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Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Haha...I am an endowed chair ....

New College of Florida is ranked at about number 663 in the US-of-A.


2011 - 2012 average salary for New College of Florida is as follows ...


Full Professor --------- $81,900

Associate Professor --- $66,600

Assistant Professor --- $54,800


Of interest, the salary at the number one ranked university .. Harvard University is as follows ...


Full Professor --------- $198,400

Associate Professor --- $120,900

Assistant Professor --- $109,800

I don't think a division 3 school gradute fetches a good salary. Maybe as much as a division 1 graduate assistant?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Haha...I am an endowed chair ....

New College of Florida is ranked at about number 663 in the US-of-A.


2011 - 2012 average salary for New College of Florida is as follows ...


Full Professor --------- $81,900

Associate Professor --- $66,600

Assistant Professor --- $54,800


Of interest, the salary at the number one ranked university .. Harvard University is as follows ...


Full Professor --------- $198,400

Associate Professor --- $120,900

Assistant Professor --- $109,800

I don't think a division 3 school gradute fetches a good salary. Maybe as much as a division 1 graduate assistant?

Ask DG he knows the numbers. 

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

I don't think a division 3 school gradute fetches a good salary. Maybe as much as a division 1 graduate assistant?

bai, stop advertising your overabundance of stupid . . . Division I, II, III, etc., are meaningful only re intercollegiate athletics


i suggest u stick with the few things bigots like u know & do well . . . race baiting, the "negras" thing, and so on

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Source of information provided for salary.


Table: Average Faculty Salaries, 2011–12

Almanac of Higher Education 2012



I see you are having trouble grasping the idea of mean and its associated deviation. This is not a communist country where there is one salary for all teachers/professors. It's a meritocracy. 

When you complete your studies in basic statistics, you can then try to understand the advanced and complex subjects to determine and apply mean, average and median on issues.


Your idiotic statement on communist countries - outlined in red - continues to demonstrate your profound deficiencies of knowledge on issues.

You were trained in a communist country, right?


Mean, mode, median and standard dev are basic intro stuff that a 15 year old masters.


I study non-parametric and Bayesian  statistics.


I see you still don't know the mean and median are averages. 

And you are still grappling to understand mean, median, etc.


Your statement outlined in blue again shows your profound deficiencies in understanding the issues.

You are one incompetent engineer to not know the types of basic averages. 

Again, another expression of your profound abilities to make idiotic statements.

Engineers are very good at maths. Have friends who are practicing engineers, teaching engineering and a nephew studying same at Stony Brook Uni...I know their curriculum.


I can tell you are no freaking engineer and no good at Stats 101.


You are here to apologize for the PPP. 

You have proven clearly on the forum that you lack the knowledge and skills in statistics.


Continue spouting nonsense and making irrational statements.

riginally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Haha...I am an endowed chair ....

New College of Florida is ranked at about number 663 in the US-of-A.


2011 - 2012 average salary for New College of Florida is as follows ...


Full Professor --------- $81,900

Associate Professor --- $66,600

Assistant Professor --- $54,800


Of interest, the salary at the number one ranked university .. Harvard University is as follows ...


Full Professor --------- $198,400

Associate Professor --- $120,900

Assistant Professor --- $109,800

The 2011 - 2012 average salary for an Associate Professor - $66,600 - is less than my salary in the mid-nineteen eighty ( mid- 1980's ).

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
riginally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Haha...I am an endowed chair ....

New College of Florida is ranked at about number 663 in the US-of-A.


2011 - 2012 average salary for New College of Florida is as follows ...


Full Professor --------- $81,900

Associate Professor --- $66,600

Assistant Professor --- $54,800


Of interest, the salary at the number one ranked university .. Harvard University is as follows ...


Full Professor --------- $198,400

Associate Professor --- $120,900

Assistant Professor --- $109,800

The 2011 - 2012 average salary for an Associate Professor - $66,600 - is less than my salary in the mid-nineteen eighty ( mid- 1980's ).


Good for you. You are still a dunce. And moreover I make a lot more than 66K. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
riginally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Haha...I am an endowed chair ....

New College of Florida is ranked at about number 663 in the US-of-A.


2011 - 2012 average salary for New College of Florida is as follows ...


Full Professor --------- $81,900

Associate Professor --- $66,600

Assistant Professor --- $54,800


Of interest, the salary at the number one ranked university .. Harvard University is as follows ...


Full Professor --------- $198,400

Associate Professor --- $120,900

Assistant Professor --- $109,800

The 2011 - 2012 average salary for an Associate Professor - $66,600 - is less than my salary in the mid-nineteen eighty ( mid- 1980's ).


Good for you. You are still a dunce. And moreover I make a lot more than 66K. 


Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
riginally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Haha...I am an endowed chair ....

New College of Florida is ranked at about number 663 in the US-of-A.


2011 - 2012 average salary for New College of Florida is as follows ...


Full Professor --------- $81,900

Associate Professor --- $66,600

Assistant Professor --- $54,800


Of interest, the salary at the number one ranked university .. Harvard University is as follows ...


