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The National Communications Network Inc. (NCN) will be broadcasting a live seven-part debate series on corruption, commencing this Sunday, August 19, 2012, at 19:00hrs or 7:00pm. These debates will be aired on Radio (Voice of Guyana) and Television (Channel 11).

Invitations have been extended to representatives of Government, Parliamentary Political Parties, the Private Sector and Civil Society to discuss issues of corruption. This Sunday's debate which focuses on the Amaila Falls Hydro Project will see the appearance of the AFC's Khemraj Ramjattan and APNU's Carl Greenidge along with several government officials as panelists.

The seven-part debate series will be moderated by Al Creighton, Deputy Vice Chancellor of the University of Guyana and Associate Fellow at University of Warwick.

Online viewers can follow the debate live by visiting NCN's website :

With the direct link to the Ustream being:

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Dem boys seh…Leslie and Baksh got fuh jump dem cows


August 19, 2012 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists


Dem old people does always seh that when de blind leading de blind all two of dem will fall into a ditch. In Guyana language, that mean that one of dem gun lead de other into a trench and hell to pay if dem can’t swim.

Everybody know ‘bout de Bees. De Bees is known fuh thiefing. Dem does thief everything that move and even wha don’t move. When dem can’t thief dem does go to court.

But de Guyanese people never pay attention to de Dees. Dem got Donald and David. Donald and David is de two people who leading de country. One leading de government and de other one leading de opposition. That is why Guyana sinking. De two of dem in de same boat and none of dem got a paddle.

Now dem boys want fuh know wha dem gun become. Already some people seh that dem is Dummies. But people want know if dem is also de Devil, Demons, Downright Dotish or Donkey. De Donkey is de animal that people got to drive from behind and dem boys seh that is exactly that dem got to do wid Donald and David. De Dummies bringing disaster to de country.

Guyana had enough disaster under de Bees and dem don’t want no more. Is because of Bharrat that dem had to import breeding bulls—more Bees. He instruct Leslie and Baksh fuh import de bulls. Dem two import young bulls.

De government spend millions of dollars pun dem bulls and when dem come, people hear that dem got to wait fuh one year before dem can jump a cow.

Well de farmers was waiting and dem can’t wait anymore. Dem approach Donald who seh that he didn’t know ‘bout de importation, but since Bharrat mek it happen somebody got to do something. At Cabinet dem ask Donald, but he seh don’t put he in that.

De result is that Cabinet tek a decision. In de interim Leslie and Baksh gun got to jump dem cows till dem young bull ready. Dem boys seh that dem was surprise to hear that Leslie start even before de Cabinet decision.

Talk half and try help Donald and David.



Chairman of the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC), Major General (rtd) Joe Singh,  tendered his resignation.

The move came amidst increasing pressure by the Guyana Gold and Diamond Miners Association (GGDMA) which had threatened to boycott this week’s activities if Singh remained at the helm of the regulatory body.


Pressure does meck pipes burst.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Chairman of the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC), Major General (rtd) Joe Singh,  tendered his resignation.

What does the rtd in brackets stand for? Retarded?

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Chairman of the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC), Major General (rtd) Joe Singh,  tendered his resignation.

What does the rtd in brackets stand for? Retarded?

Yes, retarded as you are. Man like you na no nuttin. 


I don't know much about the upper Corantyne but me do know dem gyals in skeldon gave me strict instructions about when daddy gone to the factory fuh wuk and when I should show up fully loaded .

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

I don't know much about the upper Corantyne but me do know dem gyals in skeldon gave me strict instructions about when daddy gone to the factory fuh wuk and when I should show up fully loaded .

Now you are going to have nehru, yuji etc screaming about "rapes" of Indian girls

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

I don't know much about the upper Corantyne but me do know dem gyals in skeldon gave me strict instructions about when daddy gone to the factory fuh wuk and when I should show up fully loaded .

