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AFC’s Charrandass Persaud in ‘hot water’ againPDFPrintE-mail
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Wednesday, 14 August 2013 21:17


THE Alliance For Change (AFC) seems to be in trouble with ethical and moral principles and the law, once again.

Executive member of AFC, Mr. Charrandass Persaud, attorney-at-law, who was a candidate for that party in the 2011 General Elections, has found himself in the middle of an investigation of fraud in respect of a property situated at Lot 7 Blairmont, West Bank Berbice.

A judge of the High Court in Berbice has ordered a police investigation into the matter when the alleged fraud came to the judge’s knowledge while the judge was hearing an application in the High Court of Berbice for Title to be issued for the land.


In an Affidavit in support of Summons, sworn to by Harmati Bissoon of Lot 7 Blairmont, West Bank Berbice, which was drawn by Mr. Charrandass Persaud and dated 6th March, 2013, Bissoon deposed that she purchased a property at Lot 7 Blairmont, West Bank Berbice, from Basdai and Hooblall Umrao for US$13,000 while the parties were in New York.

In that very affidavit, Harmati Bissoon also deposed that the vendors have no agent to pass title and that their whereabouts are unknown to her since 2008, despite the fact that she made several attempts to contact them. It is on this basis that she petitioned the Court to pass Title to her.


However, the records at the Land Registry established that the same Basdai Umrao filed documents to transfer the very property to Harmati Bissoon on 31st January, 2013, that is only three months before. These documents were all prepared again by Charrandass Persaud, attorney-at-law for both parties and signed by those parties.


This transfer document was supported by Affidavit of Vendor and Affidavit of Purchaser, sworn to by the same Basdai Umrao and Harmati Bissoon, all being done on 31st January, 2013 and all prepared by Attorney-at-Law, Charrandass Persaud. Significantly also, the purchaser price which is stated on these affidavits is G$2,000,000 and not US$13,000 as stated in the previous affidavits.


Therefore, there is one set of documents prepared by Attorney-at-Law, Charrandass Persaud on 31st January, 2013, in which he claims that the purchaser could not have located the vendors since 2008 and then another set of documents, dated 6th March, 2013, a mere few months after, prepared by the same lawyer and signed by those very parties who, apparently not only found themselves but also colluded to change the purchase price.


Legal minds whom this newspaper consulted have expressed the view that if this is not criminal conduct, then, at minimum, it amounts to grave professional misconduct for which Mr. Charandass Persaud should be disciplined, if not charged by the police.

The same Charrandass Persaud was recently forced to apologise to a female medical doctor in Berbice after he made ridiculing and disparaging remarks about her at a public political meeting, of the AFC, in Berbice.


Mr. Charrandass was forced to apologise after there was widespread public condemnation of his verbal onslaught on the young doctor. On that occasion, the AFC distanced itself from him and the statements. The party may have to do so again.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Hello AFC big mouths, yall must not call allyou matty thief. Clean up allyou dutty thiefing self fuss.  

Cobra if this story has any truth to it.....

Mr Charrandass should be immediately disbarred......

and dragged before the courts .....

and dealt with very seriously.

However...if it is lies...

like the other stories.....

it will fade away....

and shortly we will hear another set of lies......

about the people in the AFC.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Hello AFC big mouths, yall must not call allyou matty thief. Clean up allyou dutty thiefing self fuss.  

If you are so concerned with corruption why do you not look at the kin associations of t he PPP cabal and unearth what is clearly not buried far; wide seams on nepotism, quid pro quo contractual relations, and outright scamming of the Guyanese people.


NCN chiefs scammed that company of millions and we hear nothing. We had the selling of those expensive cars, the wireless deal, the fiber optic cable. the pharmaceutical scam, the renting of electrical plants and nary a yap from you scumbags.


I do not know that it was illegal join a company or do their PR. If you or any think it was not a proper thing to do then why do you not say that all such associations are illegal and firm up the laws so anyone in politics can have a wall between them and interests in companies the must deal with on behalf of the Guyanese people. The PPP has ministers squatting on boards left and right from education, to busines to social instutions and all open to influence pedling. None of you hypocrates find fault with this.


