he wins the Democrat nomination for President. He will probably make USA a new Province of China. 

PPP will have to contact those Chinese contractors who are building that hospital. They can probably build the specialty hospital in a few months !

President Irfaan also promised three new hotels, looks like those Chinese contractors will be busy in Guyana. 

It took the hapless PNC three years to rebuild Yumana Yana. 

Last edited by Former Member

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