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Corruption in PPPC’s Guyana here, there

and everywhere…

Georgetown, Guyana: November 7, 2012 – Have you ever wondered why Guyana does not release statistics on unemployment, and by ethnicity or age category, or why we have no view into the number of mortgage and business loans made by banks by ethnicity, or why there is no procurement commission in place after 20 years of PPPC leadership, or why you have to ‘see a minister’ to benefit from even the most basic government services?  Why more services in Guyana aren’t computerized, why you have to ‘know someone’ to get business accomplished, why processing for basics can’t be done online, why the police department continues with random and numerous road stops yet can’t stem the flow of illegal trafficking in hundreds of lbs and millions of dollars of cocaine, gold, diamonds?  Why a Minister who makes around $4000 USD per month can afford to purchase outright or pay for mortgages on 3, 4, 5, 6 or more homes, how he can afford to send his kids to US colleges or take numerous US vacations?  Why there are no job opportunities, no ‘room in the Inn’ for brilliant young, questioning minds from UG, and why the education system is a failure, why ‘bottom house’ propaganda is so critical and why the masses are mired in poverty.

The answers are quite simple and relate to an uncomplicated by effective plan by the Communist trained PPPC cabal to hold on to power in perpetuity.  So, if a Minister is central to all operations, he obtains deity status, which is good for his flagging self-esteem, he gains influence which is good for his stature, he can directly solicit bribes which is good for his pocket and he gets to ensure that citizens who are not loyal to his party are efficiently kept out of the economic system, which of course assures that his detractors gain no financial leverage in society.
Additionally, if no data is gathered, then it cannot be used to support claims of discrimination or patronage or corruption.  If there is no procurement commission then the PPPC can continue to have their friends create ‘fly by night’ companies and benefit from lucrative contracts from which they receive their frequent kickbacks.  If the judiciary is not independent, then the privileged remain ‘above the law, if the masses live in poverty and do not benefit from the educational system, then they are too tired from hustling for their daily bread, or too hungry, or too depressed or too scared to pay attention to how they are being molested and hustled by PPPC government officials who should be representing their interests.
One question that weary citizens should ask of their political representative is, why the numerous roadblocks continue unabated even when they never help to identify the mega drug dealer, the gold and diamond smuggler, those who traffic in persons, or those who commit numerous and daily robberies, but yet continue to infringe on the democratic rights of Guyanese citizens who are subjected to intrusive and often illegal searches, designed for the sole purpose of extracting their hard earned money?
President Ramotar and his cohorts created this system and it is working just as it was designed to work.  The piÈce de rÉsistance of the filthy, corrupt PPPC government  enterprise is not their bungling attempts to ‘fix corruption’ or their brazen commitment to the illegal in the face of multiple accusations, no, it is the familiar retort by any Government official or compromised crony like Gerry ‘the ostrich’ Gouveia who when asked about massive corruption in Guyana either instinctively denies or says, “show me the proof”‘.  Of course citizens cannot show them the proof because the system was designed to obscure the proof.
And so the people continue to suffer, crime continues unabated, the police continue to infringe on the rights of citizens, politicians continue to benefit from kickbacks, ineptitude due to patronage continues, the educational system will see no improvement, the bribes by roadblock will continue,  gold and drug smuggling endures and lying and corrupt PPPC government officials will continue to take to the airways to ask the question, “where is the proof?”…. while the people continue to suffer.

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quote "President Ramotar and his cohorts created this system and it is working just as it was designed to work.  The pièce de résistance of the filthy, corrupt PPPC government  enterprise is not their bungling attempts to ‘fix corruption’ or their brazen commitment to the illegal in the face of multiple accusations, no, it is the familiar retort by any Government official or compromised crony like Gerry ‘the ostrich’ Gouveia who when asked about massive corruption in Guyana either instinctively denies or says, “show me the proof”‘.  Of course citizens cannot show them the proof because the system was designed to obscure the proof." unquote


And so the people continue to suffer, crime continues unabated, the police continue to infringe on the rights of citizens, politicians continue to benefit from kickbacks, ineptitude due to patronage continues, the educational system will see no improvement, the bribes by roadblock will continue,  gold and drug smuggling endures and lying and corrupt PPPC government officials will continue to take to the airways to ask the question, “where is the proof?”…. while the people continue to suffer.


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