Now you are going to have nehru, yuji etc screaming about "rapes" of Indian girls

I doubt it. As long as is not indian boys its OK with Nehru.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

How would you know anything? Is not like skeldon is known for producing legitimate intelligent offsprings.

 Dem Skeldon gal give you rass wan good broomin. Any load you did carry was you big suitcase size goady hanging side ah you pants. When den gal saw you de probably thought you pack up fo leff Guyana.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

How would you know anything? Is not like skeldon is known for producing legitimate intelligent offsprings.

Even Orealla and Siparuta produced far more intelligent beings than you. Even the pets they keep seem smarter than you are. I pity you.
I am proud of being from Skeldon. I still consider it home.  

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

How would you know anything? Is not like skeldon is known for producing legitimate intelligent offsprings.

Even Orealla and Siparuta produced far more intelligent beings than you. Even the pets they keep seem smarter than you are. I pity you.
I am proud of being from Skeldon. I still consider it home.  

Bai I would advise you to take a DNA test. I never knew they practice beastiality in skeldon.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

How would you know anything? Is not like skeldon is known for producing legitimate intelligent offsprings.

Even Orealla and Siparuta produced far more intelligent beings than you. Even the pets they keep seem smarter than you are. I pity you.
I am proud of being from Skeldon. I still consider it home.  

Bai I would advise you to take a DNA test. I never knew they practice beastiality in skeldon.


I am going to ask Kwame (your buddy) to engage you in a mud rasslin match. He is going to give you rass what you really need. Not sure where in Guyana you from. Looks like gene pool is suspect. Too much inbreeding.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

How would you know anything? Is not like skeldon is known for producing legitimate intelligent offsprings.

Even Orealla and Siparuta produced far more intelligent beings than you. Even the pets they keep seem smarter than you are. I pity you.
I am proud of being from Skeldon. I still consider it home.  

 Damn, some of you folks are exactly as Dr Keene Gibson stated. You come from that underbelly of Indias shit pile so it is only the strong who realize they were there because of oppression.


Jackasses like you tend to forget that history and reconstitute a mythical ethos where you are possessed of genetic gifts far exceeding your brain power to grasp. I am not from Orealla or Siparuita but I am from them.


What ever intelligence you claim to possess has no basis in where you are from or who you are. Your tribal people are in india still communally defecating and living in the same ship pile you would have been in had you remained there.


Were you using you native intelligence you would know that and you would know how evil it is to reconstitute caste here and insist you can determine the caliber of intelligent beings originating from any place. It is stupid people like you we need to guard against. You are a poison to the specie.


BY the way, Mr T is an engineer and an entrepreneur. You do not pick that up at your local rumshop. As an englishman he went through GCE A and O levels plus 4 years of college and is possessed of the life experiences necessary to do what he does. Address his writing and quit pretending you are some genius. You show your genius by telling him where he is wrong and not resorting to these stupid. moronic analogies about where intelligence reside and among what people.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

How would you know anything? Is not like skeldon is known for producing legitimate intelligent offsprings.

Even Orealla and Siparuta produced far more intelligent beings than you. Even the pets they keep seem smarter than you are. I pity you.
I am proud of being from Skeldon. I still consider it home.  

 Damn, some of you folks are exactly as Dr Keene Gibson stated. You come from that underbelly of Indias shit pile so it is only the strong who realize they were there because of oppression.


Jackasses like you tend to forget that history and reconstitute a mythical ethos where you are possessed of genetic gifts far exceeding your brain power to grasp. I am not from Orealla or Siparuita but I am from them.


What ever intelligence you claim to possess has no basis in where you are from or who you are. Your tribal people are in india still communally defecating and living in the same ship pile you would have been in had you remained there.


Were you using you native intelligence you would know that and you would know how evil it is to reconstitute caste here and insist you can determine the caliber of intelligent beings originating from any place. It is stupid people like you we need to guard against. You are a poison to the specie.


