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Could the daily suicide in Guyana help the coalition government to stay in power beyond 2020 by decreasing the Indian population as the PPP coined the word "extermination" on one section of society? Could it be an alternative method, putting all the facts together that the government is NOT prioritizing suicide as a national issue facing the country? One can look at all the facts and make a knowledgeable assumption that the government is pushing the Indian to self destruction, while paying much attention to its Afro base.    

Example: Firing all Indians and replacing them with Afros. Releasing criminals without accountability to the public. Most Indian and Indian business are prime targets for murder and robbery. This and many more reasons can lead Indian to survival depression where there is no hope than to end your life. This becomes a ripple effect toward depression. Could all of this be a conspiracy theory to exterminate the Indians on many fronts?

The daunting question must be asked.



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Cobra posted:

Caribny, you need to ease up on the Indo KKK. Somebody need to take note of it. I am offended. 

Your comments about blacks are the SAME as that of the white KKK, so why should I ease up?

If blacks came here laughing about "coolie cocktail" and Indo suicides you wouldn't like it.

Yet you and your buddies daily go forth screaming about black savagery.

caribny posted:
. Most Indian and Indian business are prime targets for murder and robbery.



I said yesterday that by today the Indo KKK would resume peddling the lie that only blacks are criminals.  This when MORE evidence was offered that Indians are also involved in crime.

I was proven RIGHT!

Yes, quite right!


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