Full Professor --------- $198,400

Associate Professor --- $120,900

Assistant Professor --- $109,800

The 2011 - 2012 average salary for an Associate Professor - $66,600 - is less than my salary in the mid-nineteen eighty ( mid- 1980's ).


Good for you. You are still a dunce. And moreover I make a lot more than 66K. 


Pavi bai yuh see...yuh can still make a living without kick backs. Meh can buy me own henny and poke cuttahs if me a indulge in dem things. Me na need a salary from the oligarchs so me can keep up the public service and educate the donor community and so on... 

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Haha...I am an endowed chair ....

New College of Florida is ranked at about number 663 in the US-of-A.


2011 - 2012 average salary for New College of Florida is as follows ...


Full Professor --------- $81,900

Associate Professor --- $66,600

Assistant Professor --- $54,800


Of interest, the salary at the number one ranked university .. Harvard University is as follows ...


Full Professor --------- $198,400

Associate Professor --- $120,900

Assistant Professor --- $109,800

Well Well, numbers don't lie. Looks like TK has been exposed. So much for him calling other posters "simpleton"  Good call DG.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Haha...I am an endowed chair ....

New College of Florida is ranked at about number 663 in the US-of-A.


2011 - 2012 average salary for New College of Florida is as follows ...


Full Professor --------- $81,900

Associate Professor --- $66,600

Assistant Professor --- $54,800


Of interest, the salary at the number one ranked university .. Harvard University is as follows ...


Full Professor --------- $198,400

Associate Professor --- $120,900

Assistant Professor --- $109,800

Well Well, numbers don't lie. Looks like TK has been exposed. So much for him calling other posters "simpleton"  Good call DG.

Hmmm...what did he call again? 

Originally Posted by Brutus:
Hey I may no agree with all of TKs methods but attacking the man personally, plastering information that has no bearing on the discussion is not doing your cause any good. If you need to debunk their arguments provide facts, if you don't have the facts just leave it to those who have the facts to do so.

Brutus, get your act together and read the post slowly and carefully. TK is on record calling posters "simpleton" and "dunce." This is not how a professional behaves. He degraded himself hence the required response.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Brutus:
Hey I may no agree with all of TKs methods but attacking the man personally, plastering information that has no bearing on the discussion is not doing your cause any good. If you need to debunk their arguments provide facts, if you don't have the facts just leave it to those who have the facts to do so.

Brutus, get your act together and read the post slowly and carefully. TK is on record calling posters "simpleton" and "dunce." This is not how a professional behaves. He degraded himself hence the required response.

What is that response? I see you guys are pissed that I can fund my trips to Guyana by myself? 

Originally Posted by JoKer:

The past, present, and future of Indians under PPP Mudhead Rule:


Here comes a typical AFC response. Notice how they use words like Mudhead, dunce, simpleton.. etc. Foul language will soon follow when their head spokesperson arrives. A bit later, vile and nasty pictures will appear.


This is what the AFC has reduced themselves to. They have an inferior personality disorder and cannot engage in a civilized debate. The AFC belongs to the gutter.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

The past, present, and future of Indians under PPP Mudhead Rule:


Here comes a typical AFC response. Notice how they use words like Mudhead, dunce, simpleton.. etc. Foul language will soon follow when their head spokesperson arrives. A bit later, vile and nasty pictures will appear.


This is what the AFC has reduced themselves to. They have an inferior personality disorder and cannot engage in a civilized debate. The AFC belongs to the gutter.


The pictures of PPP Mudhead misRule are indeed vile and nasty because the reality is both vile and nasty. On that we can both agree

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Brutus:
Hey I may no agree with all of TKs methods but attacking the man personally, plastering information that has no bearing on the discussion is not doing your cause any good. If you need to debunk their arguments provide facts, if you don't have the facts just leave it to those who have the facts to do so.

Brutus, get your act together and read the post slowly and carefully. TK is on record calling posters "simpleton" and "dunce." This is not how a professional behaves. He degraded himself hence the required response.

What is that response? I see you guys are pissed that I can fund my trips to Guyana by myself? 

I sincerely hope that Guyana like any other country keep an eye out for persons of interest and alleged threat to Guyana's national security. I am not referring to you in any way, shape or form.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

The past, present, and future of Indians under PPP Mudhead Rule:


Here comes a typical AFC response. Notice how they use words like Mudhead, dunce, simpleton.. etc. Foul language will soon follow when their head spokesperson arrives. A bit later, vile and nasty pictures will appear.


This is what the AFC has reduced themselves to. They have an inferior personality disorder and cannot engage in a civilized debate. The AFC belongs to the gutter.

You guys have been doing that here for years. Do you see Gerhard doing that...he is the Executive member here. And yes...when they talk lies expect me to call them simpletons and dunces. Let them demonstrate that they are otherwise. Have you observed Nehru's posts here?  

.. Hey TK may call you a dunce but he is you doing at his own expense and accord! I don't allow anyone to define what I am ... TK or anyone for that matter can call me a dunce if he wants but its like water on a ducks back. Once you take principled positions my friend and back them up with facts you don't have to worry!

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