If this government is serious with situations like Nigiland His wife then they need to firm up the laws. They will not do it because everyone of these corrupt creeps have deep tendrils into every financial dealing in the state so they can get their due.




Look at these shameless dogs supporting corruption of their own kind. Is this the party that promise change with a key to unlock the big po-key door? 


Nehru, come hear what these guys are saying. 

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Look at these shameless dogs supporting corruption of their own kind. Is this the party that promise change with a key to unlock the big po-key door? 


Nehru, come hear what these guys are saying. 

Nehru,...... Kit Nascimento,

Baseman,......... Kwame McCoy,

Cobra,....... Odinga Lamumba ,

Crab Louse.............Black House of Isreal Thugs

Must first address the 60plus years

of Corruption in the PPP & PNC


Now Now Nigel!! Those in Glass Houses.....

Evidence Tampering:
You tampered with evidence, when you took the surveillance tape from the scene of the murder of Brian Hamilton.

Conflict of Interest:
You never disclosed to Khemraj and the AFC supporters that you were the secretary of AFHI, whilst your wife a AFC MP is the PR of Sithe Global.

Jury Tampering
You successfully defended the Lusignan Murderer, whilst your client of six years was the Jury Foreman .

Khemraj, Gerhard,Mitwah and the rest. Please explain!

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Now Now Nigel!! Those in Glass Houses.....

Evidence Tampering:
You tampered with evidence, when you took the surveillance tape from the scene of the murder of Brian Hamilton.

Conflict of Interest:
You never disclosed to Khemraj and the AFC supporters that you were the secretary of AFHI, whilst your wife a AFC MP is the PR of Sithe Global.

Jury Tampering
You successfully defended the Lusignan Murderer, whilst your client of six years was the Jury Foreman .

Khemraj, Gerhard,Mitwah and the rest. Please explain!

Here you are pretending to be aghast as supposed infractions in the law and yet we hear nothing of the conflict of interest of Ramotar being on OMAI's board Ashni having his wife in the auditors office or Brazzie being so bright he is overseeing all of the financial dealings ( and all fails, NBS,GuyOil, NCN, GPL) etc. We do not know whose charge it was to accept that white elephant in Skeldon that has seen a 3 of a billion dollars sunk into it and it is still crippled. And who are the investors of the Marriott or why bobby gets all these no bid contracts or what caused Vishal to be a car dealer and now wireless company and then Ramorat's children in cushy jobs...and the list can go on.


If this government is concerned with crookedness we would have seen th those fellows in NCN with their asses in jail or on bail, Buddy would have repaid his 800K to the state when he sold his state subsidized properties for millions profit. Then there is Lumumba and his dolphin deals and land awards....These are all real not imagined infractions of the public trust. If you are concerned with fairness Geeta would not have been given two more board squatting rights but would have been in jail for breaking the nations laws.


Peeping Tom: Politics has many faces. During the past week, the Guyanese people saw what many of them believed to be the business side of politics, and they did not like the image they saw.
Many believed that it was because of financial interests that the AFC made what they perceived as an about turn in relation to the Amaila Falls Hydroelectric Project by joining with the PPPC to pass Bills which were said to be critical to the undertaking moving forward.



