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Former Member

To ban or not to ban? (or) Spare the rod and spoil the child?


FIRSTLY, corporal punishment has been with society ever since man began to walk this earth, and secondly,  corporal punishment in our schools in Guyana goes back to the earliest days of formal education where it was, for the most part, acceptable in the homes as well as the schools; where there was a correlation of the efforts of parents and educators to discipline students;

Minister Norman Whittaker

when teachers enjoyed enormous respect in the community and parents supported them unquestionably and when there were hardly ever any public opinion against the use of corporal punishment in schools.
And indeed, Heads of Schools coming to a new School or District received a warmer welcome if they came with a reputation of not sparing the rod.
Thirdly, while modern thinking seems in several quarters to go against the use of corporal punishment as a means of administering discipline, there is yet a large number of people all over the world, including the author of this essay, for whom corporal punishment is an essential tenet of the Christian faith (spare the rod and spoil the child) and for whom the absence of some physical form of discipline will make it harder to enforce the rules of conduct which are a sine qua non in the training of our children.


Read the full story!

Source: Chronicle


Replies sorted oldest to newest

I agree with you here. It's time they change the rules and punish tachers and parents for beating their children.Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Where is the evidence or proof that corporal punishment works? Christianity is a modern religion. If it has been with society ever since man began to walk this earth earth, then it is primitive and it does not make it justifiable.



I got some serious licks from the teachers in Guyana. I was called dunce.  Yet today I am a sucessful educated man.  What did the beatings and name calling do for me.  Absolutely nothing except to bring terror to my life as a child. 


Corporal punishment is just a backward method that should be classified as a physical assault and charges should be layed against teachers. The physical beatings that are found in schools and are practiced by parents in Guyana is in my opinion is influenced by colonialism and its methods of control.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Wally:

I got some serious licks from the teachers in Guyana. I was called dunce.  Yet today I am a sucessful educated man.  What did the beatings and name calling do for me. 

Ever thought perhaps it was that good ole fashion whallopin you got that helped you along the straight and narrow an mek you a succesful an' educated man?

Originally Posted by Wally:

Cain no amount of licks could make a human smarter.  All it did was hurt me.

Looko all dem unruly chirruns wah gah noo mannas, rude, wah do dem own ting and nah gi waaan shyte.  Lil liks deh hang ova dem head dozz mek lil wutliss bais tink before dem do shyte.  Today dem do, dem do, dem ova do, den a police story.


Me dozz put two lash pon me wan rass wenn dem ah play baad an nah lissen.  An if dah wife come put shi mout, shi geh two lash to.  Mi pikney an' wife dozz call me hitla, bu mi prefer forbesy.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Corporal punishment is violence. It teaches the young the way to solve problems or instill discipline is thru violence. At what age does chirren understand consequences of their actions?

Yea, an wenn dem nah larn limits, poolice ah non-violence, nah!  Alyuh non-violent society up deh gah moo youth fiting, shootin, killin an poolice beatin in di streets dan some nuff adda k.untry.


So, mi nah see wah di connekshun between Corporal punishment an' violence in dah wida society deh.  Wenn abie bin grow up and geh lil lash from teecha and parants, diss wah wan less violent place, apart from dah PNC and CIA violence.


Alyuh gah too mu "social scientist" up deh wah lookin fuh wuk and waan mek money pon yuh chilrun lil bad behavior.

Originally Posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Corporal punishment is violence. It teaches the young the way to solve problems or instill discipline is thru violence. At what age does chirren understand consequences of their actions?


So, mi nah see wah di connekshun between Corporal punishment an' violence in dah wida society deh. 

Yuh want some good bax up and lashes till yuh see de connehun between Corporal punishment an' violence.


Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Corporal punishment is violence. It teaches the young the way to solve problems or instill discipline is thru violence. At what age does chirren understand consequences of their actions?


So, mi nah see wah di connekshun between Corporal punishment an' violence in dah wida society deh. 

Yuh want some good bax up and lashes till yuh see de connehun between Corporal punishment an' violence.


What we as Guyanese fail to understand is that children do not learn from being traumatised to be wrong. In Guyana schools, you give a wrong answer and you a** is welted(that is how I remember it). No matter what answer the child gives, there is a thinking process going on; don't traumatise the child for being wrong. I have been through this process and I know the feeling.

Mitwah is right .. violence breeds violence. Taxpayers do not pay teachers to abuse their children.  

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Corporal punishment is violence. It teaches the young the way to solve problems or instill discipline is thru violence. At what age does chirren understand consequences of their actions?


So, mi nah see wah di connekshun between Corporal punishment an' violence in dah wida society deh. 

Yuh want some good bax up and lashes till yuh see de connehun between Corporal punishment an' violence.


What we as Guyanese fail to understand is that children do not learn from being traumatised to be wrong. In Guyana schools, you give a wrong answer and you a** is welted(that is how I remember it). No matter what answer the child gives, there is a thinking process going on; don't traumatise the child for being wrong. I have been through this process and I know the feeling.

Mitwah is right .. violence breeds violence. Taxpayers do not pay teachers to abuse their children.  

