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Craig woman reportedly killed by supernatural forces

Craig woman reportedly killed by supernatural forces


A 43-year-old mother of five was yesterday morning found dead, face down in a drain at Craig, East Bank Demerara, where she lives. 

Initial suggestions by relatives are that the woman, Marcelle Cummings, was killed by some supernatural force which has been troubling her since last Tuesday.
Marcelle who once worked as a conductress on a minibus that she owned and more recently with a fishing trawler company reportedly documented her life and the way she would meet her demise. This was confirmed when relatives yesterday morning discovered two exercise books with the woman’s handwriting in which she has been chronicling her life’s challenges.
According to her relatives, of significance is the fact that in the books which no family members knew existed was the details of how the mother of five would meet her demise.
Uncannily, when her body was discovered in a drain yesterday morning, the position she was in and the location were just as she had documented in the books. The books were found under her bed at their home at lot 183 Third Street Craig, East Bank Demerara.
When the Guyana Chronicle visited the area yesterday, the persons in front of whose home the woman was discovered in the drain said that they retired to bed as early as 20:00hrs Saturday night. However, when one of them looked out yesterday morning the woman was seen lying in the ditch, motionless. An alarm was raised and the police were called in.
Over at the home of the dead woman, her brother spoke about his sister’s strange behaviour recently, which relatives, villagers, church members and co-workers noticed since last week Tuesday. Ivor Cummings told this publication that his sister related to him a dream where there were lots of money on the road and every time she attempted to pick up some, it would just disappear.

He explained that the dream meant to her that someone might be robbing her spiritually. Ivor told this publication that ever since that dream his sister began praying day and night and had been rallying her relatives to do the same, telling them she was involved in spiritual warfare.
It was reported too that since the woman got the strange dream, she started hearing from her relatives who had not contacted her for quite a while, including her children who remitted monies to her to repair her minibus which had been parked at a mechanic shop for some six months.
Ivor spoke too about his sister getting up in the wee hours of the morning and praying so loudly that she awoke the village. He recalled one prayer session in which the woman was speaking to elements which were not visible to the eyes of those around her.
This publication was told that the woman’s behaviour got relatives very concerned and escalated on Saturday when co-workers called them to remove her from the worksite as her behaviour had become abnormal.
Ivor said that when he went to pick up his sister at her workplace, her resistance was so strong that it took three persons to wrestle her into a minibus. The woman kept telling her bother that she needed to pray every five minutes and if she did not do that she would die.
Meanwhile yesterday she quietly slipped out of her room and went into the yard but relatives did not raise an alarm since they were now familiar of her early prayer sessions at all corners of her home and the yard. That was approximately 04:30hrs.
Subsequently, about six persons began looking for the woman in her room and in the yard and realised that she was missing. Her brother said that since she had invited her other brother and his children to come by the house so that they can go to church together, he thought that she might have been walking to Diamond to reach her brother’s place.
Calls to her brother’s home, however, went unanswered. In the meantime, a relative saw a crowd building at a street in the village and after enquiring about the commotion, the family heard that Marcelle had been found dead and was lying face down in a drain. Relatives immediately rushed to the scene where they were able to positively identify the mother of five.
The police yesterday confirmed that the woman had no marks of violence on her body. After the police and the undertakers from Lykens’s Funeral Parlour moved the body from the location, en route to Georgetown they stopped at the Diamond Regional Hospital where a doctor confirmed that she was indeed dead.
Written By Leroy Smith

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