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September 10 ,2021


Dear Editor,

Carl Roopchand writes that “GO-Invest in Trouble” (Sept. 9) because an individual there is calling in business folks to discuss using his firm for business. In that as well as several other ministries, a person would call in contractors or bidders or investors to discuss “investment fees” or “non-government taxes” (drawback or corruption money) as business folks call them. This behaviour is not anything strange and unique as it characterises most ministries.

The investment fee varies from between seven percent to 20 percent. All major business folks know the culprits. The corrupt runs amok; the Vice President must do something about it. Certain known tainted individuals going back pre-2015 have been appointed with high positions to be bagmen or carryout instructions.

The practice of contract fees is widespread in almost all Ministries from the head and a few surrounding him or her, not only under this government, but all governments except under the Jagans. It was a cancer under the coalition and the cancer is spreading rapidly under this administration at the top.

Only a handful of Ministers or Ministries is excluded — like Social Security, Health, Public Service, Prime Minister, Labour, etc. The whole cabinet is aware of corrupt practices. No one speaks out.

In addition to corruption, immorality is rising. There are reports that a high official attempted to rape a young lady in a Ministry’s office just a couple days ago. And another official had set up a bedroom on the top floor of his office with female guests as visitors.

This is the kind of government that has replaced the rejected coalition. People are indeed looking and assessing. Just like what happened in 2011 and 2015 is likely to be repeated in 2025.

After 13 months, there is enough justification for a change in administration to recur as a bulwark against corruption and immorality. If government does not think it is rapidly being hated as much as the coalition, then it should call a snap election.

Yours truly,
Budhram Singh

GO-Invest in Trouble

Dear Editor,

I wish to congratulate the government, and if I may, the President and Vice President and the Attorney General for the excellent work they have done in the first year. Clearly visionary and far sighted, the government has been doing its best, but they have a few Achilles heel — one of whom is an individual at GO-Invest.
Editor, this individual has been summoning project officers from GO-Invest, much to their displeasure and annoyance, to discuss their files. He has been contacting these investors and promising them the stars and the moon in return for them using his firm and business places. This, Editor, is corruption at its zenith.
It is difficult for the PPP to condemn APNU’s corruption, albeit justified, and within their own palace the crooks proliferate. People are looking. They are assessing. And they are forming opinions. 2025 will be no walk in the park unless these sores are excised.

Carl Roopchand

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Nonsense. The Jorgons got their kicks out of koolie crabdog fighting up other East Indian politicians who they saw as s threats to their rule over Guyanese East Indians.

aloo - you're like a broken record

@Former Member posted:

uncle cheddi & aunty janet jumbies haunting him

he's mad because uncle "jorgon" left him standing there in his white short pants and tennis racket and won't let him play tennis with uncle Jorgon's kids.

@Former Member posted:

he's mad because uncle "jorgon" left him standing there in his white short pants and tennis racket and won't let him play tennis with uncle Jorgon's kids.

Part of the problem was his nuts were dangling below the pant leg.


Jagan free of corruptions? That man allowed his ministers to steal by pretending he did not know about it. Examination of their lives pre-1992 and just in 2 years after being in government how much they have openly shown to the public. Bribes of gold chains and barrel shipments, kick back from public works, Go-Invest take from suggesting certain lawyers to register companies-US$1500.00 to register a company and Articles of Incorporations. And one had to pay.

So bad it was that Jagdeo cautioned me not to pay any bribes. Corruption was so much, even Jagdeo couldn't see everything. Eventually, Mansoor Nadir would seize my assets for no good reason.

Dem razz still theifing and I posted that about 2 weeks ago at the Backdam about their Kulie Saints. Ofcourse I got a buised down, cuzz down and how I thief government land. Shallow ppl over deh with plenty bigot opinions.

I doan know how a Guyanese can run a racist site.


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