Skeldonman, are you truly from Skeldon ?


I attended Skeldon Line Path Secondary. As president of student council, I fought against teachers hitting students and not one single student was hit by a teacher while I was president.


I also led the student protests against the PNC firing of teachers who then supported the WPA and were fired as a result of their political views. All of the teachers were reinstated after student protests that lasted for a week.


Seeraj was one of the WPA teachers fired and reinstated. He was my English teacher. Is he still around in Guyana ?


Are Maya and Novelty cinemas still around ?

Is Washington from the Skeldon Estate still around ?

Is the market across from the Hospital still there or did they move it to the big market ?


Just curious.


Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Corporal punishment is violence. It teaches the young the way to solve problems or instill discipline is thru violence. At what age does chirren understand consequences of their actions?


So, mi nah see wah di connekshun between Corporal punishment an' violence in dah wida society deh. 

Yuh want some good bax up and lashes till yuh see de connehun between Corporal punishment an' violence.


What we as Guyanese fail to understand is that children do not learn from being traumatised to be wrong. In Guyana schools, you give a wrong answer and you a** is welted(that is how I remember it). No matter what answer the child gives, there is a thinking process going on; don't traumatise the child for being wrong. I have been through this process and I know the feeling.

Mitwah is right .. violence breeds violence. Taxpayers do not pay teachers to abuse their children.  

Mi goa gree with dis contry man.  Chilruns shud natt geh lash foa wraang ansa or fuh natt finishin homewuk etc.  Teachin an' posative reinforcement ah wah dem shud geh.


Bu wenn it some to dem lil bai bully and beat adda lil bai or liff up gyan skurt and rub up dem, some good lash pun dem rass wah dem need.  Mi tell yuh, if dem mess wid mi lil daata, ah lash pon dem rass.

Originally Posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Corporal punishment is violence. It teaches the young the way to solve problems or instill discipline is thru violence. At what age does chirren understand consequences of their actions?


So, mi nah see wah di connekshun between Corporal punishment an' violence in dah wida society deh. 

Yuh want some good bax up and lashes till yuh see de connehun between Corporal punishment an' violence.


What we as Guyanese fail to understand is that children do not learn from being traumatised to be wrong. In Guyana schools, you give a wrong answer and you a** is welted(that is how I remember it). No matter what answer the child gives, there is a thinking process going on; don't traumatise the child for being wrong. I have been through this process and I know the feeling.

Mitwah is right .. violence breeds violence. Taxpayers do not pay teachers to abuse their children.  

Mi goa gree with dis contry man.  Chilruns shud natt geh lash foa wraang ansa or fuh natt finishin homewuk etc.  Teachin an' posative reinforcement ah wah dem shud geh.


Bu wenn it some to dem lil bai bully and beat adda lil bai or liff up gyan skurt and rub up dem, some good lash pun dem rass wah dem need.  Mi tell yuh, if dem mess wid mi lil daata, ah lash pon dem rass.

You wrote that you beatup or slap your wife. What do your chirren larn frum dat? Your boys will grow up thinking it's normal for a man  to do that to his homan  and yuh lil daata would expect it from she husbun. 


Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

What we as Guyanese fail to understand is that children do not learn from being traumatised to be wrong. In Guyana schools, you give a wrong answer and you a** is welted(that is how I remember it). No matter what answer the child gives, there is a thinking process going on; don't traumatise the child for being wrong. I have been through this process and I know the feeling.

Mitwah is right .. violence breeds violence. Taxpayers do not pay teachers to abuse their children.  

Mi goa gree with dis contry man.  Chilruns shud natt geh lash foa wraang ansa or fuh natt finishin homewuk etc.  Teachin an' posative reinforcement ah wah dem shud geh.


Bu wenn it some to dem lil bai bully and beat adda lil bai or liff up gyan skurt and rub up dem, some good lash pun dem rass wah dem need.  Mi tell yuh, if dem mess wid mi lil daata, ah lash pon dem rass.

You wrote that you beatup or slap your wife. What do your chirren larn frum dat? Your boys will grow up thinking it's normal for a man  to do that to his homan  and yuh lil daata would expect it from she husbun. 


Nah bai, mi dozz treat mi homan dem good.  Mi juss bin joke.  Infak me dozz ask shi foa gi dem lil break wenn dem mek ruckshun.  Infak dem chilruns dozz run come me cazz dah homan dozz wattak dem behin wenn dem nah lissen.


Wenn dah homan an mi gah lil prablims, abie dozz deal wid am in private.  Dah abie two bisness.

Originally Posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

What we as Guyanese fail to understand is that children do not learn from being traumatised to be wrong. In Guyana schools, you give a wrong answer and you a** is welted(that is how I remember it). No matter what answer the child gives, there is a thinking process going on; don't traumatise the child for being wrong. I have been through this process and I know the feeling.

Mitwah is right .. violence breeds violence. Taxpayers do not pay teachers to abuse their children.  

Mi goa gree with dis contry man.  Chilruns shud natt geh lash foa wraang ansa or fuh natt finishin homewuk etc.  Teachin an' posative reinforcement ah wah dem shud geh.


