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Among the list of persons delinquent with their rates and taxes that are currently the subject of court action is none other than the wife of the city Mayor himself. Jennifer Basdeo Green, wife of Georgetown Mayor and PNC executive member, Hamilton Green, was named as a tax delinquent in proceedings instituted on behalf of the city. Basdeo - Green owes $10,145,631.00 which represents rates and taxes from 1997 to 2013. The matter has been fixed for hearing on the 22nd of October, 2013 at 9.00 a.m. in Court 8 at the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court.

The cash strapped council has been the scene of a battle between Mayor Green and the acting Town Clerk Carol Sooba over her attempts to rid the council of corrupt practices and massive mismanagement. She has had to contend with opposition from Green who for obvious reasons continues to resist her attempts. Green often points to the lack of funds when confronted about the current garbage-filled state of the capital city. However, several reports commissioned by the government have pointed to corruption, over staffing, poor rate and taxes collection and other forms of mismanagement.

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