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The corruption index strongly co-related to income inequalities, which means that a very large income gap between the rich and the poor creates a fertile field for a venal culture. So those countries with high inequality index also have a high corruption index. The most corrupt countries on earth are in South Asia, Middle East and Africa. These are also regions where the poorest people of the world live.

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The caste mentality contributes greatly to the index of corruption. It is an institutionalized form of segregation. It becomes a big hurdle when executing poverty relief programs. In India for instance, government officials and social workers who mostly belong to the upper castes, often decide no to carry out their jobs of providing services to the poor because their religion and upper caste believes condemn any interaction with the undesirable outcasts. At the end, to make things easier for themselves, local governments opt for issuing decrees stating that poverty doesn't exist or have been eradicated from their regions, so that they can use the poverty alleviation moneys for other purposes than initially intended by the UN and international organizations that provided the money in the first place.



Poverty is the result of the indifference and apathy of rulers towards the people, from their not having a of sense of justice, ultimately from their growing mental mediocrity. When poverty becomes endemic, as result of government inaction, is then explained on the basis of laziness of the populace, turning the victims of corruption into the villains that from now on need to be separated and segregated to protect those who took everything from being infected with the germ of poverty. Religious elites syncretise this feeling by portraying the poor as those who lack virtue and see themselves as the righteous ones who god appointed to rule the poor masses.


The vicious circle of corruption and inequality can only be broken by a violent revolution. The corrupt rulers must be executed along with their families and children. If they do not fear the masses they will not do anything to improve their living conditions.


In Guyana both political parties are just like two rival Mafias. They fight for seats and contracts, they do not fight for the people. As poverty is endemic in this country the poor see their conditions as god given. So, like in India, they are no longer in mental condition of starting a revolution. They just wait for death and hope that in their next live they will be born within the ruling mafias.


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