BY the way, Mr T is an engineer and an entrepreneur. You do not pick that up at your local rumshop. As an englishman he went through GCE A and O levels plus 4 years of college and is possessed of the life experiences necessary to do what he does. Address his writing and quit pretending you are some genius. You show your genius by telling him where he is wrong and not resorting to these stupid. moronic analogies about where intelligence reside and among what people.

Who cares what you think? The Indians in India might live in a pile of shit, that's their problem.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

How would you know anything? Is not like skeldon is known for producing legitimate intelligent offsprings.

Even Orealla and Siparuta produced far more intelligent beings than you. Even the pets they keep seem smarter than you are. I pity you.
I am proud of being from Skeldon. I still consider it home.  

 Damn, some of you folks are exactly as Dr Keene Gibson stated. You come from that underbelly of Indias shit pile so it is only the strong who realize they were there because of oppression.


Jackasses like you tend to forget that history and reconstitute a mythical ethos where you are possessed of genetic gifts far exceeding your brain power to grasp. I am not from Orealla or Siparuita but I am from them.


What ever intelligence you claim to possess has no basis in where you are from or who you are. Your tribal people are in india still communally defecating and living in the same ship pile you would have been in had you remained there.


Were you using you native intelligence you would know that and you would know how evil it is to reconstitute caste here and insist you can determine the caliber of intelligent beings originating from any place. It is stupid people like you we need to guard against. You are a poison to the specie.


BY the way, Mr T is an engineer and an entrepreneur. You do not pick that up at your local rumshop. As an englishman he went through GCE A and O levels plus 4 years of college and is possessed of the life experiences necessary to do what he does. Address his writing and quit pretending you are some genius. You show your genius by telling him where he is wrong and not resorting to these stupid. moronic analogies about where intelligence reside and among what people.

Who cares what you think? The Indians in India might live in a pile of shit, that's their problem.

 You do not care to think and that is self evident. That you are a bigot refusing to grasp the fact that Guyana is a nursery for the growing of Indians to their full worth of people hood  in spite of 6000 years of oppression is  a lacking. Understanding that would lead to liberating your mind from its shackles and then you can claim some modicum of intelligence. It is a natural legacy to all of humanity which is but one specie; another fact you obviously is to be acquainted with.


You are  being demonstrably an ass to  comment on what caliber of beings can come from anyplace. That  is ignorance of who you are, what it is to be a human being, points to the nature of intelligence and a lot more. It takes a lot of mental brick work to  wall  of your mind against  information. One of the clearest sense that it is awaken is the understanding that you are no better or no worse than any other intelligent specie.


Why don't you go and liberate your mind? I have a right to my opinion as you do. Maybe you should run for president in the next election and if you happen to win, you can solve all of the world's problems(god knows.. you know it all); especially those in Guyana.

FYI .. all men are born equal(man I am smart).

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

FYI .. all men are born equal(man I am smart).

No they are not. Mine is bigger than yours.

Thanks T. Not sure what's bigger.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Why don't you go and liberate your mind? I have a right to my opinion as you do. Maybe you should run for president in the next election and if you happen to win, you can solve all of the world's problems(god knows.. you know it all); especially those in Guyana.

FYI .. all men are born equal(man I am smart).

When morons like you  with concertizes racist conceptions of  Amerindians as lesser brings it becomes a focus of mine. The intent is to rescue your mind if possible or to quarantine it if it is so diseased as to be the outside the scope of rehabilitation.


I do not know when you came to the idea men and equality but I am sure you  have little understanding what that entails or you would not be so easy with your analogy above.



The National Communications Network's(NCN) live debate series on corruption, continues this evening (Wednesday, August 22, 2012), at 19:00hrs or 7:00pm and will be aired on
Radio (Voice of Guyana)

and Television (Channel 11).

Part 2 of the seven-part debate focuses on the planned construction of a Marriott Hotel. While the names of the panelists are yet to be confirmed we can however say that it will include representatives from the government, opposition and civil society.

Online viewers can follow the debate live by visiting NCN's website :

With the direct link to the Ustream being:

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