Many opposition supporters were left distraught after learning that the AFC had broken ranks with APNU and had joined the government in supporting the two Bills, one of which had to do with the country’s debt ceiling, and the other, with more regulatory matters.
The AFC’s position on the hydroelectric project was that it would follow the IDB. If the IDB green lighted the project, the AFC would support; if they did not, then the project would be a non-starter. This position shifted after the AFC met with the developers.  The AFC was pleased enough by the outcome of that meeting to decide to support the project, even though the IDB had not given its go-ahead for the project. What therefore caused the AFC to shift its position?
Many believe that this change was because of the business face of the AFC. They are wrong. What the AFC has done is what it is very adept at: outfoxing APNU. Just like during the problems at Linden one year ago, the AFC made its mischief, led APNU along on a leash, and then left it to shoulder the blame for the defeat of the project.
The AFC must have been told very clearly at the latest briefing it had with the developers that unless there was political consensus, the project would not go forward under the auspices of the developer.
The developer’s position was understandable. A project of this nature is subject to political risk, and the developer would have done its homework concerning the PNCR and would have known that this is not a party to be trusted. As such, the support of APNU, of which the PNCR is the main partner, would have been absolutely necessary for this project to go forward. The developer knew that because of the new configuration in parliament, without APNU on board, the political risk would be too great to shoulder.
There is, of course, political risk insurance, but when you have a situation such as we have, it is hard for venture capitalists to put their money into a project of this nature when we are dealing with a two-part opposition. The first part has a history of nationalization when it was in power; the second has called for the nationalization of the Berbice River Bridge as part of its plug for reduced tariffs for crossing the Bridge.
The developer would have observed the conduct of the opposition since it attained a one-seat majority and therefore knows that one cannot take any chances with the opposition. As such, the position of the developer was clear, it is all or nothing. Either every parliamentary party comes on board or this project will not go forward.
The AFC knew that APNU would not support the project. It (APNU) will never support the PPPC bringing hydroelectricity to Guyana. It sees politics as a zero sum game. As such, if the PPP builds the hydro, the PPP wins and it loses, because people will always remember that the PPP did what the PNC promised to do, but failed to deliver.
The AFC therefore knew that APNU would not support the Bills. It knew also that its constituents are drawn primarily from the middle class and this class is business-oriented and wants hydroelectricity.
So the AFC made its gambit. It sunk APNU.  Knowing very well that APNU would not support the project at this time and knowing well that there will be major fallout because of any vote that kills this project, the AFC played its trump card. It sided with the government and left APNU to take the blame for the fact that this project is now effectively dead.
APNU will not have to shoulder the blame for Guyana not having use of hydroelectricity. The AFC has slipped out of the noose. It sunk APNU and walked away looking like the good guy.


They Guyanese people will one day be thankful the APNU stood it's ground and was not bamboozled to support another white elephant. The project was already bloated and with inevitable cost over runs it was a berbice bridge in the making. The AFC did wrong here. They need to grow some balls. Supporting the PPP was an odious thing to do.


So the AFC made its gambit. It sunk APNU.  Knowing very well that APNU would not support the project at this time and knowing well that there will be major fallout because of any vote that kills this project, the AFC played its trump card. It sided with the government and left APNU to take the blame for the fact that this project is now effectively dead.


The AFC is heading to the political grave yard

Originally Posted by Conscience:

So the AFC made its gambit. It sunk APNU.  Knowing very well that APNU would not support the project at this time and knowing well that there will be major fallout because of any vote that kills this project, the AFC played its trump card. It sided with the government and left APNU to take the blame for the fact that this project is now effectively dead.


The AFC is heading to the political grave yard

Unfortunately for you the answer to that is no and the wishful thinking of the corrupt PPP to attain a majority is the long dead issue.  The AFC' made one mistake, supporting you crooks in marginal way with this Amalia falls deal.  Even you do not consider that bad but we of the hardcore reform cartel think they did. But we understand game theory also. We lose more if we simply put our cards in one basket. One is especially mindful of the PPP's poisoned offering.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

The AFC did wrong here. They need to grow some balls.

None at the moment, too small or need humungous ones. 


Anyway, the AFC continues to show its inability deal with issues in a thoughtful manner.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

The AFC did wrong here. They need to grow some balls.

None at the moment, too small or need humungous ones. 


Anyway, the AFC continues to show its inability deal with issues in a thoughtful manner.

 As opposed to the great nonentities in the PPP! The young cadres of the AFC are brains on stilt compared to that of the PPP.


Following damning revelations that the Foreman of the jury for the Lusignan massacre trial was once the client of Attorney – at – Law Nigel Hughes, a tribunal will now have to review the ‘not guilty’ verdict.

This is according to Legal Affairs Minister and Attorney General (AG), Anil Nandlall, who told iNews during a telephone interview that the trial Judge, Justice Navindra Singh on his own volition is prohibited from interfering with the verdict already given.

