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Coronavirus now poses “very high” risk at global level -WHO

[Reuters photo)
(Reuters photo)

GENEVA,  (Reuters) – The risk of spread and impact of the coronavirus is now “very high” at a global level, the highest level of alarm, but containment is still possible, the World Health Organization (WHO) said today.


WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said it would be a “big mistake” to switch from a public health strategy of containment to mitigation, where authorities accept the virus is spreading.

In the last few days, 24 cases had been exported from Italy to 14 countries and 97 cases had been exported from Iran to 11 countries, Tedros said.

“Our epidemiologists have been monitoring these developments continuously. We have now increased our assessment of the risk of spread and the risk of impact of COVID-19 to ‘very high’ at global level,” he told a news briefing.

He added: “We do not see evidence as yet that the virus is spreading freely in communities. As long as that is the case we still have a chance of containing this virus.”

China’s 329 reported cases in the past 24 hours was the lowest there in more than a month, he said.

“We are on the highest level of alert and highest level in terms of spread and of impact. But that is not in order to alarm or scare people,” said Dr. Mike Ryan, executive director of WHO’s emergencies programme.

“People need to take a reality check now and really understand an all-of-government, an all-of-society approach is needed,” Ryan said.


The WHO mission to Iran has been delayed due to “issues with getting flights and access to Iran right now”, Ryan said, but the government of the United Arab Emirates was helping to facilitate access and delivery of supplies. “The UAE is helping with this. We hope Sunday at the earliest, if not by Monday, we should have people on the ground,” Tedros said.

On Nigeria, Ryan said the country had “well-tested mechanisms for dealing with these dangerous pathogens”, citing experience with Lassa fever and cholera.

Nigeria has expanded its influenza diagnostics and the same labs can now do COVID diagnosis, he said. “That is not to say (the situation is) without risks – a vast country with a huge population, (and) many vulnerable people especially in the north.”

Mexico has become the second country in Latin America to report cases: “There is no reason to think (the virus) would act differently in different climate settings,” said Dr. Maria van Kerkhove, a WHO epidemiologist.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The devil is in the details:

"He added: “We do not see evidence as yet that the virus is spreading freely in communities. As long as that is the case we still have a chance of containing this virus.”

China’s 329 reported cases in the past 24 hours was the lowest there in more than a month, he said."

Katahar posted:
Baseman posted:

Trump will stabilize the US and the world.

How? By forcing the FED to lowering intetest rates?

How does lowering rates fixes COVD-19?

Yes, does not fix the virus problem but compensates for lower EPS growth due to the slowdown.  It will bring back some liquidity which has left. Furthermore, the 10 year collapsing so short term could come down and avoid inversion.

Demerara_Guy posted:
Baseman posted:

Trump will stabilize the US and the world.

Perhaps at his best, Trump will babble his incoherent nonsense.

To a couple of posters, Trump is their GOD, he can screw and bugger their brains and still ask for more.  To them Trump has the cure in his pocket. The Trump believers are all  Jim Jones escapees. still drinking the cool-aide.

kp posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Baseman posted:

Trump will stabilize the US and the world.

Perhaps at his best, Trump will babble his incoherent nonsense.

To a couple of posters, Trump is their GOD, he can screw and bugger their brains and still ask for more.  To them Trump has the cure in his pocket. The Trump believers are all  Jim Jones escapees. still drinking the cool-aide.

It's about making a choice between imbeciles and Trump. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Baseman posted:
Katahar posted:
Baseman posted:

Trump will stabilize the US and the world.

How? By forcing the FED to lowering intetest rates?

How does lowering rates fixes COVD-19?

Yes, does not fix the virus problem but compensates for lower EPS growth due to the slowdown.  It will bring back some liquidity which has left. Furthermore, the 10 year collapsing so short term could come down and avoid inversion.

Lemme tell yuh market was due fuh a serious correction..fugey abot 10%. Think 30-50%. 

It could have been anything to trigga it. It just tun out to be Corona.