Bu wenn it some to dem lil bai bully and beat adda lil bai or liff up gyan skurt and rub up dem, some good lash pun dem rass wah dem need.  Mi tell yuh, if dem mess wid mi lil daata, ah lash pon dem rass.

You wrote that you beatup or slap your wife. What do your chirren larn frum dat? Your boys will grow up thinking it's normal for a man  to do that to his homan  and yuh lil daata would expect it from she husbun. 


Nah bai, mi dozz treat mi homan dem good.  Mi juss bin joke.  Infak me dozz ask shi foa gi dem lil break wenn dem mek ruckshun.  Infak dem chilruns dozz run come me cazz dah homan dozz wattak dem behin wenn dem nah lissen.


Wenn dah homan an mi gah lil prablims, abie dozz deal wid am in private.  Dah abie two bisness.

Sledge, I thought all along yuv bin jokin. Be strict wid dem chirren and reason out tings wid dem and dem gonna grow up to great negotiators. Me gyal picknee dem gat dem black belts and can look aftuh demselves.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Spare the rod and spoil the child is outdated. Children can learn without corporal punishment. I re-called merciless beatings on children who were slow and constantly failed exams. These kids learning did not improve. It just gotten worse. Many of the teachers in Guyana need some lashes and not the kids.

Well spoken Mr. Balgobin. I feel slow learners should be streamlined and be taught at a slower pace. They will still learn but at a slower pace. There is no patience in Guyana to teach the mentally disadvantaged children. It's like "I don't have time for you; let me tend to the bright ones". Teachers should teach from the heart not from the book. Guyanese teachers should put themselves in the shoes of the disadvantaged and see how it feels. Empathy is a good tool. 


Thank you Skeldon_Man.  What many people in Guyana do not know that teaching is a skill. You maybe be bright but you still cannot teach. Most teachers in Guyana do not have any background in psychology and do not know how to deal with children, especially the ones with special needs. We Guyanese who migrated to the US are quick to learn about all sorts of problems that can inhibit a child's learning. Part of the teaching process is to educate the parents about the child so the can play a positive role in the learning process. It takes more than teachers to raise a good student.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



a wanda if u evah ketch any homan on dis bb?

Bai, me nah goa fuh pig in bagg.  Me deh all way donk hay weh gah nuff nice an humble gyaals wah me cyan see, touch dem hand an smell dem hair.  Wah me goa look fuh intanet homan fuh.  Abie gah nuff peppa saase donk hay.  Bu leh mi tell yuh bai, mi ga two, an' dah enuff trubble deh.


Sledgy bhai, i hear de girls in Guyana refer to the American dalla as "us". Why "us" one may ask. de ansa de girls gat is simple - how do you spell "us"? Isn't is US only with a dollar sign next to it? so  dey say to the returnees and not the deportees, if u got the $US you really got "us".


So you must be busy with gyal dem. I hope u not like the old Guyanese man bribing dem gyal in GT with $4 bottle "Chantal perfume" from Odd Lott.



Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Sledgy bhai, i hear de girls in Guyana refer to the American dalla as "us". Why "us" one may ask. de ansa de girls gat is simple - how do you spell "us"? Isn't is US only with a dollar sign next to it? so  dey say to the returnees and not the deportees, if u got the $US you really got "us".


So you must be busy with gyal dem. I hope u not like the old Guyanese man bribing dem gyal in GT with $4 bottle "Chantal perfume" from Odd Lott.



Haha, nah bai, mi dozz cyar dem TT soa no Odd Lott shyte. Mi gyal dem gah class, dem knoo stuff, mi cyant fool dem.  Mi cyan try dah wid dem lil buck gyals in di bush, but naah dem town gyals.


Da daala ting, well me aperate with GT dallas.  Mi US dalla is fuh wenn dem pickney reddy for university up deh.  Yuh gafa plan all dem ting diss bai.  Life nah all fun an' spoort.


In light of the Judge Adams video,

We often hear from those who fight to uphold this practice for those under the age of 18 (even to the blaming of the social maladies of the day on a supposed "lack" of it), but we rarely, if ever, find advocates for the return of corporal punishment to the general adult community, college campuses, inmate population, or military. Why is that?

Ask ten unyielding proponents of child/adolescent/teenage-only "spanking" about the "right" way to do it, and what would be abusive, indecent, or obscene, and you will get ten different answers.

These proponents should consider making their own video-recording of the "right way" to do it.

Visit Parents and Teachers Against Violence in Education to learn more.


Children should have a right to their bodies, and the right to say "No!"

When an adult does it to another adult, its sexual battery:

When children do it to adults, its a "deviant sexual prank":

When an adult does it to a person under the age of 18, its "good discipline".

Research/recommended reading:

Spanking Can Make Children More Aggressive Later

Spanking Kids Increases Risk of Sexual Problems

Use of Spanking for 3-Year-Old Children and Associated Intimate Partner Aggression or Violence

Spanking Children Can Lower IQ
Plain Talk About Spanking
by Jordan Riak

The Sexual Dangers of Spanking Children
by Tom Johnson

"Spanking" can be intentional or unintentional sexual abuse


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