Mr. Hughes represented one of the murder accused during the trial. According to the AG, the appellate tribunal has the power to determine whether “these peculiar circumstances amounted to a miscarriage of justice. In my view, it is a striking coincidence that neither lawyer nor client remembered each other.”

iNews understands that the foreman, Vernon Griffith was represented by two Attorneys from the Hughes, Fields & Stoby law firm, one was a female and the other was Hughes in December 2002, in a matter which engaged the attention of the Court for some six years.

Attorney - at - Law, Nigel Hughes

Attorney – at – Law, Nigel Hughes

The AG explained to this news site that one of the grounds which the appeal is based on is that the entire trial was infected with “defence counsel/lawyer/client relationship with the foreman of the jury.”

According to Nandlall, this relationship was confirmed by the Foreman himself, along with the State records, which confirmed that Mr. Hughes had appeared for the Foreman in a matter before Chief Justice, Ian Chang.

In addition to this, the registrar of the Chief Justice and a policeman attached to the court of the Chief Justice have both confirmed the identity of the Foreman of the jury as the person represented by Mr. Hughes, the AG explained.

“These are serious legal principles which have been violated and I suspected that as a result of the high profile nature of this matter, the Judge out of an abundance of caution embarked upon an inquiry when the jurors were empanelled and each of them were questioned about their association if any, in respect of any of the persons involved, including the deceased and their relatives and specially whether they had any association with any of the lawyers, including Mr. Hughes.”

Meanwhile, the juror has since been banned from conducting jury duty by the trial Judge. iNews understands that Justice Singh told the man that what he did was “highly improper.”

Griffith was then informed on Tuesday by the Judge that he is banned from jury-duty for life.

When the jury panel was being selected for the Lusignan Massacre trial, Mr. Hughes had requested a mini-trial to be held so that each of the intended jurors was questioned about their knowledge and position on the massacre before they were finally selected for the panel.

On August 2 after retiring sometime around 11:30h, the panel took some seven hours before finally returning around 18:30h, finding both accused not guilty of 11 counts of murder and not guilty also of the lesser count of manslaughter.

The first accused, Mark Royden Williams called “Smallie”, was further remanded to prison due to other pending court matters, while James Anthony Hyles called “Sally”, who was represented by Mr. Hughes, was granted $1.1 million bail.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

The AFC did wrong here. They need to grow some balls.

None at the moment, too small or need humungous ones. 


Anyway, the AFC continues to show its inability deal with issues in a thoughtful manner.

As opposed to the great nonentities in the PPP! The young cadres of the AFC are brains on stilt compared to that of the PPP.

Wishful thoughts.


Young babes indeed; wandering in the wilderness.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

The AFC did wrong here. They need to grow some balls.

None at the moment, too small or need humungous ones. 


Anyway, the AFC continues to show its inability deal with issues in a thoughtful manner.

As opposed to the great nonentities in the PPP! The young cadres of the AFC are brains on stilt compared to that of the PPP.

Wishful thoughts.


Young babes indeed; wandering in the wilderness.

Imagine that...they have the PPP doing back flips left and right and they are still to grow to full maturity!




Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

The AFC did wrong here. They need to grow some balls.

None at the moment, too small or need humungous ones. 


Anyway, the AFC continues to show its inability deal with issues in a thoughtful manner.

As opposed to the great nonentities in the PPP! The young cadres of the AFC are brains on stilt compared to that of the PPP.

Wishful thoughts.


Young babes indeed; wandering in the wilderness.

Yuh should have said that to the PNC 50 odd years ago when they hire you for their Hydro project...

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

The AFC did wrong here. They need to grow some balls.

None at the moment, too small or need humungous ones. 


Anyway, the AFC continues to show its inability deal with issues in a thoughtful manner.

As opposed to the great nonentities in the PPP! The young cadres of the AFC are brains on stilt compared to that of the PPP.

Wishful thoughts.


Young babes indeed; wandering in the wilderness.

Imagine that...they have the PPP doing back flips left and right and they are still to grow to full maturity!

Expressing your vivid imaginations, as usual.


Will the AFC reach even one-sixteenth of maturity?

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The AFC has suffer extensive damage, their future look damn, super-ego centrism has gotten the better of them, a few even got caught with their hands in the cookie jar....


like Kwame Safe?????....

Although he ketching lil boy steady