Rich people getting richa. Fools who got richa ovanight will lose

The USA markets was not going up because of fundamentals,  it was because:

1- Usa, inspite, of stump is a safe haven

2- excessive liquidity 

3- negative and low interest rates in europe and elsewhere (see 2)

4- and this may be the one that also makes it an ugly drop - indexed etfs.



Last edited by Former Member

If Trump was here, Kudlow and Powell wouldn’t talk shit and caused a panic.  I’m surprised the words they chose knowing the sensitivity.  What Powell said today is what he and Kudlow should have said two days ago.

Baseman posted:
Katahar posted:
Baseman posted:

Trump will stabilize the US and the world.

How? By forcing the FED to lowering intetest rates?

How does lowering rates fixes COVD-19?

Yes, does not fix the virus problem but compensates for lower EPS growth due to the slowdown.  It will bring back some liquidity which has left. Furthermore, the 10 year collapsing so short term could come down and avoid inversion.

Lowering the rates only ease the bleeding, instead of 1200 loss, it will drop to a loss of 500. One week loss wipes out one year gain.

 Not the best time to jump ship, if time is on your side another 3 to 5 years will bring you back, on the other hand this is Election year there might be an economic bail out to stabilize the economy. 

Baseman posted:

If Trump was here, Kudlow and Powell wouldn’t talk shit and caused a panic.  I’m surprised the words they chose knowing the sensitivity.  What Powell said today is what he and Kudlow should have said two days ago.

Kudlow (and cramer) is one of the bigges fackin fraud..the mofo was tellin people to buy stocks in 1999 because in the bubble because in his words "its different dis time"

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
kp posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Baseman posted:

Trump will stabilize the US and the world.

Perhaps at his best, Trump will babble his incoherent nonsense.

To a couple of posters, Trump is their GOD, he can screw and bugger their brains and still ask for more.  To them Trump has the cure in his pocket. The Trump believers are all  Jim Jones escapees. still drinking the cool-aide.

It's about making a choice between imbeciles and Trump. 

or imbeciles following trump!

Baseman posted:
Katahar posted:
Baseman posted:

Trump will stabilize the US and the world.

How? By forcing the FED to lowering intetest rates?

How does lowering rates fixes COVD-19?

Yes, does not fix the virus problem but compensates for lower EPS growth due to the slowdown.  It will bring back some liquidity which has left. Furthermore, the 10 year collapsing so short term could come down and avoid inversion.

Bai, your economic credentials are now seriously under question.
Bond markets already expect a cut in US interest rates, but rates are already below 1% in much of the western world. Cheaper money doesn’t help an otherwise strong US manufacturer that only needs a bespoke component that is stuck in a closed Chinese factory.
Liquidity means absolutely nothing when you can't get your parts, customers willing or unable to travel, or get people to buy your goods out of fear of contracting the virus.
Central banks can counter financial dislocations but are unable to restart economic activity as they don’t reach the underlying disruption. The Corona beer is a case in point.


Last edited by Mr.T

Remember Trump said, "I alone can fix it"? Well, Trump alone will find a cure for Covid-19. The unstable genius is the second coming of Einstein.

Trump doesn't care how many people die. All he cares about is himself and money.

Last edited by Former Member

Pence who’s heading up a team overseeing CDC will find a cure. All of this under Trump. So the answer is YES. The Trump derangement syndrome will drive all you mad. Stock up beds in mental institutions for the Socialists this November. 

Sean posted:

Pence who’s heading up a team overseeing CDC will find a cure. All of this under Trump. So the answer is YES. The Trump derangement syndrome will drive all you mad. Stock up beds in mental institutions for the Socialists this November. 

Dem go ketch you rass and throw you in Canje Mad House. Trump doesn't care about who and how many people contract the virus and die. He cares about himself. Pence is a puppet of Trump. He will only do and say what trump tells him to say and do. That is the reason he muzzled the doctors at the CDC. Every communication has to go through $150,000 Stormy's John.


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