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Corporate corruption in Guyana is not just about bribing bureaucrats to bypass laws; it's about accounting frauds, kickbacks and cybercrime aimed at eliminating business entities.

One of the arguments against Christopher Ram is that he and his son Ravendra Ram resort to corrupt practices without remorse. His recent scadal involving the liquidation of Hotel Tower to local drug lord Salim Juman Azeez in 2009 has become the face of that evil.

Detractors have linked together three disclosures: one, made in June 2010, that Christopher Ram, ACCA is in a scam of a possible violation of the Financial Act 1995 (revised in Guyana) two, made earlier in the year, that his accounting firm has spent $1.5 million since 2011 on armed para-military groups in Buxton, which includes conspiring with Mark Benschop to overthrow the PPP/C government"; and three, that Christopher Ram received bribes from local drug lords, as alleged by his former employees.

Straightforward and gullible AFC and APNU supporters are unaware; the deceit of Christopher Ram is still hidden from the public journalism. Wolves are at our doors once again. Ask Gerhard Ramsaroop of his transcations involving local drug lord Salim Juman Azeez and backtracker Glenn Lall.


Arguing over Dr.Bharrat Jagdeo's mansion that the opposition has exaggerated in price is a miniscule topic to debate about. What about Christopher Ram's mansion at Ogle and his four mansions in upscale neighbourhoods in Florida?


Freddie Kissoon lives in a mansion at Turkeyen and I doubt any middle class worker in Guyana can afford to live in upscale neighbourhoods.


The AFC and APNU remind me of the rich white people who made the slaves fight one another using a divide and conquer strategy.

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Detractors have linked together three disclosures: one, made in June 2010, that Christopher Ram, ACCA is in a scam of a possible violation of the Financial Act 1995 (revised in Guyana) two, made earlier in the year, that his accounting firm has spent $1.5 million since 2011 on armed para-military groups in Buxton, which includes conspiring with Mark Benschop to overthrow the PPP/C government"; and three, that Christopher Ram received bribes from local drug lords, as alleged by his former employees.


What is funny is you guys are not prosecuting this corruption. Wonder why? 

Originally Posted by TK:

Detractors have linked together three disclosures: one, made in June 2010, that Christopher Ram, ACCA is in a scam of a possible violation of the Financial Act 1995 (revised in Guyana) two, made earlier in the year, that his accounting firm has spent $1.5 million since 2011 on armed para-military groups in Buxton, which includes conspiring with Mark Benschop to overthrow the PPP/C government"; and three, that Christopher Ram received bribes from local drug lords, as alleged by his former employees.




What is funny is you guys are not prosecuting this corruption. Wonder why? 

I am not the police and Chrustopher Ram is a lawyer who has connections to magistrates. Only black man ah suffa in Guyana pal

Originally Posted by Hubert Persaud:
Originally Posted by TK:

Detractors have linked together three disclosures: one, made in June 2010, that Christopher Ram, ACCA is in a scam of a possible violation of the Financial Act 1995 (revised in Guyana) two, made earlier in the year, that his accounting firm has spent $1.5 million since 2011 on armed para-military groups in Buxton, which includes conspiring with Mark Benschop to overthrow the PPP/C government"; and three, that Christopher Ram received bribes from local drug lords, as alleged by his former employees.




What is funny is you guys are not prosecuting this corruption. Wonder why? 

I am not the police and Chrustopher Ram is a lawyer who has connections to magistrates. Only black man ah suffa in Guyana pal


Hubert bai this is an interesting twist to the blackman bogeyman propaganda. 


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