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Foreign contracts are being revealed one-by-one. Tourism Minister entered a one-edged contract in DECEMBER 2020 for 3 MONTHS for TOURISM during COVID-19!!!
Guyana was on lockdown! There was/is restricting on travel, dining etc. Oniedge and her Govt knew that lockdown would be for a year. BUT they still threw away more than $US70,000 for "Tourism" promotion in Jan, Feb, March 2021. The Contractor and parties met "online" since they couldn't visit the place they promote!
Ask Gerry and his very "Private" sector who benefits from any Tourism Activity?
The Minister sunk over US$70,000 into the abyss. Even the contractor declared that "NO ONE HAS ANY MONEY TO SPEND" (except Guyana) on the promotion of Guyana.

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All tourism promotion of Guyana is a waste of time if it includes Georgetown and other cities. It puts the tourists at risk for choke and rob or worst. These robbed tourists can tell potential tourists of their experiences and no amount of tourism promotion can change that negative experience.  Fly the tourists from the airport to the interior locations then fly them back to the airport.

Ali Khan Azad
Last edited by Ali Khan Azad

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