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Couple found dead on seawall

– suicide suspected

The bodies of a young couple were on Monday found on the Kingston, seawall, Georgetown, in the vicinity of CID

The bodies at the seawall on Monday evening

The bodies at the seawall on Monday evening

headquarters, Eve Leary. Up to press time, the identities of the persons were not yet known. Guyana Times understands the couple were spotted walking along the seawall at about 12:00h. Passersby made the discovery at about 17:15h. At the time of sighting the young man was wearing a black jeans along with a white armless vest and black socks while the female was wearing a green jeans and black t-shirt. Both persons, who appears to be in their 20’s are of East Indian decent. Based on reports, a bucket containing a poisonous chemical was found in close proximity along with several packets of medications. This led police to suspect the couple may have committed suicide. It is suspected the couple drank the poisonous substance before walking into the Atlantic Ocean but due to the current of the water, they were washed ashore quickly. The police have taken the medication and other items into evidence as they continue their investigations. When Guyana Times arrived at the scene, the bodies were already removed and taken to Lyken’s Funeral Home to await post mortem. When contacted, Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum told Guyana Times that from all indications, it seems the couple had committed suicide. The police nevertheless have launched an investigation into the discovery.

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Both persons, who appears to be in their 20’s are of East Indian decent. Based on reports, a bucket containing a poisonous chemical was found in close proximity along with several packets of medications. This led police to suspect the couple may have committed suicide. It is suspected the couple drank the poisonous substance before walking into the Atlantic Ocean but due to the current of the water, they were washed ashore quickly.


What the skvnt he is doing about it? Suicides has been happening before this young couple took their lives after seeing Granger face. 



Last edited by Former Member

This suicide thing can only be solved by one way - JOB JOB JOB and medical help.


The government cannot get into people private business.


If boy like girl and girl like boy but parents do not agree, guess what - that is not the business of the government.


If girl had good job and boy had good job, they can move out.


Education is important.


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