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Could Trump Win The Nobel Peace Prize?

With the unthinkable now cautiously possible, peace between North and South Korea, speculation about President Donald Trump becoming a Nobel Peace Prize winner has begun. If peace in the Korean Peninsula truly happens, the Nobel committee could be left with a difficult choice regarding Trump’s candidacy.

Recognizing those who helped bring peace to the region would seem like an easy choice, but a decision to give Trump the award could force the Nobel Prize committee into a fierce political debate on whether a man who has openly mocked foreign leaders, launched multiple airstrikes and has threatened war, deserves an award for peace.


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The man threatened to bomb NK "like never seen before". Nothing peace worthy in that threat. NK & SK are probably working together to keep madman Trump out of the Korean Peninsula. 


The leader of China should be given the Nobel Peace prize, he was the one who met both leaders and arrange the North and South meeting. It is also the best interest to have America out of the region and allow China, North and South Korea and Japan to create their own Asian Basin for trade and Peace.


The Space Defense Initiative (SDI) was intended to protect America from ICBM, and more so, to make nuclear weapon obsolete. What Regan saw then, is what North Koreas was doing to threatened America and its allies with nuclear weapons. Nuclear threats will always be a problem for peaceful nations. Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty is not a guarantee to keep world peace. Therefore, The United States must acquire advanced weaponry to counter them. The cost of safety and protection should never be burdensome for anyone. That said, the (SDI) is still very much in the works. Russia has acknowledged that the United States is building weaponry in space. Who can deny that? I believe America is building a secret space defense system on the moon.

seignet posted:

Once again THE MAN will defy the odds. As it is said of Ghengis Khan, so also is the Trump. He is CHARMED. 

There is a force on him-good or bad. Who knows?

If there is a true breakthrough in NK, Trump will be in the running. Many detractors will try to torpedo it, but the Norwegians will be objective.

sore losers will get screwed over again..... without KY.... more soriness on the way!


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