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@Django posted:

What will be the declaration ? GECOM headed by a former Justice have lots of Power given by the Gazetted Recount Order .Will Burnhan Constitution suffice ?

The opposition Former AG ,brought contempt proceedings against the Chairman and others of the Commission,then backs out for insufficient evidence.

Publicly he backed out because of insufficient evidence. In reality it was a tactical move. It makes no sense at this nail biting moment to prolong the case and probably obstruct declaration by GECOM. 

@Former Member posted:

Publicly he backed out because of insufficient evidence. In reality it was a tactical move. It makes no sense at this nail biting moment to prolong the case and probably obstruct declaration by GECOM. 

I agree. This was likely part of a back office deal to reduce the temperature and allow him to leave Guyana. BJ’s statesmanlike comments dovetail with this but I think he and the PM will take steps to clean house over a period of time. The commissioner of police is already pass his statutory age of retirement.  So that’s easy. 

Breaking news: APNU+AFC GECOM Commissioner Mr. Vincent Alexander confirms that Coalition Commissioners have submitted to GECOM Chair Justice Claudette Singh that the March 2nd General and Regional Elections do not reflect the will of the Guyanese people due to widespread anomalies. Mr. Vincent Alexander further stated that his submission recommends new elections.
Madam Chair is expected to make her decision at 3:30 when the Commission meeting resumes.

BREAKING NEWS: GECOM decides to declare PPP/C winners of 2020 Elections

, Source -

The Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission Justice Claudette Singh has decided to declare the Peoples Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) as the winners of the 2020 General and Regional Elections – in keeping with the reports submitted by the Chief Elections Officer Keith Lowenfield and the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Team.

INews understands that Lowenfield has since been directed to prepare a report under Section 96 of the Representation of the Peoples Act, using the totals generated from the recount.

The figures show that the PPP/C secured 233,336 votes while the APNU/AFC garnered 217,920 – a difference of 15,416 votes.

[This is a developing story and more details will be provided as it becomes available]’s General Secretary Bharrat Jagdeo, Presidential Candidate Irfaan Ali, and Prime Ministerial Candidate Mark Phillips


Note by Demerara_ Guy ...

Section 96 of the Representation of the Peoples Act



96. The Chief Election Officer shall calculate the total number of valid votes of electors which have been cast for each list of candidates and thereupon shall ascertain the result of the election in accordance with sections 97 and 98.


   1. The total number of votes cast for all the lists of candidates shall be divided by fifty-three and the whole number resulting from that division shall be known as "the electoral quota".

  2. The number of votes cast for any list shall be divided by the electoral quota; there shall be allocated to that list a number of seats equal to the whole number resulting from that division; and the number of votes represented by a fraction so resulting shall be known as "surplus votes" of the list; and if the number of votes cast in accordance with this Act for any list is less than the electoral quota, those votes shall accordingly be treated as surplus votes of that list.

  3. Any seat or seats remaining unallocated after seats have been allocated in accordance with subsection (2) shall be allocated as follows-

     a. one seat shall be allocated to the list with the largest number of surplus votes;

    b. if the number of seats so remaining is two or more, one seat shall be allocated to the list with the next largest number of surplus votes, and so on until all the seats so remaining have been allocated;

   c. for the purposes of this paragraph, where two or more lists have equal numbers of surplus votes, then lots shall be drawn by the Chairman of the Commission in the presence of the representatives of the lists affected to determine which list or lists shall be deemed to have more surplus votes than the other list or lists.

 4. For the purposes of the foregoing provisions of this section a combination of lists shall be treated as one list.

 5. The seats allocated to a combination of lists shall be allocated among the lists comprised in the combination in accordance with subsections (2) and (3), the electoral quota for that purpose being the whole number found by dividing the total number of votes cast for the combination of lists by the number of seats allocated to the combination.

Representation of the Peoples Act

Source -


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